would like a general reading

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would like a general reading

Post by caithiggs » Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:17 am

Hey, I would really like a reading right now, of any kind, really. I thought I was in a very fine place where I could more or less deal with my own perspectives and travel through life, simply picking things up as they come. But right now I'm not feeling like I'm in a very good space, and would like the kind of perspective only somewhere like mystic board could offer me. :( I just really need another perspective of what you see for me in the next short time span. It's really the short term span I'm really worried about. Don't know what to do about anything right now. Thank you very much if you could respond! This place is the best.

Let me know if more specific information is helpful or required.

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:49 pm

waves to Cait..
no, no more specific information is required to connect and gather a message for you.. this is between you and your guides, lol, so its none of my business what the message is referring to..

I have to let you know that you posted this in the wrong sub forum..  you need to repost in the psychic reading sub forum..

 I actually went into reflection b4 my power source went down and only realized it was on the wrong board when I came back to post it, so I hope that admin dont mind me dropping the reply here, perhaps they could just move it over for us..

I'm actually wondering if your of the Buddhist faith, because what I was given seemed very zen to me.. I hope not too cliché, lol, Im just the message bringer so dont have a say in what to deliver..

message was.. dont think for a moment that you have strayed from the light because you experienced/ are experiencing a perfectly normal human emotion.. you have not failed because your stressed..
( let go of pop spirituality expectations, and accept as human being that we will stress and worry and question our faith and beliefs.. we'd be monkeys if we diddnt )..

Im getting a need to meditate to bring yourself back into the now moment and out of the past or the what-if's in the future.. change the sound to OM not ERR..

I feel like Im telling you not to stress to get over it. Im sorry, I hope its not coming out that way. Im human to and know that its not so easy to be in the exact moment of now.. but your guide are asking you to get back to the now perspective and it seems meditation.

We are given that every experience, good or bad comes with a gift.. thou it may only be some time ahead when that gift is revealed.. every thing for a reason..

 The OM sound in meditation was just drawn to my attention again.. I guess your guides really want you to "get that".. Its a sound or vibration that is said to assist you in being "one" with all creation..
This sacred sound will assist in raising your vibration levels
Finally Luna sends blessings
believe in yourself

I am feeling that you would benefit from including a daily affirmation that praises you and your place in this universe, as "one" with.. bathed in star light and flowing as the ocean does with the tides of the moon.

 Thats honestly all I am able to sift out.. I am sorry if it comes out as airy fairy, thats the way it came.. :)

To be specific to your originating post..
Im not sure that you "must" do any thing in particular right now, but to let it it happen
If there is a choice to make that HAS to be made, go with what makes YOU happy, a natural flowing choice.. then trust in it if this has come from the heart.

I hope this helps some..
best wishes
Tammy aka StormGirl Blue

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Post by caithiggs » Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:17 pm

Thank you, StormGirl!

I shoulda realized I was putting this in the wrong forum--I was being very hastey. But for some reason, now that I search for it, I cannot find the psychic reading forum on the main page. I wonder why I am not seeing it...

Thank you so much for your response! It means a lot.

I do have really close ties with the Buddhist faith! Not one myself but I guess I was kind of born into it anyway. People often call me "zen"! I assume is the equivalent of "laid back". I'm not sure that I am, but it's likely that I am if that's what people see. Certainly, I probably do also "try" to be zen as well, as I had to learn to keep my emotions from affecting my outer appearance and also prevent them from creating too much turmoil internally simply because I'm quite prone to that. My "zen"ness actually comes from being so very tumultuous, in fact! Perhaps part of this message is so that I can get more in touch with my "zen"ness which is a big part of me, and let go of the tumultuousness that I so easily grasp onto under pressure.
message was.. dont think for a moment that you have strayed from the light because you experienced/ are experiencing a perfectly normal human emotion.. you have not failed because your stressed..
Thank you! I think this actually answers directly to some questions that were running through my head last night.

I am going to take your message into deep consideration, because I can tell it has a lot of accuracy and good advice in it. I don't think I can look ahead to what my current situation means right now, so it is important to deal with what's happening in the moment about it. I'm not the best when it comes to meditation, I admit, but I will digest what you are saying.

It also makes perfect sense that I should go with what is in my heart and flows naturally. Right now it seems like the logically wrong choice to me, but feeling wise, I can't imagine making the more "logical" decision. And I think that's trying to be conveyed strongly to me right now, that I "know" in my heart understanding what I know, and I should keep with that knowledge and not strain over why or why not that is the right decision as it only causes me more stress. I just hope that this period of stress comes to an end soon and that things regain some feeling of normalcy and balance really soon!

Don't worry about coming off airy fairy. I don't think it was. It made sense to me anyway (even if that means I must be very airy fairy.) :)

Thanks again so much! This was a really uplifting message.

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Post by peter238 » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:18 am

A psychic is a person who professes an ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses through extrasensory perception.

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