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Post by jspwe » Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:06 am

Am requesting, at one's leisure, a reading of my present and what direction I should take.  I'd really like to take the time to develop myself spiritually but there is this voice in the back of my head reminding me that everyone I know my age is out with jobs, or finished uni, or starting families.  I feel somewhat of a burden to my family who have really put me up over these last really rough few years for me personally, and if I continue down this development pathway, I may overstay my welcome.

My biggest concern is the financial stability for me and my family.  I already have an idea of what I was sent here to do, I'm just not quite sure whether I should wait for it to come to me, or whether I should be trying to seize it.


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Within the next 3 years is felt to be both more realistic and attainable for you

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:35 am

Welcome to you my friend, Image

Firstly I would like to welcome you to this reading forum, and/or this spiritual online community.
I'm just not quite sure whether I should wait for it to come to me, or whether I should be trying to seize it.
Probably the answer to this question is a little bit of both. To a certain extent you will have to wait for other factors beyond your own control to be put into place first, before it will then be possible and affordable for you to continue to move forwards once again with your plans. In this specific manner, you will have to wait. But I am not a believer in the idea that good things only come to those of us who are willing to wait indefinitely for them, and not to at the same time do whatever you feel you are able to help yourself in that direction.

How long should one wait? You are the only one who can or has the right to decide when the time for waiting is finally over. If you have been waiting for the last six months and have done everything which you feel is within your personal power or control to do in the way of furthering your cause which is both reasonable and practical, then I feel that the waiting period has come to an end, and that immediate but still carefully considered action is required by you in order to protect both your family and yourself.

I am not talking here about you doing something hasty, silly or dangerous to remove this obstacle from your path, but it must be obvious to you that you need a plan before you begin attempting to break up this temporary stalemate and get things moving again at least in the right direction towards long term financial security for your family, as well as your good self in providing for them. And what is wrong with you taking or seizing something which is and has always already been yours all along?
there is this voice in the back of my head reminding me that everyone I know my age is out with jobs, or finished uni, or starting families. I feel somewhat of a burden to my family who have really put me up over these last really rough few years for me personally, and if I continue down this development pathway, I may overstay my welcome.
With due respect your fear that you might unknowingly overstay your welcome makes you sounds more like a guest or tenant in your own family home than it does make you sound like a family member ,who is both loved and respected by everyone else living in the same house. From what I am reading about you, you could never overstay your welcome, as you are a vital part of the reason why your family has survived for so long up until now, and it would need a special person to fill your shoes or take your place, if you ever left. And I am also feeling that in a manner your family and yourself chose to be together in this current lifetime before you each entered this world, this time around.

In other words it was hardly a coincidence or the product of random chance that you all became members of the same family. Each of you was in turn chosen to share each other's journeys during your present incarnation, specifically because each of you has certain positive qualities and strengths which almost perfectly compliment or fit in with those of other family members. So wipe the mistaken idea completely out of your mind that you are a burden on your family that they cannot wait to free themselves from.

Quite the opposite is true.

While you may be feeling considerable pressure from other people outside of your family to make your own way in the world and begin a new family of your own, most of the pressure to move out before you are fully prepared from your family only exists in your mind. Yes they do eventually want you to be happy, to find love and a good job and settle down with that special someone and perhaps have your union blessed with children, but your parents are also quite capable of recognising that the reality of your situation as well as the current poor state of the economy and the highly insecure job market require you to be better prepared with a firm money foundation behind you, before you take the plunge and wave the family home goodbye.

Actually looking more closely at the attitudes of people outside of your family as they really are to you still living at home through this reading, some of them at least are jealous that they were not able to do the same thing before they were evicted from their family's comfortable nest.

And of course the media in one of it's many different forms is also very guilty of forcing this idea on all of us before we are ready, because people moving away from their family home make better consumers from which the retailers can make their profits. So at least some but definitely not all of the pressure which you are feeling to conform to your society's norms or standards of what is acceptable and what is not, is in your own imagination.

Readings of the type given by me on this forum are thought to only refer to the next six months or so after your original request was made, so I cannot unfortunately make any predictions which are outside that time scale as to whether or not the time for you to finally leave home is approaching. However it will not be within the next six months, so please do not start packing your bags quite yet.

From what you have written it appears that you are still an unemployed student living at home. If you have not already looked into getting extra income support that could possibly take some of the financial load off your family's weekly budget, this would I feel make things a little easier for everyone. Are you presently looking or a part time paid or voluntary job, as even a few extra dollars per week would help and failing that volunteering to help others who are not as well off as yourself through little or no fault of their own could significantly boost you sense of self esteem and self respect.

It feels wonderful helping others even without any expectation of financial or material reward, and volunteering is the best way if you cannot get a paid position to make you feel better about yourself. The longer you are unemployed, the less employable you become to your prospective boss. If you are already working even at a voluntary job, you are often preferred over other applicants who are not, when it gets to the interview stage for a more permanent and paid position.

And the feeling of personal and spiritual satisfaction that such work will offer you will be heard clearly by your body's own immune defence system. Above all at this time you really need to take better care of yourself, and not be afraid to seek a medical advice from a qualified doctor if you develop any worrying health problems or new and unexplained symptoms for more than a week at a time.

Your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health must be carefully maintained during this period as statistics show clearly that unemployed unhappy people on average make better candidates for a hospital bed or premature grave. So the important message behind your reading is to take good care of yourself, for without your health, your chances of getting a decent job and living long enough to have your own family and to to get the rewards for all your hard work in getting there are becoming noticeably slimmer with each passing day.

While it is emphasising the importance for you to carefully manage and conserve what money you already have, without you at the same time taking some calculated or planned risks and making some carefully targeted and wise investments of your money, it is not working properly for you. If you are not yourself working, you need to make what money and saleable skills you already possess work in your maximum favour.

Try to build up a portfolio of a mixture of low and medium risk investments through a  professional financial consultant, if your family is able to afford it. If not at the very least depending on the banks where you are living, look to the possibility of making a moderate amount term deposit over relatively short period of time to give you some extra cash and buying power at a regular period. And do you have any work skills which could also be put to good use in boosting your weekly income?
I'd really like to take the time to develop myself spiritually
Finally I wish to comment on this above point if I may. You make it sound as though your spiritual development is something completely isolated and different from your everyday life, including managing money as best you are able. While it is true that many people pray or meditate as part of their spiritual practises, everyday matters such as these are a vital aspect of anyone's spiritual development just as much as prayer or meditation. You just cannot put one in one box and place the other in another neat bundle, as if they do not relate to one another.

How well you can deal with these common everyday issues will have an effect on your rate of spiritual development, and the other way around as well is true. If you do not practise or apply your spiritual beliefs and moral principles to your chosen means of employment, it might give you a lot of money, but leave you feeling at the same time spiritually poor and lonely. Personal and spiritual development, including our attitudes to money and what it could buy us is a two way thing?

Hoping that this reading has been of some help to you in deciding what is best for your family and yourself, while you are still waiting until the time for you to leave home arrives. It will not be within the next six months bar a miracle, but within the next 3 years is felt to be both more realistic and attainable for you at this particular early stage.


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Post by jspwe » Tue Oct 19, 2010 5:07 am

thanks a lot for the reading.  I will definitely mull this all over and take your advice on board.  Just as feedback I spose everything you said about my family relationship is true, it just took some reminding for me to realise the role I have played over the last 10 years especially.  I am unemployed but not a student, as I have just come out of therapy (4 months) for ptsd / depression which has been ongoing for about 7 years now.  I had been receiving financial support but since therapy is over, the payments have stopped.  Again I appreciate the reading and it will help a great deal

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We are all part of a much bigger worldwide human family

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:59 pm

It is always an intensely satisfying feeling for me to be able to help out a new friend through a reading, and when this person also happens to be another Aussie like myself, I must admit that also being human I am more than ready to be of assistance and support to him or her to the best of my abilities. Does this necessarily mean that I am a bad person for reserving a special place in my heart for any fellow Australian?

I can only make an educated guess as to what lead to you developing post traumatic stress disorder and the associated depression, but having personally suffered with both chronic anxiety and depression for most of my nearly 58 years on this Earth plus at least one major nervous breakdown two years before I married wife wife of nearly 32 years this coming January, I feel that I share some common basis with you in better understanding how difficult it must have been for you during those seven or more years, more than the average person would.

You are very welcome for the reading, and I thank you sincerely in return for your positive and honest feedback, as it does not only help me to help you more effectively in the future, but it also helps me to develop as a reader so that I can help other members better from now on.

BTW although you have just only recently come out of four months therapy, we are all students in the same cosmic classroom which is called life. The more we learn, the more we come to recognise that there is still left for us to learn about ourselves and about other human beings in general.

I am sure that in the light of the fact that you spent those four months in therapy doing your level best to get better and received the extra support money to help balance the family budget during that time, that your parents who love you deeply are not in any way going to now expect you to pay your board when you no longer have the income to do so.

Being depressed frequently causes our way of thinking to become emotionally distorted and twisted, which is why I feel that you really have nothing to worry about in the way of your parents rejecting you, or wanting you to move out of their home until you are reasonably happy and healthy once again and are up to it.

That is what makes the love of our parents so precious. Their love for us is effectively without end and is almost unconditional (only God's love for us is truly unconditional) to the point that they will sacrifice everything for the good of their children, in order to to offer them the best possible start in their life.

And as individuals, we are all part of a much bigger worldwide human family where each of us takes on the role of both a parent and a child at different times.

May your God go with you always,

EoT Image

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