Psychic reading requested of Celestial

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Psychic reading requested of Celestial

Post by Agora » Sun May 06, 2012 7:10 am

Dear Celestial,

I have gone through lot of stuff in my life in the last 7 years(health wise and mentally too). There were good moments, but many were too bad and left a bad impact on me.
I dont even get proper sleeps. My mind never stops thinking. Sometimes, i feel like it should have a shut down button just like a computer. I dont remember the last time i had a peaceful sleep without any thoughts.

Whats this life all about? When i look at people all around, some people go through a lot of hardships, some kids dont have money to eat and live. I sometimes get the feeling of giving on my career, etc. and do something genuine for the poor. I'm a kind and sensitive person looking for answers for my own existence in this inequitable world.

I know everyone exist here for a reason.Whats mine??
I am not looking for only materialistic pleasure as far as i know myself. I am kind of serious and an introvert, and i'm not sure what i'm heading towards. There is a great dilemma about the career b/w technical like electrical engineering jobs and managerial like marketing/finance/Investment banking,etc. kind of jobs..On the other side there is health which has been a concern from a long time and unless thats cleared , i cant take a further step. Also, there is an inner desire to be in the best position in life with respect to career as well as money. A decision has to be made but i'm stuck.

I am expecting a psychic reading from you.

Hope you will reply back,

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Post by Agora » Sun May 06, 2012 8:01 am

Also please let me know about the future.

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Re: Psychic reading requested of Celestial

Post by Celestial » Mon May 07, 2012 1:28 am

Agora wrote:Dear Celestial,

I have gone through lot of stuff in my life in the last 7 years(health wise and mentally too). There were good moments, but many were too bad and left a bad impact on me.
I dont even get proper sleeps. My mind never stops thinking. Sometimes, i feel like it should have a shut down button just like a computer. I dont remember the last time i had a peaceful sleep without any thoughts.

Dear Agora, Thank you for requesting a Psychic/Intuitive reading from me. It appears evident, as the first bit of psychic information comes through, that being an engineer, you possess a highly analytical mind that is coming into play and even perplexing you, at times, in your daily life as you seek a greater "structure", as it were, to other aspects in your life that do not tend to adhere into that professionally structured way.

You must try to differentiate between what is professional to you and what is your normal lifestyle. When you are able to see that clearly and come to terms with it, you will be in a much better space! But you also need to concentrate on that which is serving God the highest, that is, what you are doing to promote His will on Earth and in your life (in your next sentence you touch on that aspect but do not fully answer my ensuing questions.) Only resorting to that which can benefit one, financially speaking, will obviously polarize your relationship with God and will leave you feeling empty, with many questions, and in a truly scattered space. It can also serve to bring your energy level down thus, negatively affect you in ways you have identified.

Whats this life all about? When i look at people all around, some people go through a lot of hardships, some kids dont have money to eat and live. I sometimes get the feeling of giving on my career, etc. and do something genuine for the poor. I'm a kind and sensitive person looking for answers for my own existence in this inequitable world.

This life is about learning many lessons! We come into this existence to a world or dimension that has "training wheels" as it were, where one can train for the years allotted to them by God in preparation for higher consciousness. Therefore, we go through many lessons in this, our only life. We may not understand why things happen or why it seems we are getting no where but that is why God gave you a great mind with which to think. You are an engineer. Therefore, you have had a greater education that many have not attained. In going forward you need to once again reach out to God and ask your specific questions that He, as the most High, is the only one capable of answering. It takes deep introspection and the will to find that which you currently seek.

You speak about others and their unfortunate life. It is good that you are concerned about them as that is what God expects from you and all others. To Love One Another as Jesus taught us to do. It is in loving others that God can truly bless us and our lives! But you must also understand that what others go through, many times, is the product of their own actions or lack thereof. In the case of the kids who don't have money to live and eat, as you put it, it is not entirely their fault. Let me explain this. Before they decided to incarnate, they chose that kind of life. Therefore, knowing full well they may live in poverty for the rest of their life they chose that willingly. Why you might ask? It is for the good of the soul. It is for the greater growth of their soul because the lessons they would be learning along the way would be contributing to their overall knowledge of life and the circumstances that have been laid out before them.

The other part to that is that while they are still young, they are considered "innocents." Certainly their parents are expected to care for them and bring them up properly, feed them, educate them, and provide a roof over their head. When that does not happen for whatever reason, the parents are learning also about the caring and love of their children and those who matter in their life. But how much do they want to extend themselves in that effort to be truly good providers is the Big Question. If the answer is to go all out and be the best parent they can be, then that means they will find a way to better educate themselves and do what it takes to truly be the kind of provider they want to be. If they do not make that effort then they are not truly the providers they made themselves out to be. They have literally failed in that effort. They fail because nothing should stop one who has a dream! Nothing should, when it means the betterment of their own life, the life of their family and that of their general situation. I'm sure you have heard the old adage, "Where there's a will, there's a way." That is so very true! If they only followed that great advice, there would be no famines, no uneducated family members, and no need for misfortune to plague them and follow them for the rest of their lives.

If they were to blame their situation on the economy or the country they live in not having the resources for them to accomplish what they feel they must, then that can only signal the need to move on to where they CAN find that which would make them and their family happy, prosperous, and successful! Remember again, "Where there's a will, there's a way!" That applies to you as well! You see, when you see the world as being "inequitable", that can only mean that you are striving to see better conditions in the world. And finding better conditions all starts with YOU! You can be that part of the missing puzzle that can truly move mountains to change things for yourself and for the world around you. Don't just see the inequity in the world, do something about it so that it will be less inequitable for you and be more to your liking!

I know everyone exist here for a reason.Whats mine??

Again, your reason for existence is to learn your lessons in this life so that you can be better prepared for the Afterlife where all will reflect on what you learned and did here. You were obviously meant to be a builder of things hence, you were moved to become an engineer! You obviously saw a vision of great structures, equipment, and/or edifices that you could help build and you believed in that vision so much that you educated yourself in that field to go on to make a difference in the world! It obviously takes many years to become an engineer and is a very honorable profession very worthy of note. Therefore, in wishing to forge ahead you need to consider that with your knowledge and training you can become just as great as you want to be or you can limit yourself as much as your thinking dictates to you.

I am not looking for only materialistic pleasure as far as i know myself. I am kind of serious and an introvert, and i'm not sure what i'm heading towards. There is a great dilemma about the career b/w technical like electrical engineering jobs and managerial like marketing/finance/Investment banking,etc. kind of jobs..On the other side there is health which has been a concern from a long time and unless thats cleared , i cant take a further step. Also, there is an inner desire to be in the best position in life with respect to career as well as money. A decision has to be made but i'm stuck.

As mentioned earlier in my reading, before I even got to read this last paragraph where you say "Also, there is an inner desire to be in the best position in life with respect to career as well as money." I was already picking that up psychically. You want the best for you and there is nothing wrong with being ambitious. But it is in thinking things out clearly about yourself, taking into consideration your needs, desires, plans for your future and those whom you love, that can set the wheels in motion to get going and obtaining that which you wish for. It has often been said that 'energy follows thought.' Therefore, without first having thoughts about something, what you want to accomplish in life in your case, you cannot possibly move forward to set the wheels into motion in order to accomplish that which you inwardly seek but have not fully designed a plan for.

So, Spirit says you need to decide here and now how you want to help the world and in the process also help yourself. I could not have put that any better! One way that may help you accomplish this is to make a list with two vertical lines through the page from top to bottom making it a column with three areas. On one column, the left side, list all of your Goals and Objectives. On the middle column, list the *Positives* of what can be accomplished with those goals and objectives. And on the last column list the negatives about it e.g., the time to do it or what it would take to accomplish the task, cost, time spent away from home, the lack of benefits, etc. Then, when you are finished, study the chart carefully and add or remove anything that needs correcting!

After that, you need to visualize what you have found to be helpful to you within your goals and objectives that you want to pursue. Can you bring that to fruition? If you can, and you have taken time, money, family, inconveniences, etc. into consideration in the process and you have found that it all comes together harmoniously, then you may well have a plan to work with. But ultimately, it will be your choice in this matter on how to proceed. Do you believe you truly want a better situation in your life with better money or conditions or is that just a fleeting thought? Remember once again that it all starts with YOU and what you think, my friend!

You also say in a subsequent note to me that you want to know about your future. Please know that only God truly knows the future of anyone. A person, in essence, creates their own future. And it is being created right now by their own thoughts and desires of what they want to accomplish later on as the years roll by. Therefore, have a plan that you can work with and if it is worth accomplishing, work with it with the added goal that you can be the Best that you can be! Don't let anything stand in your way of accomplishing only the very best for you, your loved ones, and all others in the world whom you care about!

Before I conclude this psychic reading, I would like to go to your angels and ask them to bring forth a Special Message for you that you can embrace and learn from and keep close to your heart.

Your angels are telling you that you should learn to use your intuition to bring forth information that is known to your higher self. You can be truly enlightened by the knowledge to be had! They reinforce that thought saying they are ready to communicate with you but you must first learn to use the tools that can truly be the Key that can unlock doors previously closed to you! Finally, they say that with your ambitions, you need to have a clear plan as to where you are going. Do not waver along your true path, for they will be with you always to help and guide you along the way!

I am expecting a psychic reading from you.

I hope your expectations were fully met! May you be richly blessed by God and may all of your hopes, dreams, and ambitions become reality! Thank you for the opportunity to read psychically for you.

Hope you will reply back,

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From EoT

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon May 07, 2012 1:40 am

Hello Agora,

I also suffer with chronic insomnia or nights of not sleeping at all, so my heart goes out to you. And it appears that you share the same problem of not being able to turn off your mind for only a moment.

Do you also tend to fall asleep without warning any time of the day, usually when you least want to sleep as nature's compensation for your lost sleep time when you want the rest?

Have you tried some basic meditation techniques to help you to deal with this incredibly frustrating and debilitating condition?

Any or limited success?

You are under no obligation to respond to my questions, but if I can in addition help you in any way with some useful practical advice gained from my own personal experience of what this is like, please let me know and I will do my best to make this a little easier for you.

As this board is reserved mainly for readings, please only contact me through a private message as I do not wish to further distract either of you from your ongoing conversation.

Celestial has already given you your reading (above.)

We are both working together on the same team to help you.

EoT  :)

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Post by Agora » Mon May 07, 2012 4:16 am

Thank you Mr.Celestial for such a caring reading.
@Eye of tiger :- I will contact you shortly :)

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Post by Celestial » Mon May 07, 2012 11:48 pm

Agora wrote:Thank you Mr.Celestial for such a caring reading.
@Eye of tiger :- I will contact you shortly :)

You're very welcome, Mr. Agora! May you find peace, happiness, and tranquility in all that you do!


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Post by acertainseason » Wed May 30, 2012 3:59 pm


I read this reading and, even though I wasn't the target, also related to the intuitive advice you gave and will take it to heart in some of my future decisions. Thank you for all that you give here on the boards! :)

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Post by Celestial » Wed May 30, 2012 8:19 pm

Dearest acertainseason, Thank you so much for your kind posting and comments on my work! I am glad that you were able to relate something from that intuitive reading as may apply to your own circumstances. Sometimes, Spirit calls to another person and guides them to a certain place to show them something that may indeed be germane to their own life. I believe such an occurrence happened here in this instance.

Thanks again and may you be always blessed with only the very best that God can give unto you!

With hugs,

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