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A reading

Post by dhav » Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:08 pm

I just do not feel good about my life. I wish I had someone with whom I could share things n who would understand me.There is stress at work and at home. I just wish I could get out of there and find some positive things I should focus on. I just need some advices.


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:12 pm


Well I am here for you to talk to about anything you have going on. *hugz* Sometimes we just need someone to listen and I will gladly listen if you are in need my friend.


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Putting your emotional cart before your horse

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:33 pm

Hey Dhav, :smt003

While Nyte and myself can offer you comfort and understanding and plenty of long distance over the internet hugs, I sense that you are looking to become more independent, and that the type of understanding which you are especially looking to find can only be provided by someone who loves you in the romantic sense of the meaning of the word. We all love you as a friend, but that is hardly the same thing as what a soul mate could offer you in the way of boosting your self confidence and self respect.

You mentioned that you do not feel good about yourself. Is there some specific thing about yourself that you feel disappointed about and would therefore like to improve, or are you feeling that you have completely failed to live up to your own expectations about yourself, or those of other important people in your life?

As with many younger people (accept this as a sincere compliment, as age is relative) you are making the common mistake of believing that by becoming more independent and finding that special someone who loves and understands you, that you will automatically feel better about yourself. I am certainly not saying that you should give up looking for those things and people as it will do you no good (it will definitely help), but by having these expectations you are effectively doing things in the wrong order, or are symbolically putting your emotional cart before your horse.


http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/put ... +the+horse

Instead of it being a case of feeling better about yourself because you have become more independent and have found that special person and relationship, unless you already feel that you deserve to have these wonderful things in your life or feel good enough about yourself before you try to get them, it is always going to be an uphill battle. In other words you need to already feel good enough about yourself without yet having these things and people in your life, to make it easier for yourself to go out and get them.

So accordingly your reading is tending to focus in particular upon ways in which you could best prepare to move out into the world and become more independent, while at the same time finding that special friend or soul mate who loves and respects you for being the wonderful person whom I know that you are. To increase your own feelings of self worth and to strengthen your sense of personal identity, in order to better prepare you to reach far and high for whatever you most dream about for your future life as a whole.

Question: What is it that my good friend Dhav most needs to do of a practical nature during the next six months or so covered by this reading, with the positive intention to be able to feel better about herself BEFORE she thinks more about moving out and finding the man who will warm both her heart and her bed?

Using my Mermaid and Dolphins or MAD Tarot pack for a change instead of the traditional Rider-Waite one, with the above question still held firmly at the back of my mind I shuffled the cards and was prompted to draw the first one with the purpose to guide me how to most effectively answer that question in the limited time and space available to me for giving you this reading.


This particular card is not saying that you should not do everything you are reasonably able to increase your self esteem and strengthen your personal sense of identity by whatever practical means are accessible to you, but there is a point beyond once you have done these things that trying to do any more will only tend to be counter-productive.

That is where faith and prayer are meant to take over to help get you through this dark night of your soul, but what is the useful purpose of praying for help, when once it has arrived you neither recognise it nor allow yourself to get any advantage from it? All too often the only thing which really stands between you and the long awaited answer or solution to your most puzzling and frustrating problems is YOU and you alone. We frequently and mainly unconsciously, get in our own ways or sabotage ourselves and our own efforts to find these answers when they are staring us squarely in the face?

Now I do not know whether you believe in angels, and if you do believe in their existence how you imagine them to look and behave. Do your angels have wings? While I suppose that it is possible that help from above may come to you in the form of angels, your reading is essentially saying that you should be grateful if it happens, but do not depend entirely on it happening in this exact manner.

Often heaven's help to us comes heavily disguised as a coincidence or random event, when in reality is is neither. If you waste your life and opportunities waiting definitely for the angels to arrive to help you, you may be unknowingly overlooking the help when it actually materialises.  

Because help did not come as an angel or a dramatic booming loud voice from on high or as what you regard as a miracle, you can easily run the risk of not realising that it is being offered to you in another much more subtle way that unfortunately does not meet your expectations as to what heavenly help should look like.

In summary therefore, the main messages behind this reading are twofold.

1. That feeling good or better about yourself must mainly come BEFORE you move out and look for this special person, not mainly AFTER as so often happens.

2. That often the main or only true obstacle to us receiving heavenly help is that we have either failed to ask for it in the first place, or more commonly that when that divine help has eventually arrived, that we do not recognise it as being such, or even worse send it back because we do not believe that we deserved it.

Any practical measures which you can reasonably take approximately between now and the middle of September (6 months) to apply and reinforce those two messages will only significantly bring forward the day when you will feel that you have and deserve to have both greater independence and true love and understanding.

Help yourself as much as possible, but please do not on top of your own efforts look heaven's gift horse in the mouth (or do not lose heaven's help because you failed to recognise its arrival, or believed that you were unworthy of receiving it).

God bless,

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Post by dhav » Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:09 pm

Hello Eye of tiger and Nyte,

You are both wonderful friends I can count on for moral support. Sometimes I do feel unworthy and never met my family expectations. I end up hurting them as well as myself. Maybe an amalgam of personal stress among my family members turn things ugly in our life. I try finding new ways to bring happiness but in the end nothing works.

many times I feel like I had someone with whom I really could share things with. i have so many dreams but my energy is not in the right direction.

I do feel divine help came several times and seen it and here could have been times when I couldn't recognized it. i do believe in angels but have almost forgotten to talk to them. Your reading is indeed very helpful for me and full of hope.

Thank you both,

D :)

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Self love is to value and respect yourself, for being YOU

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:12 am

Dhav, :smt007

It is always my pleasure to be both of help and comfort to my friends, including your very good self.

Learning to truly love and accept oneself unconditionally (warts and all) is not a destination, but rather an ongoing journey full of both challenges and opportunities.

Unfortunately our modern society teaches us that to love oneself is the same as being vain and self centred, and the unnecessary guilt which we tend to feel because of this, only makes our task of practising self love that much more difficult than it would have otherwise been.

Self love is to value and respect yourself for being the person whom you already are, mistakes and all.

Yet if you never give yourself permission to make mistakes and to learn to deal with the consequences of your mistakes, then you will never achieve anything worthwhile to you in this life.

In general human beings learn far more from their mistakes when compared to how much of lasting positive value that they can take from their little, temporary victories.

So go figure!  :smt003

From your friend and reader, in that order of priority,

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