Im missing my mum terribly any chance someone could give a reading?

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Im missing my mum terribly any chance someone could give a reading?

Post by EmmaRM » Tue May 31, 2011 2:13 pm

I am self employed and work is just going horribly and my husband and I would like to sell very soon as it is just making u bitter and miserable. My dad keeps getting sick and is currently in hospital. My mum passed about a year and a half ago and I am missing her terribly.
Does she have any messages/advice for me or any other loved ones?

Thank you.

The Color Purple
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Hello Emma

Post by The Color Purple » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:22 am

I am new to the boards and although it says this is not a reading area people still ask for them here and answer them. I've checked the psychic boards and it has to do with just that, people asking for psychic readings. It looks like you are hoping for a combination of both psychic and a spirit connection. I don't take requests, I've made it a rule of mine and have kept to it as it can get very overwhelming, but when I see a post asking to connect to a loved one and I'm drawn to it I will answer it. That is the type of post I'm looking for, those who want to connect with a loved one. I don't know if mom will come through for you or even if she will answer your questions, but hopefully you will find some comfort in the words of those in spirit.

Okay to start off with I'm hearing that April or the number 4 is significant so I would see this as a birthday, wedding or passing for the month of April or the 4th of (A) month for either someone here in the physical world or for someone in spirit.

I also just heard someone say daughter so I’ll give them a moment to step closer and hopefully this person will identify him or herself.

Who would have been known or is known as muffin or cupcake, the food name, maybe not one of those names, but some food name?

I have an older female stepping forward who is talking about someone having a hysterectomy does this make sense? Who in the family passed or still living had the hysterectomy?

Also there is a B female name coming up as in but not necessarily Bobbie, Brenda, Bernice etc. either who the older female coming through is, who she is with in spirit or who she is acknowledging and or using for validation purposes here in the physical world.

You have a partner with your business or you did have a partner or thought of having a partner where does the partner come in, she's telling me partner and this has to do with your business.

I think from what the older female is saying that by November whether you sell the business or not things will start to turn around for you.

There is also some kind of legal thing coming up for you, not necessarily bad so don't think of it that way please. I'm not seeing for what I'm just hearing class action which to me would indicate some legal connection, some court thing so hold onto this as well.

There is a V female connection as in but not necessarily the name Vicky or Valerie either way V female connection with your or husband in some way either here in the physical world or there in spirit.

Also I hear congratulation, someone’s graduating somewhere in the family. I want to say it's a male she is referring to either way hold onto this.

A  K or C female connection as well for someone here or in spirit so this is either who is coming through, the K or C female or who she is acknowledging and or using for validation purposes, meaning this person is still here in the physical world.

Your mother has the sister yes? This older female is claiming she has a sister, but at the moment is not saying whether this sister is here in the physical world or there in spirit with her.

Someone had the blood clot, aneurism. I don't know if this comes from the older female coming through or not, but you might want to check that out with family please both your husband’s side as well as yours.

You father also has a brother correct? I'm not saying what side of life his brother is on only stating that from the feelings I'm being given and if I'm interpreting it correctly; your father has a brother.

There is also an F male connection to your father's side of the family as well as in, but not necessarily the name Fred, possibly a PH name as in Phil either way check with dad's family they may know more than you.

Please keep in mind they often mention people that are still here as well as in spirit so consider both sides of life please.

Again, your mother has the sister yes. I feel this is mom I'm connecting with, but the energy is very light, not as strong as I'd like it to be. I've asked her to step closer, but I don't feel a difference at the moment. I may just need to give her time.

Speaking of time, this older female is telling me she didn't have a lot of time. That her passing was unexpected, not necessarily when she passed but how she passed. Do you understand this?

She states that she use to be very creative while here on this side. She makes me feel you are also the same. Very artistic in different ways she says, creative.

She says towards the end of her life here, it was hard, unexpected she keeps saying, but she dealt with it the best she could, damn good she says, she dealt with it damn good.

She said she made it to the finish line with flying colors she passed her test here and she won the prize. She is free she says.

Again she mentions the sister, the one she would see as a sister figure to her. She reaches out to this sisterly figure so this sister must be here.

Has it been raining where you are? She wants me to mention the umbrella. I don't know maybe this will make sense in another way for you so I'll leave it as is.

Michael, Mike the M male connection to you, her, family in some way either here or in spirit. Don't hold me to that exact name; I don't always here the name clearly so pay more attention to the fact that it's a male with the M initial she mentions.

Who has the two sons? She talks about the one with the two sons. Hold on to this please.

Chris, Christopher, Christine, Crystal, Kristy some name like this is being mentioned as well.

Would you understand why she is mentioning an XBox or some other gaming box perhaps? She is acknowledging the one who is into this like my children and brother. Hold onto this please.

August is significant as well. I would see the number 8 as a birthday, wedding or passing for the month of August or the 8th of (A) month for either someone here in the physical world or there in spirit. I want to lean toward the 8 being connected to some sort of anniversary so ask family husbands as well as yours. It doesn't necessarily have to be for someone here so keep this in mind.

J male connection as in, but not necessarily Joey, Jim J male is being mentioned either here or in spirit with the older female.

Also a K or C male connection as in but not necessarily Keith, Ken or Carl for someone here in the physical world or there in spirit.

Please understand that our loved ones will mention people that we are connected to even if they didn't know them. Please see this as their way of saying they are still around and aware of who and what is going on in our lives.

This older female keeps talking about two of something, she holds up two fingers and I keep asking her two what. I think it has to do with her passing, but I'm not sure what the two is about. February, the second of (A) month, she had two of something that caused her passing, she was told she had two months to live, she had two different types of cancer I just don't know.

She wants to acknowledge the male below you in age like a son, nephew, grandson something to this.

She says I got something right, but I'm not sure if it has to do with her passing or the son thing.

Also she either passed of cancer AND OR there is a connection to a David somewhere for one or both of you. I'll leave that with you as well.

Please let everyone know that she is doing okay. I'm okay, fine I hear.

She acknowledges Molly or Holly either way the M female connection.

She says her goodbye was bitter sweet.

She says that she had to go, but she was not happy with this at first.

She talks about someone being worried, maybe to you. She says not to be worried and that she is there for you.

July is also a turnaround for you, have faith I hear.

I also feel from what she is saying that the money issue will pick up.

I personally feel you will know in two months which direction to go in and this would be July so do what you feel is best for you.

She wants me to tell you that she is all right and that she hears your prayers and words of love. Not to worry she says.

I feel someone coming into help you Emma, it feels with your work decision.

I hear the words “mom with you” so please know your mother is with you okay sweetie.

This older female is blowing kisses, she is going to step back so I will end this here, thank you and God bless.
Last edited by The Color Purple on Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

The Color Purple
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:48 am


Post by The Color Purple » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:25 am

If you could please leave as much detailed feedback as possible within this same post I would very much appreciate it. Thank you!

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