I feel like I have so many options... I'd like to be read by EOT

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I feel like I have so many options... I'd like to be read by EOT

Post by AeraCrescent » Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:40 am

If it is possible, I would like a general reading. I don't think I really know what I want to ask, because I have so many questions and it would be hard to put them into a concise proper question.

I was born on April 19th, 1987, 12:00pm. I do not go by my legal name anymore, but I have gone by Aera Crescent for about 6 years.

I know for a general reading that is you choice to choose what you feel is the most relevant information for me right now, but I also know you have read some of my postings; if you could keep in mind some of the content of those postings, in regards to my new found spiritual growth and experiences, I would appreciate it - but I don't have my heart set on it.

I am very curious to see what would come up in a reading from you. I appreciate your time and effort, thank you.

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Matthew Manning and you?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:16 am


I know that you have been messed around with and taken advantage by many so called professional psychics and people with the best of intentions in the past, and you have had your feelings terribly hurt as a result. Unlike your ex friend's teacher who was going to charge you $2000 for her course or $500 per reading, my reading and advice will cost you next to nothing.

Nothing other that is than possibly the price of a cheap second hand book or two.

I want you if you have not already to do some personal research of your own, either on the internet or in your local library or by visiting a second-hand book shop.

The person whose life experiences mostly parallel your own can be found under the name of MATTHEW MANNING.


The first book which I ever read about him was "The Link". Now an absolute classic in the psychic literature department.

As a child he and his family were allegedly subjected to a range of poltergeist disturbances in their Cambridge home and later at Oakham School in England. While writing a school essay Manning discovered that he had the ability to do automatic writing and found that in doing so it would weaken or completely stop the poltergeist activity.

Now I do not remember him every having reported having an OOBE, having used medical marijuana, or being a member of a psychic development group in Seattle Washington, but like yourself he was positively brimming over with excess amounts of psychic energy which up until he discovered automatic writing was progressively tearing his whole life and family apart.

The huge amounts of psychic energy accumulating in Matthew's young body needed to be released and expressed or it would have quickly destroyed him or have driven him crazy. The only outlet or point of exit they could find like a lightening bolt needs to be grounded when he was a young boy and teenager was in psychokinetic activity (mainly moving large articles of furniture around) which was then interpreted to be the work of a noisy ghost (poltergeist is German for noisy spirit) which was "haunting" their home and later his boarding school.

But as he grew more back in control over his psychic gifts, it was obvious that automatic writing had served its useful purpose, and that all this excess stored up abundance of psychic energy needed to urgently find an alternative outlet which much more directly helps people.

I noticed in one of your postings that you mentioned that you have always had a burning passion and desire to help and to heal other people, and like Matthew who shared your need to help as many people as possible, I believe that you have the potential to become a world class healer, BUT ONLY IF YOU WANT TO.


Talk about wearing your heart on your sleeve all of the time. It is as though your entire personal energy field has lost its outer skin and is consequently open and seriously vulnerable to drowning in a sea of energies, both of a positive and more negative nature.

I observe that you are currently being overpowered by your own accumulated psychic energy, and that some of your postings on Mystic Board have never got a response because other people find your excess hyped up psychic energies to be more than a little overpowering to them.

You mentioned that you stopped using medical marijuana because you felt that it was deadening your psychic senses, but your reading tends to disagree that this was the real problem under the surface. I am not as acutely sensitive to people's auras as you are but from here even I can see that the medical hashish has wreaked damage upon your body's defence mechanisms, both psychic as in aura and physical as in your body's immune system.

It is felt that until this significant damage can be reversed and sealed, all the grounding and focussing in the world is only going to give you a minor and transient improvement in your overall condition.

Some of this damage may have happened as you returned to your physical vehicle after the OOBE you had as a young child (caused by you undergoing a form of psychic shock from returning too quickly), some of it may have been caused by physical or psychological or psychic trauma since your childhood (including the feeling of betrayal by your now ex friend which has hurt you much more than you realise), and some of it may be due to the need for you to learn certain karmic lessons.

But at this early point, honestly doing something positive to make you feel less hyperactive, tense and anxious which will last more than a minute must necessarily take a much higher priority to finding these reasons, if indeed they do exist.

The problems with your shoulder may be helped in your mind by Jade crystals, but it is your own potent healing abilities which it is felt are causing any improvement, or reduction in the pain.

Healer, first learn to heal yourself are the keywords for your mission or purpose or quest for having come to the site, and having noticed that its energies and values are so much in line with your own self confessed agnostic but still highly spiritual beliefs.

In summary, although I agree with some of the wise advice you have been given by genuine well meaning people on this website, as well as the frauds and self deluded people both online and offline who think that charging people an exorbitant fee for their dubious services proves that they are the greatest psychic/reader/healer/teacher on the planet, this reading concludes that your greatest challenge at the moment in psychically calming yourself from the effects of the huge excess amounts of psychic energy which may manifest in your close vicinity as orbs is to discharge, dissipate and distribute these energies in a way which heals both yourself and others close to you.

I see your best solution to the problems which you have described and your future if you want it to lie mainly in the area of contact and distant energy healing. But without the need for spending most of your $100 left over at the end of each month to do courses which may literally cost you the clothes off your back, and the roof over your head.

You are the second person who I have met recently on Mystic Boards who has expressed the desire to heal, but does not have the income to back up their passion to relieve the suffering of others. I am now even more determined than I was before that if I could only find the extra time and energy I would need in order to develop a forum where people like your, this other person and myself could compare notes on practical healing which is not involving Reiki (no offence is intended to my Reiki practising friends who are doing so much of excellence and generosity and compassion to support my wife and myself through her cancer treatment and remission), that it would be a very worthwhile exercise for all of us in so many different ways, and at so many different levels.

Until that time arrives (if it does arrive in my lifetime), we will need to do our best with the current forum arrangements. 99% of this will not involve actual readings as such, so the main psychic forum would I feel be the best one for the present to continue asking your questions in, with the option to develop this into a separate and independent but also inclusive (as the techniques and healing experiences often overlap each other considerably), further down the road.

You will still need your psychic development higher consciousness group or circle sessions on a fairly regular basis in Seattle WA to enhance any progress which we can make in this direction on Mystic Board. A healer needs much the same psychic skills as a Reader often does as well.

Focussing, grounding, discernment practise, practise and more practise does not make us perfect. But it is essential to continually develop and further refine our basic psychic skill sets.

Let me know how your research on Matthew Manning goes via a private message. His observations and wealth of practical experience in how to deal with his own excess amounts of psychic energy, may hopefully in turn help you greatly with yours.

Hoping that this intuitive reading helps you to better recognise and understand your life's main mission or karmic reason for existing, as it has been revealed to you here. The immensely satisfying but sometimes painfully lonely and challenging path of progressively and safely becoming a healer, if it is your free will to decide to choose this road for yourself.

Love, Light and Healing,

EoT :smt031

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Post by AeraCrescent » Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:59 am

Thank you so much for attending to this so quickly. I have been wondering what to do, where to put my energies. What to focus on. My mother is practicing Reiki. I actually FELT her do a long distance healing (with my permission) once after I got sciatica recently (which is gone now). I had never felt reiki before really. The last few times one had performed Reiki on me, I panicked and the practitioner stopped.

Yes I have been down lately, depressed and worried. My partner is depressed currently. I feel it some.

I cried when I read this, a little bit. Because you're right. I am damaged. I have a lot of trauma from my childhood, I don't remember a lot of my childhood, actually, EOT.
I'm having identity problems right now again. I feel disconnected a little bit from myself. So I have been trying to seek out healers and checking out what is around me.
I am meeting a level III Reiki master tomorrow who is a friend of a friend. I have started to think, before this reading, about learning a healing practice. Because, it's like ,if I have this ability, to move a current of energy through my body, by forming a ball, a bright green ball between my hands, I should use it for something. I should help people, AND if it makes my arm feel completely normal as well, it should pursue it. But I need to learn how to do this correctly.

I am a little confused about some of the stuff that has showed up in the reading. I do have a hard time interpreting things sometimes. Just like when I do tarot for myself (still a novice).

I thank you for your compliments on the aura stuff. I am very interested in Auras. I am very concerned about my partner's Aura and well being. But I can't see past the etheric Aura, and I am still practicing that faculty. I wasn't aware I had damage in my Aura. I can't really see mine, or feel mine.

I really thank you for attending to this so quickly. I Think I might know what I could do to alleviate some financial stress to help with what I would need to take proper healing classes perhaps... but it will take time.

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An invitation for you to point out any sources of confusion in your reading

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:18 pm

It was my pleasure to be of some assistance to someone who is so gifted but at the same time so lost about what is the best direction for her to take from now on.
Because, it's like ,if I have this ability, to move a current of energy through my body, by forming a ball, a bright green ball between my hands, I should use it for something. I should help people, AND if it makes my arm feel completely normal as well, it should pursue it. But I need to learn how to do this correctly.

You have just in the above paragraph brilliantly summarised what was the main message behind your reading, which is that you have become exquisitely sensitive not only to the energies of others, but also to your own accumulated psychic energies, which need to find a way of being released which is at the same time going to help other people.

I am a little confused about some of the stuff that has showed up in the reading. I do have a hard time interpreting things sometimes.
Your numerous spiritual gifts must either be used properly or not at all and effectively be wasted, so it is vitally important that you should understand at least a large part of the reading which you have been given, if it is going to be of any lasting benefit to you, and in turn to your partner/soul mate.

I therefore invite you under this thread to please point out to me any sources of confusion, and to then give me the opportunity as your reader to hopefully clarify them for you, so that you will not leave this place with only a fraction of the complete message which I believe was contained within it for your optimum growth and development as both a spiritual and human being.

Also I want to be upfront and honest with you about some of the information which was included with your reading which was gained not by any psychic or intuitive method, but rather by googling your spiritual name on the well known internet search engine, combined with me reading your excellent and very revealing introduction and other earlier postings on Mystic Board.

While it is true that there has been some damage done, it is not in my opinion so serious and irreversible that it cannot be healed over a period of time, but there is much work which needs to be done between now and then with the help and support of many people other than and including myself to be able to get you through this time of challenge.

I am certainly not going to be accused of telling you that there has been some damage done at an energetic level, then leaving you high and dry to wonder and worry about what you could possibly do to fix it by yourself. Not only would doing that be irresponsible and negligent of me in my role as your friend and reader, but to be perfectly frank with you I think that it would be cruel and unfeeling. And definitely not something I would ever do to anyone who I care so much about as your good self.

We are all to a degree damaged in some way by this divine mystery which we call our lives. The challenge is always for each of us to live the best life which we are capable of living and doing the best which we can to help others find their own direction, in spite of and by bringing out the most good from what damage has been done to us in the past.

Please look through your reading again, jot down any points of confusion you can find, then include them with your next response so that we can at least help you to make some real and sustainable progress towards learning to control your abilities, rather than letting them control you as is happening now.

Loving regards,

EoT  :smt007

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