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Request :)

Post by sabbath siren » Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:40 pm

Hi, MB!  Been a little while, hope you're all well and enjoying life :)

When time permits, I would be grateful for some guidance regarding relationships.  I've been mostly single for about nine years and I'm wondering what's on the horizon.

My name is Peta (female) and I'm 36 years old.

Humble thanks x

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:24 pm

Hi Peta, Image

Welcome back Aussie!

If you are not already in an existing relationship, then I am unfortunately unable to give you a relationship reading for a relationship you do not have. Also please remember that readings given here are normally only thought to refer to a period of the next six months. With due respect while there is always the possibility that you will meet that special person or soul mate, get to know him well enough to feel that there could be a future for you as a couple and for him to profess his undying love for you and make a commitment to having a long term relationship, to be honest the probability of it all happening in the space of 24 weeks is reasonably low.

I would suggest that instead of asking the reading to predict what the future will be with regards to you finding a suitable partner (and making me out to be a fortune teller instead of an intuitive reader in the process) that you might prefer to ask a much more self empowering question such as.........

"What could I practically do within the next six months to significantly increase my chances of finding true love with the man of my dreams"?

Another way of saying much the same thing is that your question should be more focussed upon how you could consciously take a more active role in creating a much better social and love life for yourself in the future, when compared to what is the current situation.

Now this might sound a bit strange at first, but although after nine years effectively by yourself you are obvious feeling desperate to find him before your biological clock runs down, you have got used to and surprisingly comfortable with the reality of living alone, and not having someone else to tie you down or to tell you what to do. Out of necessity you have made yourself even more independent of what other people might think. You have been forced by your circumstances to have a tougher skin to protect you from ever having your feelings hurt again, and if you start living with a man you may then find taking down this defensive wall you have erected around your woman's heart more difficult than expected.

OK, so what are you regularly doing in order to greatly increase your own chances that love will find you? The first thing you will need to do is to get out of your home sand mix socially with men of a similar age group to your own, with whom you share some common interests other than that you are both looking for a romantic partner. What qualities are you looking for in him, and what personality traits of his would you be unable or unwilling to accept in a person you are living with 24/7? If you could not stand living with a person with a serious gambling habit, do not go looking for your future mate in a casino. If you want someone who will be with you every day to tell you repeatedly how much he loves you and bring you flowers, do not get too involved with someone who is already a high powered executive who constantly travels as an essential and ongoing part of his job. While there is a certain element of luck or chance in all this, you really need to do everything you can think of doing with the intention to help yourself and to tip the scales of love more in your own favour.  

And the insights obtained from your reading so far are only made stronger by your featured card, which was the Ten of Wands.

Any card which is a member of the Wands suit is thought to represent the type of person who prefers if possible to be in the driver's seat or mainly in control of all aspects of her life at the same time. A woman who takes a highly creative and active approach to making a life and future for herself, instead of assuming that the future will make itself without any further effort on her part. Not someone who just says what she would do, but someone who is able and willing to go outside of her own comfort zone, feel the fear but do it anyway.  Someone who is willing to take calculated risks to be able to get what or whom she wants in life. Someone who is not willing to indefinitely sit by as a passive observer of her life, but will get in there and get her hands dirty if necessary.

The Ten of Wands specifically is usually interpreted to mean that to be able to reduce our total emotional load or levels of stress we are under, it is a good plan to spread or share the load with other people. But to be able to feel comfortable to share your problems with others you first need to learn to trust them all over again. This is where taking down those defensive walls built around your heart during those nine plus years becomes so critically important. You are like most people whom through no fault of their own have had little luck with love.

To be able to do this, you first need to feel that it is safe to do so. You need to feel  that this man sees you essentially as the only woman for him presently alive on the planet, and that he values and respects you for being the wonderful woman you already are, instead of wanting to change you into someone whom you are not. Walls are generally not very selective. They may keep good feelings as well as bad or hurtful feelings out simultaneously. But you need those good feelings to make you feel that what you have sacrificed will be worth giving up, to exchange it for something even better. If the walls are too tough or too high (or both) then you may need professional, qualified assistance in weakening their foundations.

After nine plus years, this may indeed be necessary to stop you having to scratch away parts of the wall slowly and painfully as if with your own bare hands. The Ten of Wands is offering you a powerful pneumatic drill (in the form of a trained and qualified counsellor or doctor to provide you with moral and emotional support) instead of always having to make do with your bloodied hands to take down that wall a minute piece at a time, and finally after a long, long time allow the love to flow in and out easily once again.

Hoping that you may find something relevant and useful to you from the above in the way of increasing your chances of finding the true love and happiness which you so richly deserve, during the period between now and the middle of October (approximately six months).

Many blessings of love and joy are now heading in your direction,

eye_of_tiger Image

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Post by sabbath siren » Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:11 pm

Okay, I should have put more thought into this.  I apologize that you had to explain why when I know you probably have to explain this to people over and over and, by now, I should know better.  It was quite lazy on my part and that does nothing to honor the energy you are putting at my disposal so unselfishly by offering to read for me.  I promise to always return that respect in the future.

I have to tell you, eye_of_tiger, in my job there are also one or two facts of life with which I find myself repeatedly schooling the people I meet there each day.  There's a particular tone I use.  I giggled (but just a little bit) when I read that tone in your post, just now...  
Next time around, I'll be so contextual and concise, you'll have to be sitting down!    :smt117

Hope you're well and I'm sending love, too.
Peta x

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Words have their limitations

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:59 pm

Peta,   :)

I am always pleased to be of help to you through a reading, and often it is so that the quality and usefulness of a reading is largely determined by the amount of careful thought which has gone into coming up with the exact the question which you wish to ask. The quality of the output is mainly decided by the quality of the input.

It is not so much laziness (you are anything but being mentally lazy in my opinion), but comes from people often assuming that we as readers have special powers and can accurately and consistently read the contents of your thoughts, instead of what I believe we do read your energies and personality.

I always do my readings while fully seated, so you do not have to worry about me collapsing on the floor under the load of all that you are going to tell me about what happens to you at work.

I already have a fairly good idea from reading between the lines of what you typed as to what you are likely to tell me next time about how you interact with your fellow workers, but I do not want upstage you and allow any of my own assumptions to get in the way of the reading itself, and accordingly I will wait until then to see if we agree about this as part of my next month's effort on your behalf.

While you are always welcome to be more contextual and concise in your future readings, don't at the same time get too bogged down with splitting words or definitions, or accusing yourself for not having taken enough time or trouble to properly think about your question.

If something is to be revealed in your best interests it will only happen at the proper time which we usually do not get to decide. If the time is not yet right for a truth to reveal itself, taking extreme care to choose your exact words is really not going to help speed things along according to your own rigid time schedule.

Some things cannot be easily expressed by or translated in mere words, and it is frequently those things which turn out in the end to be most important of all in me being able to help you through a reading.

EoT Image

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