I would like to request a reading, please.

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I would like to request a reading, please.

Post by albertasahm » Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:53 pm

Hi. I'm not really sure how to request a reading. I did read the guidelines, however, I'm new to all of this, so...

My name is Amanda. My DOB is March 23, 1982. I am female, and my sign is Aries.

There's nothing I really want to know specifically. I guess I'm just wondering if there's anything I should know.. any messages for me, or something that I should be working toward for my future?

I think the only thing I'd really like to know for sure is whether I will have another child, or if our family is complete at 6?

Looking forward to receiving my reading, if I should be so lucky. Thank you so much to whomever chooses to respond to this request. :)


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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:30 am

Hi Amanda..
Ill be back with you in a bit.. just letting you know I have you :)
Just on my preliminary look. Im getting a time issue.. ie you will hear what you need to when the time is right.. I know you looking for a message.. a sign..
:).. I am hoping that now is the right time.. but lets see when I'm in reflection ..

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:12 am

wondering if you have had it in your thoughts that someone you love might see things in you that will make them unhappy..
The answer is NO.. You are loved now and always because you your YOU.. you never did have to do anything to "earn" this love it just was, is, now and always..Perfect and pure.. nothing you could say then, now or ever could change, this, nothing you have done, then now or forever wil ever change this..
You are not alone.... not now.. not ever.. not possible.. never left.
Im getting something with time again..
moving... on.. its time to allow yourself to move on.. let go of something old and worn out.. you wil find more time to live when you do... dont be afraid of letting go.. dont plan it either.. just allow it to happen.
Im full on stuck on the theme of time !.. is there a watch or clock involved here that is needing attention..!

Im feeling that I should encourage you to look at synchronicity.. ( ie random events some how connected.. ) If your looking for an answer to a question, or prayer have a look at some order of random almost usual random set of events.. I think theres a clue to something there.. an answer to a question or prayer that I am not privy to know...

You wouldn't happen to play the piano would you?.. Harmony.. a girls name ?

I wont predict another pregnancy one way or another because its against site pollicy..
But I will deliver this message exactly as I have it..
Take some time contemplating exactly what you want, what you truly desire, is it another baby.. you could use some time out and seriously examine what you want before going into this.. I have there is no hurry.
You do need some YOU time..

Just to make it clear that this wasnt a prediction on a potential pregnancy, this was just the message as I got it... If there is no physical reason stopping you the choice to have another or not must be entirely your own.. something that will need some thought. if your trying and there is no physically reason stopping you its just a matter of time.

Thats all I am able to pick up on at the moment .. Im getting distracted. If I get anything more latter lll op back and add to it..

Tammy' aka StormGirl Blue

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Post by albertasahm » Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:07 pm

Thank you, Tammy, for your quick response. I appreciate you taking the time to read for me. xo

I'm slightly confused, in all honesty, by the messages you received. I understand you don't *know* me so it's hard to distinguish what means what, I'm sure, so let me see what I can give you for feedback ...


"wondering if you have had it in your thoughts that someone you love might see things in you that will make them unhappy..
The answer is NO.. You are loved now and always because you your YOU.. you never did have to do anything to "earn" this love it just was, is, now and always..Perfect and pure.. nothing you could say then, now or ever could change, this, nothing you have done, then now or forever wil ever change this..
You are not alone.... not now.. not ever.. not possible.. never left."

There are some things I've done in the past that I worry has changed a loved ones view of me. I do worry, silently, over this from time to time. When I read this, a certain situation came to mind. I have been working on asking for help with this from my Angels. I have been praying, whenever I feel the weight of the burden, for the Angels to relieve me of my guilt and fears. I am so ready to move past this.

However, I also worry greatly that I have not made my mother proud. My mother passed away 3 years ago. Since then I worry that I am not what she thought I would be; that I don't meet her expectations, especially as a mother. I fear that I do things much differently than she might have expected, and that I have disappointed her.

I guess the message you received could have been related to both scenarios.


"Im getting something with time again..
moving... on.. its time to allow yourself to move on.. let go of something old and worn out.. you wil find more time to live when you do... dont be afraid of letting go.. dont plan it either.. just allow it to happen.
Im full on stuck on the theme of time !.. is there a watch or clock involved here that is needing attention..!"

Truth be told, I am completely stumped by this one. I don't know how it relates to anything specific in my life right now. If you get anything more that could shed some light on this, I would greatly appreciate the understanding. Thanks. :)


"Im feeling that I should encourage you to look at synchronicity.. ( ie random events some how connected.. ) If your looking for an answer to a question, or prayer have a look at some order of random almost usual random set of events.. I think theres a clue to something there.. an answer to a question or prayer that I am not privy to know..."

Again, I'm unsure of this as well. I don't think I'm really looking for an answer to anything, or a prayer. Not off the top of my head anyways. Sorry I can't be of any help trying to interpret this. :(


"You wouldn't happen to play the piano would you?.. Harmony.. a girls name ?"

Sadly, I don't play piano, though I would love to learn. BUT .. Harmony as a name stood out to me. I'm not really sure why. Maybe because all of my childrens names begin with an H.


"I wont predict another pregnancy one way or another because its against site pollicy..
But I will deliver this message exactly as I have it..
Take some time contemplating exactly what you want, what you truly desire, is it another baby.. you could use some time out and seriously examine what you want before going into this.. I have there is no hurry.
You do need some YOU time.. "

I'm sorry, I did not know that it was against site policy to predict pregnancy. Thank you for being so kind as to share the message you received regarding it, though.

I do understand this. I have been up and down and all over the place with this. My husband and I are not trying to conceive, though I would very much like to. However, I'm not sure why. I have four children and my house is full and busy and chaotic. I love it, regardless, and being a mom is my calling.. I love my job. BUT.. I want another baby. Everything in me wants another child. I don't know why though. I can't pinpoint why. Maybe I do just need to stop for a minute and focus on the WHOLE picture. I guess I don't really know what I want, even though I think I do. And yes, I definitely do need some "me time".


"Just to make it clear that this wasnt a prediction on a potential pregnancy, this was just the message as I got it... If there is no physical reason stopping you the choice to have another or not must be entirely your own.. something that will need some thought. if your trying and there is no physically reason stopping you its just a matter of time."

Like I said, my husband and I are not actively trying right now, but maybe this time theme is somehow related to "a matter of time"? I don't know. There is no physical reason stopping me though, or my husband. I think it's just a worry thing.


Thank you so much for your time, Tammy. I would love to hear more, should you receive something new or more in depth. I hope my feedback has helped some. <3


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