Monthly Reading

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Monthly Reading

Post by CuriousMe » Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:01 am

Hello EoT,

if you aren't too busy working on catching up with the readings u missed during ur absence then id love to get your reading and following advice for the next month, id be very grateful :)

Thanks in advance,

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Getting the edge over your competition, without fighting or killing them

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:00 pm

Hello Mike,  :smt005

Please do not worry about such matters as I am completely up to date with my readings as of yesterday Adelaide time, and I am therefore completely and happily at your service for a reading and some friendly advice, which I know that you will intelligently follow in combination with listening to your own inner teacher as to what is right and best for you in your life to live as you decide to.

To be honest and upfront with you, your focus card for this month's effort which was BTW the Seven of Wands does not come up in my readings all that often, when compared to most of the other cards in the Tarot. And as is also the case with most other cards, whether or not you might view this as necessarily being a good or bad thing is mainly a matter of your own personal viewpoint or perspective.

The Seven of Wands is primarily involved with one's current major life challenges during the next six months, and how to most effectively deal with the competition from other people around you for limited resources (such as getting a job, and earning a comfortable and more than adequate income from it).

I am getting with you the distinct impression from your reading that especially between now and approximately the end of July 2011, that this will be a time for you to make big strides towards preparing yourself as best you are able for eventually entering the workforce, once you have satisfied the requirements for that particular type of job through completing any formal studies.

On the face of this card a young man stands on an elevated piece of ground (it would be a gross exaggeration of the truth to call it a hill) firmly holding a wand in both his hands, using it as a staff in order to defend himself from being attacked by unseen assailants also brandishing a wand or staff, who are lower down than he is and are therefore almost out of sight with the exception of their weapons which are just visible.

To gain the maximum advantage over those people with whom we compete for limited and getting more limited by the day resources (we rarely get into a real fight or battle with other applicants for the same course or job these days), we need to find the "higher ground" or to take the "higher ground".

In the good or bad old days men often had to fight with and be willing to kill each other to get what or whom they wanted (such as a mate). So brute strength and trickery and very quick reflexes often were the qualities which separated those who had from those men who had not.

Finding a higher ground gave that person a strategic advantage, as it allowed him to more clearly assess the situation and him being in danger from a higher vantage point where he could more quickly detect the approaching enemy and take whatever precautions and make whatever preparations were thought to be necessary to repel their attacks.

Big castles on a hill with an excellent view of the surroundings were almost unapproachable without the opponents being detected, and being able to shoot arrows and pour boiling oil over your enemy from a height such that they cannot easily respond without either getting fatally wounded or deep fried was generally a very effective way to come out of the conflict on top, and still alive.

But big castles and pouring boiling oil and shooting arrows at the other people who will be competing with you for the same course or job as yourself in future have basically gone out of fashion in the 21st century (with the possible exception of some emotionally unstable psychopathic killers and terrorists who kill a lot of innocent victims in the process if they do not get their way) and frying your competition like fish and chips is no longer regarded as being socially acceptable behaviour.

In our modern, more civilised (?) society and culture, and with as one of the other members said the world economy still being in the toilet, it is imperative that we instead of using lethal force or boiling cauldrons of oil as our ancestors once did find every way that we are able to beat our opponents to the prize, without having to concurrently terminate them.
The tools or weapons of choice these days are intelligence, thorough preparation beforehand, increased self confidence and a willingness to seek professional advice and support when needed, plus some positive thinking faith and courage thrown into the mixture for good measure.

In addition to these methods of becoming the top dog in your kennel, a willingness to compromise and diversify if necessary can often mean the difference between getting into your chosen course or that job you have always wanted, and being satisfied with much less. Patience, determination, a sense of commitment, self control, self organisation and self discipline.
Consequently I would interpret this card in the context of your reading as a powerful sign or indicator that during the next six monthly period, you should really get down to seriously putting in place the firm foundation for your future career, utilising some of the measures and personality strengths I have suggested in the above two paragraphs in italicised print.

Anything which you can think of using your considerable grey matter (keen intelligence), and which is both practical and affordable as well as which supports or further develops such positive personality traits in order for you to make significant forward progress in the direction of beating your competition, and ultimately claiming your well deserved and earned victory, is what the main message behind this month's reading is trying its very best to communicate to you.  

From your favourite PIC and loyal companion on the long and dusty road of life,

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Post by CuriousMe » Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:55 pm


well that's really interesting that i seem to keep getting these "rare" cards haha. Also i laughed at your boiling people to fish n chips comment as well as your deranged psychopath description... oh man. haha

I would never consider a reading to be negative when it sheds light on how to better deal with the events in my life. However, this reading about a career seems very strange to me because i will be in school for another 6 and a half years. I do, however, strongly hate my current job, though there are few other jobs that a person with my age and experience can do to earn so much.

If you are certain that this is about a career or job then by all means i will embrace any opportunities i can to increase my chances at success.

If however this may be about out competing rivals in school, or much more likely a romantic challenge then this makes more sense to me.

All the same i embrace any opportunities i have to better myself and my chances of success in any area of my life, and i kindly thank you for you monthly reading. As always you leave me excited to face my new challenge.

Thanks again from your PIC,

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Open your mind to new possibilities and ways of thinking and doing

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:10 pm

Mike,  Image

It was my pleasure, I can assure you.

Yes the reading was very definite about it referring to your future career and job, and not having anything to do with matters of the heart, although having a better paying job than the one you have now would certainly not be unwelcome as establishing a relationship can be an expensive exercise these days when you are trying to impress the woman of your affections.

As for it being another six point five years to you completing your education, my feelings are that it will not be quite as long as you planned.

The reading is not simply making wild predictions about something which may or may not happen in six decimal five years time.

The sense of urgency and the high priority being given to this subject while you are still only 19 years of age strongly suggests to me that this event is much closer than you could ever hope to imagine.

Are you seriously telling me that if the position you had always dreamed about in your area of expertise came up to be filled to before you had finished your schooling and the employer recognised that you possessed qualities which would be an asset to his or her company in spite of you having not finished your studies, that you would then turn down the offer because your course still had a couple of years to run?

I sincerely hope that I misinterpreted what I am reading between the lines from what you have written, when someone with all your intelligence and positive qualities of character appears to be willing to throw away what could potentially be a once in a lifetime opportunity, because it must exactly happen exactly the way that you planned it would, or not at all.

Please send me some comforting words to show me that you would never be so narrow minded to think of throwing away what could turn out to be the best job that will ever come your way during your entire lifetime (and bringing with it an increased income and possibly your future life partner), merely because tradition dictates that that things must turn out that way as they have often tended to do in the past.

Successfully living in and adapting to the challenges of the 21st century is going to require a much less narrow and far less traditional way of thinking on your part than has been adequate in the past, and at 19 years of age you are I feel very well placed to enjoy more than your share of success and happiness, but only if you are able and willing to progressively break away from the old restricting habit of thought of seeing your life on a fixed time line check-list, where everything must happen in precisely the same order as it happened to the people living and working in the 20th century.

Throw your Aussie friend a life line by showing me beyond any shadow of a doubt in your response that you would never do such an unwise thing as looking a gift horse in the mouth (turning down the opportunity of a life time), so that I can confidently assume that you are with me about this during our future meetings/conversations/readings on this forum.

Open your mind to new possibilities and ways of thinking and doing, as the traffic light will only stay green for a finite period of time at each major crossroad in your life, and the next six months could very well turn out in hindsight to be one of them (a major crossroad in your working life that is)

Take good care of yourself,

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Post by CuriousMe » Tue Jan 25, 2011 6:29 am


how did you ever get the idea i would throw away my dream job, or one that is equally awesome but i have not considered yet, because i didn't go to school for it? :P

Ask my mother and you will know the level of hate i feel for school, which completely revolves around waking me up in the morning  :smt003. But, in all seriousness i can't imagine turning down something simply because of a lack of education. Yes, there are factors that would weigh heavily, such as the fact i do not want to live in an area that has below 0 temperatures, field of work, pay, etc., but lack of education (provided the job is available without it) would probably not be one.  I mean i won't go all in without looking at the hand im dealt first, but you can count on me to keep an open mind and heart  :smt002

As i stated in my first response, i look forward to bettering myself through whatever means necessary. Whether that means i will be rewarded in 6 months or 6 years.

If there is any doubt left that i would throw away this "opportunity of a lifetime" so easily, then i'm not sure what else to say other than have faith. ;)

From your PIC, pupil, teacher, and friend

P.S. Opportunity of a lifetime? that's how big this is going to be? wow.  :smt112

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Just checking

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:25 am

Mike, :smt003
If there is any doubt left that i would throw away this "opportunity of a lifetime" so easily, then i'm not sure what else to say other than have faith.
These are the words of comfort and the life line I was hoping for.

And as usual, you did not fail to deliver.

My faith that you will take the opportunity given to you as a gift when the ideal time arrives for you to make the move into your new career and job, has now been fully restored.

Just checking!

EoT :smt020

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Never ending curiosity

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:34 pm

Hey Mike, :smt017

It would be my pleasure to answer your deeper, thought provoking questions sent to me through a PM in more detail on this board, as I am required to do according to the forum rules about the open forum policy.

What I actually said was "when someone with all your intelligence and positive qualities of character appears to be willing to throw away what could potentially be a once in a lifetime opportunity........."

Potentially basically means that it is up to you to make the most of the opportunity being offered to you, if what your reading seems to predict does eventually come true.

I never said that it was going to be mind blowing or life altering (both are highly subjective labels which you could apply to the situation, depending on your personal viewpoint as to how good you judge the opportunity to be), so to a certain extent your mind is blowing what I did say out of all reasonable proportion, but at the same time this is definitely to do with a new life career direction and not merely about a summer job or a way of you earning extra pocket money.

When I say career, I mean career.
A chosen pursuit; a profession or occupation. The general course or progression of one's working life or one's professional achievements.

It says that it could be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

You will only be able to determine whether or not it is once in a lifetime after it has happened, if it is then not followed up by another career opportunity which is just as good or even better.

If you are given two major opportunities to begin a new career during one single lifetime, then surely neither of them can be a once in a lifetime opportunity?

The reading is talking over the longer term. Anything up to or equal to the 6.5 years which your schooling still has to go.

Hence the strong feeling I am getting that one way or the other, you are unlikely to stay at school for the entire remaining six and one half years.

But this particular reading only covers the period of the next six months or so.

I therefore see between now and late July as a time for you to prepare as best you are able for the career opportunity which I sense through the reading will come up within the next six years after that.

A time for you to get clearer in your own mind (preferably with professional help from a job counsellor/vocational guidance officer) what you are looking for from your career in the way of income and personal and spiritual satisfaction, and for you to establish a firm foundation on which to build during the time between now and when the opportunity finally comes your way.

While I know that you would like the reading to go further and spell out every little detail for you, as you would be more motivated to get out of bed each morning if you had the entire road map of your life in front of you, especially with regards to a possible new career, unfortunately the reading ends at that point.

Therefore I am NOT skilfully avoiding telling you the finer details of your reading, as I do not know anything about these finer details myself, outside of what I have already told you. Your reading is signed, sealed and delivered as accurately and completely as it was given through me on your behalf.

I did not forget to address your questions. I have no further ideas, opinion or answers, other than those I have already passed onto you above in the reading or response.

Wanting to be given more information is not obsessing. It is only obsessing if it prevents you from functioning reasonably effectively and normally in your daily life.

If I had any more information than this to give you which was part of your reading, you would already have it.

Hoping that the above explanation clears up many of the misunderstandings you appear to have about exactly how a reading works, what its main purpose is intended to be, and my dual role as your reader and friend in giving it to you as accurately and completely as it is humanly possible for me to do so.

Many blessings 2U as always,

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Duplicate posting

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:35 pm


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