reading for 2013

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reading for 2013

Post by chytra » Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:04 pm

i would like to request a reading regarding how well 2013 will turn out for me?
i am going to start my post-grad studies soon this fall hopefully in a foreign country if everything works out,this year started off on a very good note for me,unexpected flow of money,help and luck..opportunities left and right and i cant quite shake off the feeling that this year,there are many forces that are guiding me in the right path and i have this thought that is like stuck in my head-something big is about to happen,something huge,i cant believe this,i have no idea why i have this feeling ,i feel so energetic and charged most of the time with quick bursts of anger and moodiness that pass soon..i do trust my intuition very much,however it would be very helpful and kind of you if you could do a reading regarding how 2013 will empower and work out for me-any good news or changes like in career or love life or in life in general,tat kind of thing...
i sincerely appreciate you taking the time out to read my query,
thank you and blessed be

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Re: reading for 2013

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:44 pm

Welcome Harsha,

I learned what your name was from your introduction. Your request is almost overflowing with optimism and a positive mental attitude which does you much credit in the light of the many significant challenges which you have faced up until now, in order to be able to get to the point of doing these post graduate studies.

You and possibly other family members have clearly gone without a lot so that you can establish your career, but the time has now arrived for you to get your just reward (s) for all the many personal sacrifices which you and others have made, which will now be returned to you many times over in abundance.

There is such a thing as "going with the flow" or being in harmony with one's life purpose, and what feelings you are describing are the outward symptoms of you being in line with the Universe's plan for your life, especially the part of the plan which revolves around how you will eventually earn an honest living (what job you will do) and how much you will contribute to the combined family finances if your studies go as well as this reading says that they will.

This major career crossroads you are currently at may require you to travel abroad to take maximum advantage of the opportunities on offer to you, but do not be surprised if this turns out not to be necessary after all. With such a positive and confident attitude as you have just displayed, it is hoped that someone who has both the influence and vision to see that your country cannot afford to lose your expertise will recognise that you are a good investment for their money.

I am thinking here about some type of scholarship where this influential person could put in a good word for you with the scholarship board as your referee (give you a very positive reference). Such a form of financial assistance would I feel be more than welcome, as getting a good education these days can be expensive. It would also allow you to be more independent of the money support which your family has given you in the past because they believe in you probably more than you believe in yourself. In other words you want to give them back some of what money they have put out for you to graduate, and now that has happened it will now be your pleasure and your privilege to return their favour.

Your reading indicates that there is a huge potential during the first half of 2013 which is thought to be covered by it for you to make major progress towards getting your financial house more in order and creating a solid foundation on which your career can grow from strength to strength.

As someone who is familiar with Tarot meanings, you would probably be familiar with the idea that if an Ace of any of the four suits features in your reading, then there is a very good chance that much of the potential gains which have been promised to you will ultimately be delivered. So if one Ace is promising,  then imagine what all four Aces appearing in the same reading could mean of a positive nature, for the person whose reading it is (the querent). For your reading contains all these four Aces!

There really must be something more to this than just good luck or the Wheel of Fortune turning in your favour. I agree with you that there seems to be a Higher Power at work here who is pushing things along more quickly and smoothly than they would have happened without its intervention in your life. It is almost as though you are being setup for life, so that you no longer need to worry about having enough money to be able to live comfortably, so that you can use more of your time and energies upon your close relationships and practicing your spiritual beliefs.

Yes 2013 looks like it could be a great year for you all round, but your challenge during this period is to keep your eyes firmly on your target and not to become distracted by things which are of minor or zero importance. All work and no play will make you dull and boring and unattractive to prospective partners who you may encounter virtually any time from now. 2013 will not by itself empower you.

The real staying power or motivation must come from within you, but seeing what you have achieved so far under what were very adverse circumstances the reading is supremely confident that you already have what it takes to make the grade, and then some more. Within the Laws of the Cosmos and in particular the laws which apply to this physical Universe and your body the potential for you to grow and develop as both a spiritual and human being through your career is effectively unlimited, but all this could quickly come to nothing if you allow yourself to be distracted from the task at hand by trivial details or things that do not even deserve to be worried about.

Take special care of your health immediately leading up to the new financial year which begins on July 1st, as your reading is reminding you that ignoring early warning symptoms could have serious negative consequences for you being able to continue your course. Please do not misinterpret or magnify this friendly warning to mean that you are about to be struck down by a terminal disease, but whatever this is it could if you leave it too long without seeing a doctor, negatively affect your ability to concentrate on your course material and make things seem more difficult than they actually are.

You definitely do not need this? :smt009

I wish you all the very best of luck for the rest of 2013 and well beyond that, but you have much more than Lady Luck in there batting and barracking for you on your team. There is a Higher Power at work here, and it is not going to allow you to give up now that it has carried you this far with your career ambitions.

The potential for you to make a major breakthrough to where you are meant to be going is all there, but what you do with the opportunities being offered to you during 2013 will largely determine how your life will turn out, in preparation for 2014.


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