Love reading..

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Love reading..

Post by kcv09 » Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:37 pm

Hello everyone my name is Kc and I really on some input when it comes to my relationship life. I am single and I'm at the point where I want to be in love, everything is going great in my life but that's the only missing thing. Can someone please give me a reading I'd really appreciate the time and help..

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:52 am

Hi Kc, Image

We do not offer love prediction readings on Mystic Boards, especially where there is not already a well established face to face relationship to base it upon. This is in contrast to a relationship which is conducted exclusively through a land line, cell phone or over the internet.

Effectively you are asking will you find a suitable partner, and fall deeply in love with him within the next six months thought to be covered by these readings. YES or NO?

YES or NO readings often give false positives or negatives. They either promise you everything and deliver nothing (false positive), or take away all sense of hope when there was every reason for you to keep hoping that you will meet each other sooner rather than much later (false negative).

And there is the further complication that in order to do this I would have to directly read your future partner's thoughts and intentions towards you through a third party reading which is not allowed, and before you have even met him.

There are so many possible factors that could positively or negatively affect the outcome of any predictions made using this method, that flipping a coin or rolling dice would be likely to be more accurate than a reading would in helping to answer your question.

Having said this, I do recognise that the need to be loved for whom we are and to share our most cherished dreams and ambitions with that special someone in our life is possibly one of our most major and urgent spiritual needs. So I am saying that this is simply too important for you to trust your greatest need to what would effectively amount to an unsubstantiated, wild guess which has no basis or evidence that it is reliable.
I am single and I'm at the point where I want to be in love....
For most of us to be in love is not a conscious decision. Although I have been married for nearly 33 years to my first and only wife, I am not so old that I do not remember how when I feel deeply in love with her that my brain quickly turned to mush. Suddenly everything else in my life no longer seemed important, and I wanted to spend every waking moment with her, and protect her and care for her forever. You say that you want to experience what this is like, but what practical steps have you taken to increase the chances of this happening to you between now and late February of 2012?

Do you have a fairly clear idea as to what particular qualities you are looking for in your man? Do you also have a fairly clear idea as to what negative qualities you could not live with under the same roof for more than 24 hours at a time? Have you actually written these two lists down on paper or your computer to help you ultimately create a profile of the type of man whom you are looking or not looking for?

Using your lists do you regularly get out of your house and visit the places where you would most expect to meet men of a similar age group to your own, with shared interests to your own? Where you would most expect to find the sort of man who is best described by your two lists?

Now that we have got the logical, friendly advice out of the way, we can start your reading itself. The question I will be asking my inner guidance is............
In addition to the advice which has already been given, what could this woman reasonably do in order to significantly increase her chances of finding a man who will fall in love with her, within the period of the next six months?
On the surface the Ten of Swords which is your focus card or this months love reading could not be any more depressing in its appearance if it had tried to. Laying face down with ten swords vertically sticking into your back when even one of them could have easily by itself finished you off seems to be a case of overkill in my opinion. Of course the Tarot is frequently similar to our dreams in the aspect that it tends to greatly exaggerate or over dramatise a situation, possibly with the intention to act as a wakeup call, or to shock us into taking positive and practical action to help ourselves.

Effectively the Ten of Swords (TOS) is saying that when it comes to a lack of being or feeling loved, the worst is now firmly behind you, and that the only way from now on is upwards and you making positive progress towards finding him. So what began by looking as though it meant that your situation in finding a suitable partner within the given time period is next to zero, could instead now be seen as a positive sign of much better times still to come for you, with special reference to romance and other matters of your heart.

OK so things are predicted by this card to become better and easier for you in finding a man who most closely matches your two lists by later February. If you wait until you find someone who perfectly matches your two lists, then you could be waiting for the rest of your lifetime as you are definitely on the wrong planet for finding any human being who is perfect in every possible way (man or woman). But what practical things can you actually do yourself, while things are still in the process of getting easier? In addition to what you have already been advised to?

It is always easier said than done, especially when you might have already had some negative experiences with members of the opposite gender, but we often get what we most expect to get in this life. Or with you it should be instead we often get whom we most expect to get in this life. You are wanting to find a man who will love and respect you for whom you already are, but do you feel worthy of being loved?

I know that seems to be a silly question for me to be asking, but do you feel lovable? If a man came into your life and told you that he loves you, would you believe him? If he knew everything about you, some of which you cannot admit to yourself, would you expect him to love you in spite of your common human weaknesses?

To be loved by another person, we must first learn what it is to truly love (care for and respect) ourselves. To feel lovable, we must first practise self love. If we feel deep down in our unconscious mind where it counts that despite all of our many human failings and limitations we deserve to be loved just as much as the other person does, then we will be constantly sending out positive body signals and energies into our surroundings to then be picked on by a prospective love interest in our vicinity.

And in many but not all cases, the other person will often tend to completely agree with our own positive self assessment of how lovable we really are. Do not get the idea of loving yourself or feeling that you are lovable mixed up with vanity and being self centred or a narcissist (a person who constantly stares into mirrors, admiring themselves).

Narcissists are totally obsessed with their outer appearance, and believe that other people exist only to admire and worship their beauty and brilliance. This could not be any more at the extreme opposite end of the spectrum from what true self love is. Vanity and self conceit both corrode or rust away at your soul, while self love is its spiritual food or nourishment of choice.

While there are many practical things that you could do between now and February to help yourself with romance and matters of your heart, some of which have been given to you in the form of friendly advice and some in your reading, out of all of these suggestions LEARNING TO INCREASINGLY LOVE ONESELF IN SPITE OF ALL YOUR SHARED HUMAN WEAKNESSES AND FAILINGS REIGNS SUPREME, OR IS IN THE NUMBER ONE POSITION ON THE LIST.


EoT  :smt007

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Post by kcv09 » Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:11 am

First let me thank you so much for relpying and taking time from your schedule to help me understand better it means so much to me.

I will do the list asap, when it comes to loving myself I don't love some of my ways. I hate the fact that I can be stubborn and hard-headed at time and very mouthy deep down I do have good heart and mean well but I feel I could be nicer and less mean per say. Those are the time I kind of doubt that a guy could possably love me, it's like why would you want to be with me? I cuse like a sailor half of the time. I don't want to sound concided at all and I'm sorry if it comes out that way, but just because  a guy see's a girl with a pretty face and nice body.Does not mean that's waht's you get you know ?.."Everything it's not what it seems.." kind of thing

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:11 am


It was my pleasure to read for you.

I try my best to control my reading schedule, so as to make listening time available to my friends.

In response to the further feedback which you have provided me with in your most recent posting I have probably already said all which needs to be said, and any more than that would most likely make it sound as though I am lecturing you as an authority figure, instead of as is the case a concerned and caring friend who has more than enough faults of his own.

Loving regards,

EoT  :smt020

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