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General Reading

Post by sumbum » Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:15 pm

I haven't had a reading in a while, and lately have been needing some guidance in my life. I would really appreciate one. Thank you!


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Developing a good luck consciousness

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Nov 14, 2012 1:35 am

sumbum wrote:I haven't had a reading in a while, and lately have been needing some guidance in my life. I would really appreciate one. Thank you!

Hello again Summer,

To be exact it was way back in late April of this year when I last gave you a reading in this forum (link below). But you are only doing what I told you to do, when I advised you to have a good rest break from the internet. Image ... 365#310365

How has life been treating you since you have moved to Jasper, Alberta, Canada (you have moved there by now?)? Or if you have not moved there yet, how has life been treating you since you decided to move to Canada? The previous reading gave you a green light that the move would overall be in your best interests, so are you taking full advantage of the opportunities being presented to you by the huge change in your surroundings, including the many new people with whom you are coming into contact?

The Wheel Of Fortune (WOF) which was your focus card for this month's reading is rather unusual and stands out when compared to all the other cards in the Tarot deck. Whereas most of the other cards teach us that our future is mainly created through our own efforts to help ourselves in the present moment, this one introduces the element of chance or luck into the equation.

No matter how much or well we plan our lives, life has a way of making its own plans for us, and often a big part of that plan arrives in the form of what on the surface appears to be a stroke of good luck or good fortune, or a random coincidence. But what might first appear to be simply the result of some good luck or a random event may later be shown to be perfectly planned and intentional.

It has been written several times that coincidence is really only God acting anonymously in our lives. But in addition there are several practical things which you can do to create or attract good luck and increased harmony into your life, and this is exactly what I feel that your reading is attempting to remind you about. Now the big question is to how can you most quickly and effectively attract good luck into your life. How can you attract anything that you feel that you either want or need into your life?

And the answer to both those questions is through the incredible power of your own thoughts. The Law of Attraction states that whatever we most strongly and regularly and unconsciously  think about attracts into our lives the very factors which are most likely to eventually bring about the desired event. So to attract good luck into your life wherever you are living at the time, you need to start thinking that you are already lucky.

You have to somehow develop a good luck consciousness? A way of living where you are almost constantly expecting and are fully open to any positive signs that your luck is improving, or that the WOF is turning in your favour. Easier said than done I know, especially when we are tired and stressed out and are feeling anything but happy or lucky.

Now the human mind has a rather strange weakness (or has it been designed that way) in that it cannot tell the difference between what we imagine, and what is already the case. Whether we only imagine that we are lucky, or whether instead there is a lot of what looks like good luck already in our lives, your brain cannot tell the difference. Which means that if you simply imagine that luck is yours that the brain will signal the release of the same pleasure causing chemicals (endorphins) as if you had just had a stroke of good luck in this physical reality.

Whatever we do which causes these pleasure chemicals to be released, including regularly imagining we have experienced some good luck, we will tend to do more often in order to keep feeling better and better, longer and longer about ourselves. Which in turn means that our feelings of self confidence and self worth get a significant booster shot from this natural chemical, every time that we strongly and frequently visualize ourselves being lucky.

I would interpret this reading to be an extension of the one which I gave you in late April. That reading gave you the green light, but did not tell you much about how to most effectively use the friendly advice given in it.

This current reading on the other hand or in contrast is saying that in addition to making all your plans where you are now living, be prepared for what may first appear to be good luck or a random event which goes strongly in your favour. You can as an added bonus greatly increase your daily dosage of good luck by attracting more of that good luck into your outer world through the almost limitless power of your own mind and the contents of your inner world.

By developing a good luck consciousness. :smt002

Love, Light and more good luck to you,

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Post by summercandy » Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:43 am

EOA, nice to hear from you! Always a pleasure to have a reading from you

I moved to Jasper, Alberta, Canada for four months (April-September) I unfortunately had to move from that beautiful place to go back to school so I am back in the polluted city. But I will say that going out to Alberta in fact did change my life. I was very in touch with nature, meditation, hiking, meeting new friends, and doing everything that mother nature has given us. It was a beautiful place and I plan to move out there for another summer. Which was even a bonus, I met someone who changed my life. I was in a very toxic relationship before I left and when I arrived the first few months I felt out the scenery, met new friends, had some fun and by the end of the summer in July I had met someone, and have fallen madly in love with him. I got rid of the cheating, manipulative, negative person who was making me feel down, and exchanged it to an amazing human being with a heart of gold. Long distance has been tough, but he makes me so happy and it is so worth it!! Taking a break from the internet (though I will admit that I did spend some time on the internet while I was away, but majority was spent outdoors) it really helped me.

As for the reading, I always appreciate your feedback. I have always tried to live with the Law of Attraction, but sometimes when negative things are brought to me I almost feel discouraged and stop. But I know I need to forget that negative things will happen, but if I do keep positive, positive things will come to me (like my wonderful boyfriend). It is hard especially with school, debt, work, things do get tough, but I just need to remind myself: positive with attract positive.

Thank you again EOA,


ps: my old username sumbum signed me out and I can't retrieve the password so this is my new username from now on!

Have a good day :)

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The Law of Attraction SUCKS :))

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:17 am


I can definitely live with that user name better than I ever could with Sumbum.

Candy is sweet as you are.

B*ms are not usually anything like as sweet.

Maybe the Universe agreed with me about this, and deliberately blasted your account, so that you could no longer log into it. lol

But seriously now you are very welcome for the reading, and a big thank you for the excellent and very complete feedback which you have so kindly provided us (me and my inner guidance) with.

The Law of Attraction is unfortunately not very selective about what it attracts into our lives, whether or not we really wanted it in the first place.

This is one incredibly difficult and complicated law for anyone of us to have to work or battle with on a daily basis. IMHO


EoT Image

BTW it has always been EoT (Eye_of_Tiger). I am not sure what EOA stands for in your postings.

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