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Good Afternoon Everyone :)

Post by Leeser » Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:27 pm

Good Day to All and Blessing to All who take the time to read this :)

Short intro,

I stumbled upon the MB website when I awoke from a very vivid dream and tried (as I usually do) to "google," the magic answer  :smt036

I have to say after surfing the boards for a few weeks I am amazed at the positivity that flows throughout the boards!  I also think it's amazingly gracious that readers take the time to share their talents with those who request it, something that you cannot readily find nowdays!  

With that said, I would be very appreciative if someone is able to conduct a reading for me.  I know the "general," reading is very difficult to perform, especially via the internet but I guess I am just looking for some guidance. For me, I feel as though life for the past few years has been more challenging than usual, I guess I'm waiting for "my moment in the sun," so to speak.  Right now I feel stagnant in work and home.  I also feel as though I all ready hit my peak of success in life :(

I'd be very happy if someone could assist me with a little bit more information on where this feeling is heading?  I am more than willing to provide my photo if that assists in your concentration but would only request that you please send  PM so that my photo isn't plastered on the website  :)

Some basis information on myself is that I am 27 years of age, a Taurus through and through, and my birthdate is May 12.  

Thank you very much for your time and considerations!

Love and Light

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Sun Jan 16, 2011 9:45 pm

Hi Leeser :)
I'll get back with your reading in a couple of hours...
What Ill be looking for in your reading is a message .. No photo necessary, you have energy right here.


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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:37 pm

At this point in time you are where you are meant to be. You life if your book in the writing, you are penning it in right now. So chose the theme and allow the energy to bring to the sub plots to the story for reason.
Give your book substance by valuating the challenges; do not let them be a bunch of endless subplots that do not have a reason. Have your challenges, or life sub plots speak, ie learn lessons, grow, and get to know you from these sub plots.
Its possible that your holding on to the struggle of some past challenges. Frustrated that you couldn’t heal it, stop that, and allow it to healed..Take the lesson, take the strength you developed by dealing with it etc actually more precisely I’m getting that you should give these up to your mother for healing.
This is an affirmation that may help you with the release:
“I now release the need to experience this life lesson. I take the teachings that are necessary for me and move on”
( that the Taurus in us that gets these things and holds on to them past their used by date … Im a Taurus and a number 3 too )

It confirmed here that your intuitions are right, change is on its way.. Im just getting you feeling that the changes are not fast enough, and afraid that any change may be yet another painful challenge instead of that “break” you deserve.
Changes have already taken place in fact.. This feeling of being stagnant in the heare and now is you waiting for this positive change to hit you in the face instead of recognizing that the wheels of change are already in motion, and not fully have let go of your past challenges bringing only the lessons “ie learn lessons, grow, and get to know you from these sub plots.”
Im wondering if you are a writer or more specifically a music writer.. Something’s coming through here about music… this along with the strong writing theme and creativity…. Perhaps you have neglected a talent or a hobby that serves you well in the letting go and visualizing the outcomes you wish.
You are asking me, or someone,  how you can just make feelings of positive right now when you are in the doldrums.
Play, play play.. Honestly doing something fun is a necessity on life not a luxury. I cant even think of a detailed picture to paint here because its really is that simple and straight forward. Get in touch with the child in you and let loose something fun. This will bring balance.. IMO Balance is our goal.. not euphoria or some unreal state of blissful happiness. true joy and happiness will come easily to us when we balance things.
So play.!
I don’t know if you have children, but there is a strong child energy around you. Give this child some attention, it is for you as much as for them, attention with play time..This may be an inner child..( Im a bit frustrated that I cant fully see you as the mother or not. ( lol, thi is the challenge of email readings.. but also a blessing of them, in live chat reading I would probably sweep the child energy aside if you are not a mother.. but it really does want to come through here )..

Im going to post this part of the reading now.. Im getting more troubled feelings coming through like your feelings are deeper and darker than you let on, ( not intentially ), it really is hard to address them like that in a blind reading. So forgive me for being brief in the next notes, I would loath to be off track and put things out there are not.
Are you a self punisher that feels guilty? .. Im getting feelings of eradicated self-confidence or worthiness.  Your challenge have chipped away at them.. Quit..
Its like you feel completely deserving of that beak.. the truth is you are..
Your simply awesome.. why do we expect that we should be anything above human, you do deserve the best and you are worthy of the best, there is nothing you could have said or done ever that can change that!.

I hope this has helped some..
Much love to you.
Tammy aka StormGirl Blue

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Post by Leeser » Sun Jan 16, 2011 11:48 pm

Thank you so very much Tammy!

You are so accurate it's all most scary!  I really appreciate you taking the time to help me through this!  It's so nice to hear that it's my inpatience against me and not the universe ;)  

I again thank you for your time, great reading!

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Mon Jan 17, 2011 12:44 am

:) you are very welcome..
Im just the conduit, you can thank your spiritual guardians for finding a way to get the message to you.

OOO I am so like you I had to question that I was on track for you and not me at times.

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