Akashic Reading from Mangomom

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Akashic Reading from Mangomom

Post by adrianna » Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:11 pm

Firstly I have to say that it makes me so very happy to see you back on these forums mangomom. Woke up a few days ago and logged onto to the forums and saw that you were back and it made a great start to my day :-) I am sorry to hear however that it has been a tough couple of years for you but I am glad that you managed to find your feet once again. I hope your grandchildren are doing great. I see that the readings are starting to pile up and I am sorry to add another on to you but for the good of my soul and sanity, I need some good insight and perspective from the recordkeepers and the last reading you gave me 3 years ago helped me considerably. Please take your time. Will PM you the details.

Thank you for your time and energy.
Good to have you back again!

Blessed be,

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Post by MangoMom » Sun Dec 25, 2011 3:59 pm

Adrianna, thank you so much for your wonderful wishes.  The trials I went through were a blessing, I am stronger and much happier today with myself and my family and loved ones.  Sometimes you don't know how blessed you are until something is taken away to make you see clearer.  The mirror may be smudged but you get used to seeing through the clouded mist, then when it is wiped away you realize you were becoming blinded.  

Your private message held 2 questions, I will address the first one in this reading.

These last few weeks however have been trying times for me emotionally particularly my relationship with my mother who is very codependent, controlling and  physically and verbally abusive and constantly hurls curses at me. I have dreams I want to manifest and would love to meet someone nice and settle down. As much as I am trying to project good and positive thinking and attitude and holding no grudges - I know subconsciously her words linger and blocks me in my own path to happines.  I would love to hear any thoughts and insights on this from the record keepers? Will there be change or least understand and accept the fact that I must leave and try to live on my own and chase dreams?
It has been so very frustrating trying to talk to her and make her understand nicely and well, not so nicely. I've tried praying and hoping the light I am sending out to her will eventually reach her.

In a reading a couple of years ago, this same question was posed to the RecordKeepers and they gave you a response.  Nothing changes if nothing changes.  You have not changed your attitude and understood that you must go on, you cannot change others, you must change yourself.  Sitting and waiting and praying for someone else to see as you do or change their views will not happen.  You must change your attitude and your beliefs or acceptance.  You must make changes for yourself and not be so concerned what others think of you. You do no live in their mind and you do not know what they are actually thinking.   You are asking permission from your mother to feel good about yourself or not.  She cannot do that for you.  Letting someone else's words block your path to happiness is not possible.  You must love yourself and walk the paths, not your Mother.  Your mother does love you and does approve of you, but does not show it the way you feel she should.  She has her own problems and life to experience.  Now, you need to understand, no one can make you happy, you must accomplish that on your own, learn the true meaning of self love, once you see yourself in a self-assured individual, you will know that your path is only blocked by your own beliefs and others words only confirm your beliefs.  

You are a strong individual in many ways but are struggling so hard to gain the approval of others (which is already there) you learn to approve of yourself and other will follow.  

From the words of Nelson Mandella

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.  We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?  Actually, who are you not to be?  You are a Child of God.  Your playing a small light doesn't serve the world.  There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.  We were born to manifest the Glory of our God within us.  It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone.  And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

I hope that is gives you some light and inspiration as to how to address your concerns, you are a beautiful person, inside and out, now let that light shine!


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Post by adrianna » Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:47 am

Dearest Mangomom,

Thank you so much for the reading. Everything you said was true to the dime! It's been a hard week this last week. Got my heart broken and there's just so many things running through my mind and I sometimes think I have taken 'critical thinking' to a whole new level and tend to over think things - which strangely I never used to do. But the heart makes one do strange things doesn't it Mangomom? :-p I love the quote at the end. I will try and heed your advice and see where my heart and head takes me.

Thank you so much for your time and energy in doing the reading. I shall come back one day for the second question, although right now I don't think it matters anymore. :-(

Have a blessed New Year! May all your wishes, hopes and dreams come to light.

Warmest Love,

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