Feb reading EOT

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Feb reading EOT

Post by jspwe » Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:10 am

Hey mate.  I thought I had everything figured out going into the new year, but I spose the universe has a habit of throwing a spanner in the works to make me stop and rethink what exactly I'm doing.  I'm seriously so confused now, and I'm not sure what to do.  firstly I'm in a bit of a predicament where, I honestly feel deep down that I'm fine without employment.  The more I try to contact my guides, the more I feel that they support this choice also.

Unfortunately mum is attempting to guilt trip me into working to help her out.  I feel only guilt that she has such an unhealthy attitude towards life and is becoming increasingly more erratic and aggravated in her behaviour, passing it on to my brothers.  I'm not avoiding work or study out of laziness, I genuinely feel it's not meant to be.  Instead I have been writing, trying to master my craft, and I am getting a lot of support from friends telling me to continue, but alas writing doesn't pay the bills in the early stages.

The more time goes by, the more I feel I should be making people laugh, guiding people spiritually and writing, whether I can combine all of it into a career for myself is the question I suppose.  I have been looking at trying to break into radio / textual media / T.V. but it's obviously very competitive.

I'm hoping to just get some guidance here, I'd also just like to say I'm making a stronger connection with spirit I think, just wondering whether you see this too or it's my imagination.

Thanks once again, and sorry for what may seem a scattered rant.  I'll happily tidy it up a bit if you have a read through and get a headache haha.

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Talk to you again soon

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:01 pm

G'day mate, :smt006

While you are waiting for this month's reading from me, please look back at the one I gave you on January 3rd of this year.

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... 454#285454

Much of it goes a long way towards answering your new questions this time, and also makes me to a certain extent tend to agree with your mother that you do still need to get out of your house and do a temporary job, in order to help to balance the family budget in the meantime, while developing your mediumship and other creative abilities leading eventually to a writing career etc which I talked about in January.

I do not want you to feel that I am taking sides with your mother against you, but you have asked for my opinion through a reading request, and I am therefore committed to giving it honestly and completely, exactly as it was given through me for you.

You asked me, and I am simply telling you straight as I honestly see it.

The following quoted below section of January's reading is probably the most important of all in helping me to answer your current question(s).
The good news however is that according to your reading you would equally be able to maintain your passion for and in theory at least be expected to do equally well in any one of the five different occupations. This means basically that you really cannot make a bad decision or go far wrong by choosing one of these and rejecting the other four options when you are in the process of selecting your course.

People with this life path have a high degree of intuition, and a deep understanding of and empathy for the needs of others.

They are drawn to work as: therapists, counsellors, personal trainers, doctors, nurses, cosmetic surgeons, dieticians, secretaries, and hairdressers. They will tend to avoid like the plague any jobs which require them to work closely as part of a team. People on the seven life path are often loners who prefer to do their own thing and strike out on their own, instead of depending on others and working 9 to 5 for someone else.

Because of your inborn intelligence and wisdom, you have the potential to do great things with your life if you can only stay focused well and for long enough. Good career choices for a 7 would also include them becoming a scientist, researcher or inventor. Any job of this general type in which the ability to exercise a high degree of self organisation and self discipline in doing repetitive tasks which could easily bore anyone else to tears could be right up your alley.

You may also be interested in the occult or metaphysical matters as well as science, anthropology, archaeology and religions. Many number 7s are great music lovers and musicians in their own right, as it is an art form that blends the mathematics of sound with spiritual qualities and pursuits, better than in most other types of similar professions.
Any way have a good look at it for at least the next couple of days or so after seeing this (Thursdays are my weekly day off), then please post again under this thread to remind me that you are now better prepared for your new reading, after having first fully re-examined and thought much more deeply about your previous one.


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Post by jspwe » Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:19 pm

Thanks, I suppose it was good to take some to think, although my position hasn't really changed.  It's not that I refuse to look;  I have been looking, a little to obsessively at time, but can't seem to find employment, but I'm not too phased because, and this may sound really ignorant and childish of me but, I really do believe if I trust in universe I will always be provided for, so I'm not too worried.  Perhaps being more proactive may allow me to see changes though.  I'll have to think about this a lot longer than I thought but I'll work it out.

So my new query is this, and in writing this I already see that I need to be a lot more proactive in this area too, but do you see me making new friendships this year?  It has often been a pattern that, wherever I go I make friends easily, but once I leave, I sever contact with them completely.  Most of the time friendships were based on my deep need to make everyone like me through lies etc but I feel I am a new person after therapy.  My hope is to make some friends here that I can converse with about spiritual matters, occult knowledge, mediumship development etc.  Maybe even a mentor.  I've searched around for meditation groups, circles, etc, but can't seem to find anything relevant to my interests.

Thanks for taking the time to read my rant(s).

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People like us have a special need to be loved and accepted as we are

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:16 am

I really do believe if I trust in universe I will always be provided for, so I'm not too worried.
Yes I also believe the same thing as yourself, but in addition to the Universe's help, God prefers people to also help themselves as much as they possibly can, or as you say be more proactive. Also there is a very big difference between caring or being concerned about something, and worrying yourself sick or into an early grave about it.

So the message is that you should continue to do whatever you reasonably and practically can to help yourself in finding a job (including you are being encouraged to seek professional guidance from a careers officer in your local area), but that at the same time care or be concerned if you are not finding one as easily or quickly as you hoped or expected that you might.

Worrying yourself to the point of despair into either a hospital bed or premature grave does not score points for you with anyone (least of all the Universe), or make you into a martyr or hero. The only person who really stand to gains from you doing this is an undertaker.
So my new query is this, and in writing this I already see that I need to be a lot more proactive in this area too, but do you see me making new friendships this year?
You beat me again to the post.  :smt009

I was going to say that being more proactive in all areas of one's life is a basic requirement for a person to make any further forward progress in achieving whatever they have set out to do, but you spoiled this for me by taking the wind out of my sails before I had the opportunity to get in first.

But I am sure that in time I will eventually recover from being upstaged by a fellow Aussie and very good friend of mine. :smt005
It has often been a pattern that, wherever I go I make friends easily, but once I leave, I sever contact with them completely.
Everyone has a deep need to make friends and be understood and accepted by them for being the person whom they already are, but when you are a psychic sensitive like the two of us are, our needs for these things are probably much more specific, greater and more urgent when compared to the average person who is neither interested nor involved in psychic, paranormal or spiritual matters.

While the number of people who are interested in becoming more aware of and further developing their psychic/intuitive abilities is definitely on the increase, for every one of those who feel comfortable enough to share this interest and involvement with their family and friends, I believe there are at least nine others who do not. This is precisely why online spiritual communities are so necessary or in demand these days, as they tend to serve the special needs of the other 9 out of 10.

People like us who others may think are strange and weird for believing in such matters badly need a safe place that they can home to where they feel that they will not be prejudged as being any lesser of a person because of their beliefs, or be personally attacked for being "different". An oasis in the desert or a safe haven where we can come together with like minded individuals to compare notes and

In an ideal world our need would be better satisfied by us locating a suitable psychic development group or circle in our local area which is under the supervision and guidance of an understanding and knowledgeable teacher, leader or mentor of high moral values, and who themselves is also a well developed and preferably still practising psychic and/or medium.

But in the absence of such local groups, a virtual online psychic/spiritual development/discussion group/circle or community is the next best thing. Some people actually attend a local group as well as using the internet to further their psychic interests, and make new and lasting friendships along the way as an added bonus.

Pardon my play on words, but this allows them to more fully enjoy the relative benefits of both worlds at the same time. So once you realised that they would not soften their opinions or change their deeply seated beliefs that what you physically sense in this world and life is all that there is, and that our total life experience ends in the grave, there was no longer any basis for mutual communication, and you naturally drifted apart.
Most of the time friendships were based on my deep need to make everyone like me through lies etc but I feel I am a new person after therapy.
But why oh why do we need to make everyone like us so much that we try so desperately to be a different person from whom we truly are deep inside? Only you can decide in the end if they were lies, or whether instead they were only part truths, or the parts which you felt other people would persecute or reject you for having.

After prolonged intensive therapy you are effectively a very different person from before you started, and this can often make people who have interests in you staying the same person you always were uncomfortable to say the least. Assuming that a person will stay the same forever is one of the best ways to keep them in their box or prison cell, and control them.

Since they could no longer fit you in the same box or control you, it was they who wanted to break the connection. You probably unknowingly helped them save face with you and did them a great favour by being the one to first break the connection from your end before they were compelled to do it, without hurting your feelings badly in the process.

Constantly being around a depressed person or one who has undergone intensive therapy can be for many people like having to walk on egg shells 24/7. You just never know how they will respond to the most innocent of comments, and automatically take things instead as being an especially vicious personal attack. So with your spiritual interests and abilities on top of all this, it is hardly surprising that you and they eventually chose to go in different directions.

There is so much else that needs to be said about this, but such limited time, space and energy to do it in or with. I am but a humble reader who many years ago both sat in and ran psychic development groups both inside and outside our family home, and over many years after resigning from my position as a high school teacher due to chronic illness, I needed to find a way to use my teaching and communication skills in a completely different way than I had in the classroom.

But instead this time as a teacher or facilitator to help, inform and encourage other people from all over the world through the internet, from the relative comfort of my bed/living room (as I am increasingly housebound and the internet has quickly become my main means of communicating with the outside world). I get a deep personal sense of satisfaction and a positive emotional buzz from helping people in this manner.

If doing this makes me qualified to be your mentor, then I would be more than happy to perform this role, but only as your equal in not being any more a saint or more highly advanced spiritual being than you are.

Be kind to yourself,

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Post by jspwe » Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:40 am

Thanks, I'll need an hour to let it digest but some really good points that I need to think about. Although I do want a mentor, I kinda know in the back of my head that all I'm looking for is "another way", as a pilgrim would travel from one guru to another seeking enlightenment, only to discount the information each time, whether it be irrelevant, or too hard, or too much effort involved.  If I have any queries, it would be great if I could drop some questions, not of a "request a reading" type nature but more a "I saw this, who is it/ what does this mean" sorta thing.

Anyway, as usual, thank you for another good reading

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:08 am

If I have any queries, it would be great if I could drop some questions, not of a "request a reading" type nature but more a "I saw this, who is it/ what does this mean" sorta thing.
As this forum is reserved exclusively for reading requests and giving readings, I would suggest that you post your general queries instead in the main psychic forum, of which this is only a sub-forum.

I mean here. http://mysticboard.org/viewforum.php?f=31

Let me know through a short private message that you have posted to that main board, and although my readings given in this forum will always continue to be given a higher priority, I will try to get back to you with a response on the psychic form as soon as I possibly can.

I will not add any further comments until you have more fully digested the contents of your reading, other than to say that I am always pleased to be of service or help to my friends (Aussie or otherwise).

I patiently await your feedback and any further questions arising directly out of your reading, with much positive anticipation.

EoT  :smt002  :smt002

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