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Reading request

Post by waterfountain » Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:50 pm

i am at a loss, just wanted to see if my guides and higher self had any advce to do now and could tell me what direction i'm headed thanks

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A time for emotional healing and rebalancing

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:58 am

Hi Fountain, :smt006

It should not surprise you in the least that your featured theme card for this month's reading which was The Moon is essentially telling me that you are currently on an emotional roller coaster ride, where things may make a lot of sense at the time which they are happening, but in hindsight they may make absolutely no sense to you, and you may wonder why you ever thought that they did.

Your potential for suffering from an emotional overload is currently at an all time high, but this does not necessarily mean that this is inevitable or that it is destined to happen, no matter what you might try with the intention to improve your relationships with other significant people in your life. There is often a fine line between genius and insanity as well as between genuine psychic visions and illusions, and you are it seems walking that fine line or tightrope as we speak.

This is definitely NOT the best or right time for making important decisions which would require cold logic and a clear head, so if such an important decision has to be made relatively soon, the advice being offered is for you to delay it until you are feeling more in control of your situation, and your emotional responses have become more moderate and well balanced.

It is particularly important during the period of the next six months or so, commonly thought to be covered by a reading of the type given by me on this forum for you not to rush into any major financial or business decisions which could be difficult to impossible to back out of without having your pride hurt and your bank account balance suffering a major reversal.

And a bad decision now could have long term negative consequences for your future financial security. When you begin to think that you know everything there is to know when rushing in where angels would fear to tread and burning your bridges behind you in either of these two equally important life areas (your money, your business, or both), that is when you will suddenly realise that you know very little at all and that there is so much of value still to be learned.

You will need to get some good quality sleep and dream time in between the present moment and the middle part of April 2012 (six months), if you are going to give yourself a fair chance of keeping some of your more impulsive emotions under check. Impulsive emotions are those which are it appears almost calculated to get you into some heated arguments and verbal battles with your family members, close friends and work colleagues.

This is also a time for you to start really listening to the inner voice of your intuition (the Moon for example has always been associated by many readers with the person whose reading it is developing abilities, as well as the spiritual gift of prophecy or foretelling the future). For far too long you have either ignored what your gut feelings are telling you about this person, or you have failed to some degree to apply what lessons you should have learned from the experience to your daily life.

Your intuition and creativity are both screaming out for a way of being expressed at this physical level. If you are a budding poet or you have desired for some time to write a fictional masterpiece, then this is the optimum time to let your creative juices flow freely, and perhaps earn some extra money in the process to help you to enjoy your life more, after the seemingly endless household bills have been paid.

If on the other hand your creativity lies instead in the direction of composing a piece of music or balancing a complex mathematical equation, then go for it with my inner source's blessing and approval. That is of course if you need my inner guidance's approval before you are willing to take such a huge leap of faith into the unknown. My feelings are that you have been seeking approval from so many people for so long in your life, that my guides approval or displeasure is of little if any interest or relevance to you.

Be more assertive (stand up more for your own rights) with your family member, trusted friend or co-worker, but do not make the common mistake of becoming openly aggressive and unknowingly looking for trouble where it might or might not already exist. Balance your increased assertiveness with some extra tact and diplomacy, and you will have a winning formula for your dealings with this "difficult" individual well into the future. Do not be intentionally nasty or difficult just to get your revenge on them for hurting your feelings, as this would be the equivalent of trying to put out a fire by throwing petrol  or gasoline upon it. Do not fight fire with more fire. Two wrongs will never make a right.

Allow your so far largely unexplored creative abilities find an acceptable outlet which could also assist you in solving some of your cash flow problems further down the road. There is nothing wrong with charging a reasonable fee for your psychic or intuitive services. Even psychics and mediums need to pay the cost of living in a physical body and world. It is only when the pursuit of more and more money becomes your only reason for doing this spiritual work that you are heading in the wrong direction.

The severe negative karmic consequences or cosmic penalties for the gross and regular abuse of one's psychic or intuitive abilities is not a topic which I would want to discuss on a public forum such as this one, particularly if I was already feeling more than nervous or sick to my stomach. Don't even think about doing it. It is simply not worth all the pain. Not that someone as nice and intelligent as yourself would ever contemplate doing such a terrible thing, but in spite of this the warning is still there for lesser people than yourself to take notice of, before it is too late.
just wanted to see if my guides and higher self had any advice to do now
See the advice above!
and could tell me what direction I'm headed
Forwards into a brighter future, not only for yourself but simultaneously for those people who are close to you as well. Things may seem to be getting a little crazy to you during the next six months, but have enough faith that there is a useful purpose or universal plan behind you having to undergo this time of emotional extremes and diSTRESS. There is a method to this apparent madness, but you yourself are not in any imminent danger of going mad or crazy, according to society's method of judging when a person is losing his or her sanity.

It was formerly believed that people went mad or crazy by staring at the moon night after night. It is well known by anecdotal evidence and statistics that the incidence of mental imbalance and violence in the general population peaks with the full moon. Luna is the Latin word for moon. People who acted crazy and who (obviously to the superstitious amongst us) must have got that way by staring repeatedly over an extended period of time at the moon's disc in the night time sky (watch out for the werewolves), were once all called LUNA-TICS.

You are not one of these unfortunate souls (lunatics), but sometimes the many challenges and frustrations of your life can make you start feeling and believing deep down where it counts that you are one of them? Don't buy into or accept such a negative self defeating belief as this one at its face value, or you may quickly become mentally and emotionally imbalanced, but unlike before it will now be all too real. Be careful of unwittingly creating a negative self fulfilling prophecy like this one, through your most strongly held and largely unconscious, regular thoughts.

Many blessings,

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Post by waterfountain » Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:00 pm

thank you very much tiger, i am falling apart very destalized and imbalanced, does my ucnonsious think i'm going to go mad? can i change with with postive affirmation?

thanks for everything, this maybe too much to ask but i feel lke i'm on edge and really need spirtual guidance and help, i was wondering for a bit if you could help me, nothing is working so far and me and therapists are at wits's end, i just really need support thanks

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:49 pm

waterfountain wrote:thank you very much tiger, I am falling apart very destabilised and imbalanced, does my unconscious think I'm going to go mad? Can I change with with positive affirmation?

thanks for everything, this maybe too much to ask but i feel like I'm on edge and really need spiritual guidance and help, i was wondering for a bit if you could help me, nothing is working so far and me and therapists are at wit's end, I just really need support thanks
NO your unconscious does not think that you are going mad. And neither do I.

It has attempted (not very successfully it appears) to assure you repeatedly throughout your entire reading, that you are NOT in any real or imminent danger of losing your sanity.

Emotional imbalances and disturbances are unfortunately widespread within the general population these days (some would say that it is an epidemic or pandemic), and depression is regarded as the mind's equivalent of the common cold.

You therefore do not need any affirmation to prevent you from going mad or crazy, as it simply is not going to be allowed to happen.

However with the above having been said, affirmations are indeed valuable tools which we can use in order to promote positive change within ourselves at many different levels at the same time.

And this is the major message behind this footnote to your main reading.


To be able to calm yourself and restore some degree of emotional balance and stability, you, your therapists as well as other caring people like myself must all work co-operatively together in our own special areas of expertise, to eventually help you to heal.

Some therapists/doctors/counsellors will work with your body itself (physical). Some therapists/doctors/counsellors will focus more on your mind and feelings (mental and emotional). While others like myself, your priest or minister or spiritual advisor/counsellor will work more with your spiritual self and its particular needs.

To heal means to make you whole.

At present I believe that your therapists are all unintentionally working at cross purposes, and may not even know that any others exist who are simultaneously treating your emotional distress. They are each working individually but isolated from all the others on a part of your overall problem, but they need to come together and appreciate the bigger picture of who you are as a single entity or complete person in your own right.

It should be clear to you by now that you were never expected to cope with this entirely by yourself, so all of these people and more have been sent to you precisely because the Universe still has plans for your life which require you to remain alive and reasonably happy and well grounded and balanced on Earth for many more years still to come.

I believe that a more concerted, co-operative and co-ordinated approach between all your therapists, doctors, counsellors, spiritual advisors or others is needed to get you through this extremely difficult period in your life, rather than you only selecting the "right"affirmation to get you over this.

But affirmations can certainly help in combination with or as part of one or more of these different approaches or therapies.

My suggestion for the most likely to be effective affirmation for your situation is as follows......

Basically any simple statement (remember the KISS principle - Keep It Simple St*pid) which declares your total commitment to increasingly working more closely and in greater harmony with all your different therapists, helpers and friends, is just what your inner doctor has prescribed for your temporary physical, mental, emotional and spiritual imbalances and general disturbances of inner equilibrium.

What this all means to you this time in plain English is that there is every reason for you to hope that with the knowledge and help of so many caring and intuitive people working together in your favour, that you will not only survive this stressful period, but that you will also become a much stronger and more self confident person within yourself as a direct result of having had such a large healing team of people on your side during this time, as your biggest fans.

Strength in numbers!!! Image

From the newly self appointed president of your inaugural fan club or cheer squad,

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Post by waterfountain » Mon Oct 17, 2011 3:50 pm

thank you very much eot, i feel i need extra support at this time maybe as spirtual guide i was wondering if we could connect in pm or email if that's ok, i wouldn't ask hadn't i feel so on edge

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I have given you what help and support I am able or allowed to give my friends

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:53 pm

Dear Fountain, :smt009

You have I feel quite unintentionally put me in a somewhat difficult and delicate position, by continually expecting me to exceed the limits of my competence and expertise in supporting you any further than I already have out of good will.

I totally understand and am acutely sensitive to my friend's suffering, but I also on the other hand recognize my own limitations of time and energy and what is legal, in being able to help you any further than I already have through these intuitive readings.

Communication with spirit guides is normally only attempted through mediumship readings, which are not allowed on Mystic Boards. Readings given through private messages and emails are similarly not permitted according to the site rules which this site's owner has implemented with good reason. These guidelines apply equally to everyone using this forum: readers and non readers alike.

Please therefore do not take them personally to heart as a possible sign that I do not care. This could not be further from the truth. Many people have told me that I care too much for my own good about people like yourself, but that's just me. I simply cannot do this spiritual work any other way. What you see with me is exactly what you get.

Please note that since you have now received this reading you will not be eligible for another one either on this or any of the other reading forums, until at least November 16th (one month to the day since your previous request).

If you do require any further support in addition to my monthly readings, then you should immediately consult an understanding professional person outside of the internet, who is better qualified to offer you other special means of support which I sadly am not.

For more severe cases of depression or emotional disturbance where people are experiencing thoughts of suicide or are in danger of harming themselves, the following website is an excellent place to begin, but once again this is only to be used in combination with help obtained from a suitably trained and knowledgeable professional off line.

May you eventually find renewed inner peace and strength in order to help you get through this dark night of your soul.


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Post by waterfountain » Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:47 pm

hi eot i think you misunderstood what i was asking, it wasn't for ongoing readings, it was a request for assitance on something therapists cannot help me with, understanding the spirtual. I had a very traumatic awakening and am tyring to process all of this.. i just had a few questions in general on how things work and haven't been able to find them through books. You have obviously been doing this longer then i have so i thought i could try asking you to resolve, but that's ok i understand if your time is limited and cannot exceed this thanks for your help as always

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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:13 pm

Hi Waterfountain, just an idea here but why don't you post about this in the main Psychic Forum where we answer questions and help and support each other with no limitation to the monthly reading limit? Although you may not get EOT responding as he is more active in this Psychic Reading sub-forum, but I am sure you will find people that respond to your post.  :)


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:40 pm

waterfountain wrote:hi eot i think you misunderstood what i was asking, it wasn't for ongoing readings, it was a request for assitance on something therapists cannot help me with, understanding the spirtual. I had a very traumatic awakening and am tyring to process all of this.. i just had a few questions in general on how things work and haven't been able to find them through books. You have obviously been doing this longer then i have so i thought i could try asking you to resolve, but that's ok i understand if your time is limited and cannot exceed this thanks for your help as always
Dear Fountain,

No I have not misunderstood what you are asking. You are asking the readers on Mystic Boards to do something which they are neither equipped nor prepared to do at the expense of people who are requesting readings, which is what this board was designed for in the first place.

As Cassie has already quite rightly commented, the only support which I am able to give you concerning any problem IS through a reading.

It is true that as part of my readings I also often add my own opinions and advice to the mixture, but without doing the reading I cannot provide the type of free standing help which you are clearly looking for.

Since your therapists cannot help you with this after having much more detailed information available to them then I seriously doubt that posting this in the main psychic forum instead of here is either going to be of much further benefit to you, or that it is legal as we could with the very best of intentions offer you advice which could cause you harm precisely because we do not have all the relevant information at hand to be able to make a fully informed decision with regards to advising you.

There are some things which are beyond the ability of your readers or any other member of this site to help you with at a long distance, and I feel that you require an ongoing means of professional support off line, in addition to what help and support can be given to you through your monthly readings on Mystic Boards.  

I appreciate that you are placing a lot of your faith in us to believe that we can solve all your problems through free readings and free advice, but the fact is that our readings and advice alone by themselves are rarely if ever enough to break the back of your problems, and you will therefore necessarily need to also look off line for people in your local area who are professionally trained to handle what we clearly cannot.

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