New Year reading EOT

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New Year reading EOT

Post by jspwe » Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:57 pm

hey mate, hope you have had a happy holiday and new year so far.  As I said earlier the option to study has come up but there in lies another problem which as of late has kept me up very early in the morning and that is what to study.  As it draws closer to intake, I'm am presented with more and more options all of which seem so enticing.

I just want to know what you feel I may maintain the most passion for or see me doing well in, as my mind right now is too excited at the possibilities of each course.  I have the options of choosing from music production, animation, creative writing, teaching English, or wildlife care/conservation.

Hopefully you  can help me clear my head a bit and go forward without any real frustration.

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Which of the five careers that you eventually choose, is your choice alone to make

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:14 pm

Hello 2U from your Aussie to Aussie friend, Image

Our Christmas and New Year have both been quiet and relatively uneventful when compared to what most people would feel is reasonable, but we cannot really complain here in South Australia when we watch daily on our TV screens what is happening to at least 22 towns in Queensland with the flood disaster of biblical proportions still in progress.

Are you and your family OK, where you live in Brisbane?

The courage and determination displayed by so many of your state's residents in the face of having lost almost everything including several lives is a great source of inspiration and national pride in us all being Australians.

Rockhampton is only the latest community to feel the full brunt of the deluge as the flood waters gradually move downstream.

My family's thoughts and best wishes are now with all Queenslanders. Let us hope and pray that the worst is now behind you as a state.

But now back to the business of your original question and to giving you the reading for which you are both eligible and welcome. I actually did your reading last night, which was a numerology, career one based entirely on your displayed date of birth of 31st March 1989 in your forum profile.

3+1+3+1+9+8+9=34 3+4=7

Your DOB using basic numerology therefore calculates out to a Life Path Number of SEVEN.
I just want to know what you feel I may maintain the most passion for or see me doing well in, as my mind right now is too excited at the possibilities of each course.  I have the options of choosing from music production, animation, creative writing, teaching English, or wildlife care/conservation.
I wanted to thank you as well for how carefully and brilliantly you thought about and worded your question, as it definitely made my task significantly easier than it would have been otherwise if you had not provided me with adequate background information as you did.

Telling me exactly what options you had to choose from really made things incredibly easier when it came to me matching each of them in turn with the typical personality strengths and weaknesses of the average person who walks the same LPN 7 life path as you do.

Well the bad news is that none of the five options on offer stood out as the one which I could confidently say is the winner when it comes to my predicting at which you will be able to maintain the most passion at or be most successful in doing that job.

As you will soon see below for each of the five choices (which are 1. Music production 2. Animation 3. Creative writing 4. Teaching English and last but not least 5. Wildlife care/conservation) there are at least one or two characteristics on the list that would lead a person to believe that this was the best type of job for you. So if you were looking for a clear cut winner out of the five, then sadly I feel that you are going to be bitterly disappointed by the outcome of this reading.

The good news however is that according to your reading you would equally be able to maintain your passion for and in theory at least be expected to do equally well in any one of the five different occupations. This means basically that you really cannot make a bad decision or go far wrong by choosing one of these and rejecting the other four options when you are in the process of selecting your course.

People with this life path have a high degree of intuition, and a deep understanding of and empathy for the needs of others.

They are drawn to work as: therapists, counsellors, personal trainers, doctors, nurses, cosmetic surgeons, dieticians, secretaries, and hairdressers. They will tend to avoid like the plague any jobs which require them to work closely as part of a team. People on the seven life path are often loners who prefer to do their own thing and strike out on their own, instead of depending on others and working 9 to 5 for someone else.

Because of your inborn intelligence and wisdom, you have the potential to do great things with your life if you can only stay focused well and for long enough. Good career choices for a 7 would also include them becoming a scientist, researcher or inventor. Any job of this general type in which the ability to exercise a high degree of self organisation and self discipline in doing repetitive tasks which could easily bore anyone else to tears could be right up your alley.

You may also be interested in the occult or metaphysical matters as well as science, anthropology, archaeology and religions. Many number 7s are great music lovers and musicians in their own right, as it is an art form that blends the mathematics of sound with spiritual qualities and pursuits, better than in most other types of similar professions.

So in attempting to sort out one of the five career choices as being the only one that is worth bothering about and doing a course to prepare for, this reading falls flat on its face and fails miserably.

But if you were looking to make your own decision, but feel equally confident and comfortable with each of the five different occupations on offer, this reading is a winner in every sense of the accepted meaning of the word. According to what I see and hear from your reading (as I am mainly a psychic hearer myself), I feel that you could equally maintain your passion for and be successful in your own terms in any one of these five different career types.

Which is probably in the long run a fortunate thing as too many people including on this board tend to take predictions made through psychic readings as being set in stone or gospel truth, when to large extent they would most likely do equally well in any job which they believed that they were capable of doing.

Basing such an important decision as to what type of work you will do in your life entirely on the results of a psychic reading is not only unwise, but potentially dangerous. Readings should only be used for general guidance and "entertainment purposes only", when combined with much more solid, reliable and logical information gained from other non psychic sources, when making such a major life decision as this one clearly is.

Hoping that this basic numerology reading both informs and entertains you in helping you to make your mind up between the five,

Take good care of yourself, and stay safe and hopefully dry while deciding which one feels right for you. Use both your intuition and logic when making your selection.

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie. OY! OY! OY!

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Post by jspwe » Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:35 pm

Luckily we don't live in any danger zones.  Of all the rough weather that has ever hit Brisbane, or indeed our suburb, our house dodges all the chaos.  Once again I appreciate the reading and hope you and your family have a safe and happy holiday.

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This is excellent and very welcome news indeed!

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:15 am

Of all the rough weather that has ever hit Brisbane, or indeed our suburb, our house dodges all the chaos.
This is excellent and very welcome news indeed! Image

It was truly fortunate for both you and your family that most of the nasty weather missed your home, as well as from my own point of view as your concerned friend and fellow Aussie.
Once again I appreciate the reading and hope you and your family have a safe and happy holiday.
You are as usual most welcome for any assistance rendered by me on this board, and I only wish for your sake that your reading had given you a more conclusive and definite result in order to help you decide which of the five careers to go with.

Still the way in which your reading eventually worked out in the end was perhaps even better than if it had instead given you a clear result, as it leaves the four remaining doors to change your mind at a later date to another job in the same list if things did not for some unforeseen reason work out as well as you expected them to, fully open.

It is always my pleasure to read for and talk about such spiritual matters and the ongoing challenges of everyday life with you.

Cheers mate,

EoT Image 

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