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Reading Please

Post by starsign20002000 » Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:20 am

Could I have a general reading done please?

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Please watch this space for your general reading as requested

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:51 am

From one true blue Aussie to another, Image

Please watch this space for your general reading as requested, some time over the next 24 hours or so, God, my own health and my computer's hardware and software willing.

Regards from South Australia,

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Post by starsign20002000 » Fri Jan 21, 2011 4:32 am

G'day to you also EOT.  
Ok thankyou for letting me know.

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Would you like to swing on a star?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:41 am

Starsign, :smt003

Here is your general reading for this month, as per requested.

As with all general readings I give on this board I am leaving it entirely up to my own inner guidance to determine what it is felt is most important and/or urgent for you to know at this particular moment, with special regards to your optimum growth and development as both a spiritual and human being.

Any matters or issues currently of most concern to you which do not appear in this general reading, can always be looked at in much greater detail than is possible here at some stage in the future as one specific question, while still working within the forum rule about the minimum time between consecutive requests.

Also could I please draw to your attention the restriction that readings are only believed to cover the period of the next six months or so after your original request has been made. So this one only roughly covers up to late July of this year. It is impossible for me to give you a love or relationship reading about a relationship that does not yet exist.

The best I can offer you if this does come up as the topic to be discussed for this month is to offer you any insights which could go some way towards helping you to help yourself in finding the deep and lasting type of love which you so richly deserve. The idea is to help you to significantly increase your own chances of finding a suitable, prospective partner within the next six months. What happens after that is basically up to the both of you to be responsible for.

-------Your general reading begins here-----------

Six of Wands

The keyword for any card in the Wands Tarot suit is MANIFESTATION - making what up until now was only a thought or inner plan appear or manifest in the physical, outer world through your own efforts. This is therefore a card which best represents a person who is unwilling to take a passive, back seat or spectator role in her own life, but always prefers to be continually active, in the driver's seat, and a doer instead of a watcher. Someone who does not take fools lightly and is determined to be a co-creator in her own future, instead of wanting to predict what it might be. Any of the four sixes on the Tarot are commonly associated with a phase of restored balance and harmony, often after a period of relative unrest and confusion. It suggests that you are about to have an instant moment of recognition about possible and brilliant solutions to your current problems, that have for some reason only known to yourself evaded you in the past. A new point of balance or equilibrium is to be reached, but the bad news is that it will only be temporary, until things begin shifting again. Specifically the Six of Wands is mainly about an approaching victory over the lower and more negative and pessimistic aspects of one's personality, and to stop you feeling as though you are expected to handle every problem which you encounter on your life path, entirely using your own limited resources. This is NOT the time to be a hero or martyr to your cause. In order to manifest your dreams and ambitions and to at the same time not destroy yourself or your health in the process, you will require the willing and friendly help and co-operation of a host of different professional and non professional people as your friends and allies.


Justice can either be interpreted in the common sense of the meaning of the word to mean that you are about to if not already be involved with legal or court proceedings, which are likely to be to your advantage but only if you can keep your cool long enough and have your evidence and claims fully prepared before the case comes to the hearing. If you are not confident enough to represent your own interests during said proceedings (and I would not be confident if I was not a top lawyer myself), then get as good and affordable legal counsel or a representative as your money can buy or give you. As is suggested by the suspended scales of Justice which the seated figure in red robes holds in his or her left hand (the left side of the body always being associated with the use of logic and deduction based upon solid evidence), Justice can also have an alternate meaning, in that it refers to a balancing of each cause with its corresponding effect or consequence. So instead of it referring in particular to a possible legal or court case coming up for you in the future, it could equally mean that you must learn through direct experience the potential positive and negative consequences of your actions, and take increased responsibility for those consequences. You can either accept this prediction as a personal challenge which you are quite up to meeting and overcoming, or use it to scare yourself so much that it becomes an excuse not to try to improve your own situation. This is one of those times when the outcome of your lesson largely depends upon whether you view what needs to be done during the next six months as either a challenge which excites you, or a problem that will defeat you. Exactly what this situation or challenge might turn out to be, only time and a positive attitude will eventually tell you.

The Star

Without beating around the bush and trying to impress you with my talent as a reader (which I am neither claiming nor defending) by offering you every obscure interpretation I could come up with about The Star, let us simply say that this card featuring in your spread is a wonderful positive omen or sign that you are going to be A STAR, in the way that you are about to experience a major victory (as was also mentioned with regards to your first card) over many of your past emotional challenges which you will no longer allow to hold you back from reaching your full potential, in one or several different life areas. Of course only God and your Higher Self really know what you are truly capable of achieving if your mind and heart are both fully engaged, but that is what you are here to progressively discover throughout your current lifetime, which still has some considerable time to run (barring accidents) before your time on Earth is finally at an end.

So in a nutshell this is the best time for you to either be a rising star on your own personal and/or spiritual horizon OR on the other hand a falling star who has totally spent all her energy and fuel and who is now going out in a blaze of final glory before extinction.

Are you interested in and excited by finding out for yourself over the coming months, which of these you will be?

(Music : Jimmy Van Heusen / Words : Johnny Burke)

Would you like to swing on a star?
Carry moonbeams home in a jar?
And be better off than you are?

Or would you rather be a mule? ... star.shtml

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Post by starsign20002000 » Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:49 am

Thankyou very much for the reading EOT.  I am happily married.  2 bad things have happened last year in November and December, they were 2 deaths.  The first death was a coroners case.  Any problems that do come up I usually try to fix them myself if I cannot fix problems I get help.  Justice card:  No court or legal proceedings at the moment.  Maybe something is going to turn out as a challenge, not sure what yet.  Star Card: Swinging on a star sounds great.  Thanks for the lyrics to the song.

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Post by Lady_Seeta » Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:01 am


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Do not overly concern yourself about any future legal proceedings

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:34 am


It was my pleasure to read for you, and I am sure that you are more than up to meeting any challenges placed in your path, as long as you continue to believe in yourself, and get help when needed as you have already been doing so well.

Thanking you in return for your feedback, your honesty and friendship.

The legal proceedings referred to could potentially be a carry over from those two still very recent deaths.

But whatever it turns out to be, it is not felt to be a valid reason for overly concerning yourself as to what it is.

Just some routine legal matters which still need to be cleared up, is the most likely scenario.

Loving regards,

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Lady Seeta

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:00 am

Dear Lady Seeta,  :)

You have brought up a valid point for discussion.

Yes this is a psychic reading forum, and members are not themselves allowed to specifically request a Tarot reading on this board.

Nor is anyone permitted to in particular request a numerology reading.

However it is left entirely up to the better judgement and inner guidance of the reader to decide what method of divination (if any) is used to supplement or enhance the intuitive readings given on this forum.

Please see my introduction (link below as well as in my forum profile for your reference), which explains the reasons why my use of the Tarot merely as a focus tool neither qualifies this as a formal full spread Tarot reading, or for that matter qualifies me to call myself a Tarot reader of the same very high standard as those who specialise in doing these on a full time basis.

[Sticky: Introducing - eye_of_tiger] ... hp?t=44047

Offering Intuitive Readings using the Tarot cards and basic Numerology merely as tools to focus on, or whatever inspired messages come through for you without necessarily using any tools. While I am not consciously a medium I do at times receive messages from loved ones now in Spirit, which I will pass on to you as and when they are given. Please note that I am not offering a full Tarot or Numerology reading here. These can be requested only on the appropriate forums.

But I respect your right to ask this question, and I sincerely hope that this explanation will be seen to be both adequate and given to you by me in the helping spirit of this forum, and in the direction of keeping good feelings between myself and other more professional readers whom I continue to feel privileged to closely work with on Mystic Boards to serve all valued members wanting this help, to the best of my spiritual gifts and abilities.

Kindest regards 2U,

eye_of_tiger  Image

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