Reading please?

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Reading please?

Post by alise » Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:53 pm

Could i please have a reading? I have a lot going on around me right now both good things and bad. If you could just tell me what ever you pick up on that would be great :) I can give more details if needed. Thank you so much! :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:03 pm

Dear Alise,  :smt017

Please do both me and yourself a great favour by not providing me with any further details beyond those which are needed. ... 135#275135

I have previously given you a general reading about much of what you are asking us again here on August 12th of this year, to which I never received any response from you.

Added to your question in the Family and Parenting forum posted only within the last 24 hours, it is the pattern of someone who is highly intelligent and caring, but who also at the same time often tries too hard to be the person who everybody else wants her to be, instead of being herself and no always valuing and respecting the opinions of others about what is good or right for her and her young daughter, above her own. ... highlight=

With due respect to you and as you have asked us for help with this confusing and frustrating situation you currently find yourself in, many of your problems appear to stem from you attempting to help and please everyone else and never having any time or energy left over to help and please yourself.

You have based upon what I am reading about you both in August and now in the month of October with the very best of intentions to become a super-woman and super-mother, tended to give the needs and expectations of other people a much higher priority than your own.

While to a certain extent helping others is both a good thing as well as a positive quality for you or anyone to possess, when does the proper time arrive for you to help yourself and to get at least some of your own equally important needs met as well in the process?

The help and support which you are seeking is and has always been available to you if you are or were able and willing to recognise and accept it for what it is, but God prefers to first help those people most who do what they can o help themselves.

By doing things for others when they would be far better off learning to do what they are fully capable of doing for themselves, you are neither helping yourself nor them in the long run.

By constantly worrying about what other people might think about you as a person and as a mother of a four year old daughter who is doing her very best under what are undoubtedly very adverse conditions which could have easily destroyed a lesser person than herself, you are not valuing and respecting yourself.

To value and respect yourself is the true definition of what self love is?

Learning to love (value and respect) yourself more is consequently based upon both readings seen to be your greatest challenge during the next six months or so (which is the commonly accepted period of time thought to be covered by a reading of this type).  

Once you really begin to do this regularly (love yourself for whom you already are), the negative things in your life will no longer seem so frightening or overpowering of your ability to deal with them in your usual competent manner, and the blessings and good things in your life which are BTW many will then multiply out of all expected proportions.

One of the greatest blessings currently in your life I feel is your little girl, who is actually I am sensing an old, wise and loving soul who happens at present to be in a much younger body, and whom has been sent specifically to help you learn to love and appreciate yourself more for being the beautiful person you are inside.

This truth will become clearer to you with the luxury of hindsight, as your daughter grows into a lovely, intelligent and spiritually wise young woman who could not have had  a better mother than you are to her when she was growing up.

So in way you are here to teach her some lessons, and she is here to teach you some lessons as well.

You both must be doing something right, or this arrangement would not have been either possible or practical.

The evidence that you are a good person and a good mother is staring you squarely in the face in the form of your daughter, as well as in what you have still been able to achieve in spite of any obstacles which have been placed in your path.

Draw both strength and comfort  in order to help you overcome any future challenges from knowing that it is hardly a coincidence that out of every other woman alive in the world at the moment, your daughter chose you and you alone to be her mother this time around.

May your God go with you both always,

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Post by alise » Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:06 am

Thank you for your insight and i am sorry i did not reply to your last reading but it gave me alot to think about and when that happens i like to reply in full as you have given so much of your time, I dont want to give you a short unthought out reply. And i have very very limited time on the computer (only on my smoke breaks). So i waited to reply then time got the best of me and i spaced it. Sorry :(

"Sorry for providing more details" But to be honest I think i was going a different rout than what you think i was. The good things are me and my husbands new jobs, with that i hoped maybe for guidance or an idea of how it may help us down the road financially? And the bad is a friend of mine that might be to much for me to handle and she seems to bring me down but i see good things about her to. With this was hoping to get help understanding what is seen from the outside of our friendship. Not in a judgmental way but is it ever going to get better? I am close to cutting the friendship off and i dont normally do that. So i just wanted some outside advice.

I just kept it general as not to soil the info received. Maybe my friend situation is what you speak of? As alot of what you said is how she can make me feel. I was surprised about how negative you feel me to be about myself because I feel better in my life than I have felt in awhile. But Im sure there is still room to grow as there always is. But I dont see how it is wrong to post another post in a different area within 24 hours? Im not worried about people judging me for not having my daughter in preschool i was just trying to find out how important it is in general for kids.

I love what you said about my daughter. I do believe she is an old soul. And an amazing and intelligent girl, and we will teach each other lots. My son is also amazing but a total terror :)

Thank you again for the reading and your time and energy :)

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Some closing comments to help clear the air of any possible misunderstandings

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:10 pm

Alise, Image

Any feedback about your previous reading is always much appreciated, before your next request is looked at, even if it is only a couple of lines written to say that there are no further outstanding questions and you are happy with your reading as it stands. I would not want you to feel that you are required to write a virtual Gone With The Wind before you are once more eligible to request another reading from me. As some sites other than this one do require as a condition of your membership continuing. No highly detailed feedback essentially means goodbye to you as a registered member on those sites. But not here. Let us hope that it never needs to happen here, as I feel that it makes the good working relationship between the reader and member asking for help an artificial and forced one, based only out of a feeling of you having to do it whether you really want to or mean it or not.

Especially feedback of such a high quality and usefulness to me as you have just so kindly provided concerning my most recent effort on your behalf.

It tells me considerably more about your overall positive (as even the most positive people still have their bad days now and then) and fighting spirit than pages of extra information could ever possibly do.
But I don't see how it is wrong to post another post in a different area within 24 hours?
Neither do I.

What I said or thought I had said was that your quick follow-up posting in the Family and Parenting forum in combination with your reading requests in August as well as in the present moment give me a clearer picture of your personality strengths as well as in turn the main lessons which you have come here to learn. It is cross-posting the same request in more than one of the various reading forums within the same 30 day period which is both actively discouraged as once one of those requests is responded to with a reading, any others automatically become invalid anyway.
I was surprised about how negative you feel me to be about myself because I feel better in my life than I have felt in awhile.

Although you must still have your bad days just like everyone else does, I have never consciously suggested that you regarded yourself in an overly negative light. Once again I feel that you have misinterpreted the true intention behind the part of the reading to which I believe you are referring here.

Which was I think and please correct me if I am wrong.........
With due respect to you and as you have asked us for help with this confusing and frustrating situation you currently find yourself in, many of your problems appear to stem from you attempting to help and please everyone else and never having any time or energy left over to help and please yourself.
Your not having any time or energy left over in reserve at the end of each day to be able to get some of your own equally important needs satisfied as well as you helping others get their needs met is a direct consequence of both your sensitive and caring nature in wanting to help others (which is something which I always admire in a person), in addition that there are only 24 hours in every day, no matter who we are. This is not in any way to be seen as suggesting that you are negative about yourself, but it was attempting to make the point that even such a positive thing as this can be taken too far, with potential negative consequences to your happiness and your ability to cope in other areas of your life at the same time.
But I'm sure there is still room to grow as there always is.
Absolutely, although your problem has never been because you are or have been overly negative about yourself. You have however at times had unrealistically high expectations about what you are or were capable of doing to be able help another person. Even your friend who could very soon become your ex friend if you do decide to break off the friendship because it seems to be getting you nowhere fast and depleting you of so much of your valuable but limited time and energy has her positive qualities like everyone else. Which is why it is so difficult to feel the need to break off your friendship with her for both your own and your daughter's sake. Often the best possible way to show a person how much you love and respect them is to release them from any feeling that they are obliged to stay. Let them go with love. If they eventually decide to come back to you and heal your relationship with them under their own terms and not because they feel they owe it to you to do so, then what healing happens should be more complete and longer lasting.
I love what you said about my daughter. I do believe she is an old soul. And an amazing and intelligent girl, and we will teach each other lots.
This came through very strongly in your reading, especially as I do not often get that type of information through my readings. Past life analysis is definitely not one of my usual intuitive strengths, so when it does happen which is fairly rare I probably notice it more than a person who does that type of reading on a much more regular basis.
My son is also amazing but a total terror.
Your son was not mentioned in this particular reading, but it is obvious that one of the main lessons he has come to teach you is patience with him being so much of a "terror" (your words and not mine), as well as your great feelings of love for him as your boy, which shine through to me.

Thank you again for the reading and your time and energy
It was both my pleasure and privilege to read for you, as always.


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Post by alise » Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:13 am

Im sorry i misunderstood you about the reading within 24 hours thing. Oops :) I do have to agree that I have a tendency to think i can help everyone and can definitely wear myself out. I understand what you are trying to say now and it really does hit home. And it made me actually slow down and realize how thin i am stretching myself. But it is hard in a world wear there is never enough time to do everything you need to! But that is everyones problem not just mine I guess we all have to figure out what works best and roll with it :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:13 pm

Alise, :smt020

Your considered response to my last posting is like beautiful music to my ears.

As both your reader and friend I can only encourage you to keep up the good work which you are already doing, and to never be tempted to give up either on yourself, or upon life in general.

While it is true that at times life can present us with seemingly impossible challenges, you just never know what unimaginable and pleasant surprises are patiently waiting around the next bend in the road to fill your heart with joy.


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