Can I get a reading- 2 men in my life

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Can I get a reading- 2 men in my life

Post by ~Summer~ » Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:54 pm

So I went through a breakup at the end of December and I am having a hard time in the dating game. It's been pretty hard to meet people at times, as I work with mostly women and I moved to a new state when my breakup happened- so I really haven't established anything beyond friendships.

There's a man I met over 5 months ago, that I have feelings for. I just felt an instant connection to him. I probably would have dismissed him at first, but you see I have this lucky number that has been ever present in my life, and he happens to go by this number as a nickname. We went on 2 dates but nothing happened as he was impressed with some of my side skills/hobbies and wanted me to work for him. I don't know why I feel like I am so drawn to him, I feel like I was meant to meet him- but I am unsure of the purpose: romance, work, friendship? I feel a strong spiritual connection to him and we can openly talk about deep things and have meaningful conversations. I don't think he thinks of me romantically but I do think he could be attracted to me. We both had breakups around the same time, although he did go back to his girlfriend for a few months- but he is currently single and I do know he is dating as he told me he went on a date the other day. Do you see anything happening with this man, or will it always be business?

The other man in question, I met online just last week. I didn't know much about him to be honest, but I didn't want to as I knew we would have more to talk about this way- and also I have decided I do not want to form any romantic attachments too early over "chat/email" just incase an in-person meeting doesn't work out. We seem to have tons in common, just so many hobbies and interets, even past experiences. We have been texting every day or other day since we met, and I think there is a lot of potential here. He seems to be spiritually awakened as well, and there was this "I feel like I know you already" vibe to our meeting. He's very into fitness and I think perhaps uses that to cover up insecurity (as he said every girlfriend he has ever had cheated on him). Do you see anything panning out with this man?

My birthday is 1-7-82

Thank you so much for your time

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Cascade of Light
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Re: Can I get a reading- 2 men in my life

Post by Cascade of Light » Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:26 pm

Hi Summer,

Welcome to Mystic Board. :)
~Summer~ wrote:So I went through a breakup at the end of December and I am having a hard time in the dating game. It's been pretty hard to meet people at times, as I work with mostly women and I moved to a new state when my breakup happened- so I really haven't established anything beyond friendships.
You are having an exciting time of it right now, not one but two interesting men!
There's a man I met over 5 months ago, that I have feelings for. I just felt an instant connection to him. I probably would have dismissed him at first, but you see I have this lucky number that has been ever present in my life, and he happens to go by this number as a nickname. We went on 2 dates but nothing happened as he was impressed with some of my side skills/hobbies and wanted me to work for him. I don't know why I feel like I am so drawn to him, I feel like I was meant to meet him- but I am unsure of the purpose: romance, work, friendship? I feel a strong spiritual connection to him and we can openly talk about deep things and have meaningful conversations. I don't think he thinks of me romantically but I do think he could be attracted to me. We both had breakups around the same time, although he did go back to his girlfriend for a few months- but he is currently single and I do know he is dating as he told me he went on a date the other day. Do you see anything happening with this man, or will it always be business?
I wonder if this guy had a different nickname would you still feel the same? Do you feel it is a sign? I sense that there is a lot of things going on in this situation, there are many thoughts whirling round both your heads, which way to go, what to saym, how to act, what to decide, there is an expansiveness to the relationship that will not be pigeon holed into one thing or another.

You are still unsure deep down how you feel, you want to act with grace and poise and yet some part of you feels like running and jumping into his arms every moment. But is that just a feeling that may be a mistake, will it last. He is delighted to have found someone that works so well and that is a big plus, and perhaps like many he will come to the conclusion that it is better to keep work and love apart. And it is often far harder to find a good working partner than a love partner.

I think that you would do well to approach him and to be open about your feelings, but first you must decide what they are. Take responsibility for your actions and feelings, are you sure what you want? This is an area that often we do not want to dwell on because then our heart starts to make a committment and what if he doesn't feel the same. So back to the drawing board and we play it safe and just act on a whim and with spontaneity as the mood takes us. If you sit back then you will know and with little risk to your heart.

The other man in question, I met online just last week. I didn't know much about him to be honest, but I didn't want to as I knew we would have more to talk about this way- and also I have decided I do not want to form any romantic attachments too early over "chat/email" just incase an in-person meeting doesn't work out. We seem to have tons in common, just so many hobbies and interets, even past experiences. We have been texting every day or other day since we met, and I think there is a lot of potential here. He seems to be spiritually awakened as well, and there was this "I feel like I know you already" vibe to our meeting. He's very into fitness and I think perhaps uses that to cover up insecurity (as he said every girlfriend he has ever had cheated on him). Do you see anything panning out with this man?

My birthday is 1-7-82

Thank you so much for your time
I was drawn to mystery man number two, and the online relationship. I think that it is very easy to form strong relationships over the ether with people that if we met in person we might run away from, hopefully not the case here.  I was shown a picture of a man that is full of life and having a ball and enjoying everything he does. He is very happy with the way the relationship is going and although he is still keeping some things back I feel that is only natural in the circumstaces of a distance relationship. Texting is a good way to start, perhaps a phone call or two and then a safe meeting and you will know if you are wasting your time or not before too much time and effort have passed.

Good luck whatever you decide to do :)


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