Need a reading about career & beyond, please help me

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Need a reading about career & beyond, please help me

Post by prashanth_ram2002 » Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:28 am


I am Prashanth Ram. I am looking out for a job . Since there is recession I am a bit concerned, and Will I get a good job, financial condition is also not encouraging so please let me know. Let me know when will I get it, please

In addition, I feel things coming true, I am a spiritualist but I have no direction & wonder what to do to harness my energy for good.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:17 pm

Welcome Prashanth,

You did not mention in your request for how long you have been looking for a job, but however long it may have been your reading suggests that you have begun to believe that there is no job waiting out there with your name on it.

You are allowing yourself to be too often distracted and your energies scattered by the harsh realities of the current world financial situation, as well as the number of people who are competing with you for the limited number of suitable positions which are presently available in your local area.

It is always easier for this reading to tell you than for you to be the person who must do it, but you are being told that you badly and urgently need to redefine your career goals and refocus your energies upon getting (back) into some form of gainful employment, where you will be able to restore your levels of self confidence or belief in yourself and in your own abilities.

Unemployment especially over a relatively long period eats away like acid at our belief in ourselves as being employable (able to get and keep a job) and eventually this lack of confidence in our own worthiness can penetrate much deeper to make us lose our fighting spirit or determination to succeed in spite of the many obstacles and challenges which have been placed in our paths.

One of your biggest enemies at present is your fear that you will never find a job and that as a consequence you will be permanently unemployed and no longer be able to live fairly comfortably. You have imagined what this would be like over and over again in your mind's eye so many times during the months leading up to your request that you are in imminent danger of creating your own negative self fulfilling prophecy - you are quite unintentionally making what you most fear which is permanent unemployment, that much more likely to happen by conditioning your mind to accept that this is inevitable.

Instead of allowing your fears to control you (some degree of anxiety about your future is a good thing up to a certain point), you must learn to control them. They are not going to magically disappear by themselves any time soon. Instead of permitting your fears to pain pictures of doom and gloom in your mind day after day, harness the energies which are contained within those fears to re-energise your fighting human spirit.

Challenges which are large enough tend to only make our spirits fight that much harder and for longer. A life where there are no significant challenges can make our spirits lazy like a professional fighter who is out of form because he has not come up against good enough opponents lately. To be able to keep ourselves fit and healthy our spiritual muscles must be regularly exercised to keep at their optimum condition and strength and endurance.

If you feel constantly defeated it soon begins to show in your body language and the way in which you appear to the person conducting the job interview. If you do not believe that you are the right person for the job, it will show in your every word and action. Which will often result in your application failing, even when you have all the right qualifications and relevant past work experience to be able to do the job well.

And since most body language is unconscious it is also mostly outside our conscious control to change for the better. We may need to enlist the help of a professional doctor or counsellor who has special methods which can get at unconscious negative thought patterns or habits which are normally inaccessible to the average person on the street, who lacks both the methods and the knowledge to be able to use these methods wisely to reverse the damage which has already been done to our self confidence and self respect.

While I cannot predict through a reading exactly when you will get a job, or what that job might be (mainly because this largely depends upon what you do to help yourself in the meantime), I can reasonably confidently predict that if you do not do anything practical to stop your downward slide into a state of no self confidence or self respect being left during the next six months which are thought to be covered by this reading, that you will find yourself still unemployed and in even poorer health at Christmas time at the end of this year.

If nothing changes, or to be more precise nothing about you changes for the better in your actions, neither will your most likely future with regards to you getting a job. While it is never impossible, without professional help and support using special methods to assist you, I do not like your chances of not becoming one of the jobless statistics for 2014.

Trying too hard completely by yourself will not be enough to reverse this downward slide. Trying too hard can often be worse than not trying hard enough, because stressing and pushing yourself too much into a state of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual exhaustion will only speed up the downward slide. Be more gentle upon yourself, plus get some professional help with your job hunting.

Take good care of yourself as the jobs are still out there for people who still believe enough in themselves.

EoT  :smt006

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