please can i request a reading

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please can i request a reading

Post by geminiboro » Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:35 pm

Hi i just wouderd if anyone would give me a reading to see what this year has inn store for me iv had a tough few years and would like to know if you see any good things happening this year,i can tell you more information if asked just dont know what to put or what type of reading to ask for i would really be very greatfull thank you x

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Challenges and Opportunities often go hand in hand with one another

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:10 am

As long as you are aware that readings of the type given by me on this forum are only thought to refer to the period of the next six months after your request was made.

I would be pleased to give you a general reading, where it is left entirely up to my inner guidance to decide what it is felt is most important and/or urgent for you to know at this specific moment in time.

No further information is needed at this point. It would most likely only get in the way of me giving you a balanced and honest reading.
iv had a tough few years and would like to know if you see any good things happening this year
Good, better or best, because if you are honest with yourself in between some of your toughest challenges over the last few years, some quite good and encouraging things have also happened to you which your mind seems to have selectively forgotten.

The bad news is that there will always continue to be challenges waiting for you in the future, but the good news is that not only are you more than capable of meeting and eventually having a major victory over your challenges, but that there will also be many new and exciting opportunities along the way for you as well.

When our mind and spirit have both been severely wounded by repeated disappointments and significant losses over an extended period of time, our minds develop a form of tunnel vision, where even if some good things happen to us we cannot see or recognise them for what blessings they are. Whatever we focus our thoughts on most strongly and regularly attracts the factors which are most likely to bring about the things that we most feared might happen.

This process works both ways, for positive and negative thinking. The mind does not appear to know or care whether your programming is over all positive or negative. It simply carries out the program instructions like a computer does. It has no choice NOT to.

If your thoughts are already fairly dark and depressed, when your unconscious mind does its job you are likely to end up with even more things to worry about than when you started. One strong regularly practised negative thought opens the doors to ten more and so on. And at the same time if your mind continues to ignore any good thoughts which you have, then this is a recipe for disaster and largely unnecessary panic and anxiety attacks for a long time to come.

It is always easier for the reading to tell you than for you to do it, but you must somehow arrest this downward spiral and remove your dark coloured glasses which will only allow you to see what is discouraging and downright depressing. Effectively you will need to reprogram your mind with a new set of instructions which will if carried out on a regular basis do both (stop the downward spiral and remove the tunnel vision).

You may or may not require professional assistance in doing so. If there is an underlying and up until now undetected medical condition working in the background which might be contributing to this darkness then it needs to be fully investigated by a qualified medical practitioner as soon as possible.

You need and deserve all the very best help and support which you can get in overcoming this downward slide or spiral into even more darkness, so you do not need a medical problem sabotaging every effort which you make to feel better about yourself. One possible side effect of certain antidepressants in some patients is more depression and thoughts of suicide, where there were none before the treatment began. It could even be a vitamin or mineral deficiency at the core of your negativity. Get it checked out as soon as possible.

In summary your reading is predicting that during approximately the next six months, there will be both challenges and opportunities waiting for you further down the path. Perhaps your biggest challenge will be to recognise the opportunities which are staring you in the face, as well as minimising but not ignoring the associated challenges which always come with each of these opportunities.

Without challenges there can be no opportunities. Without opportunities there can be no challenges, or at least those which worthy of your abilities. Each depends upon the other for its partner's very existence (the nature of duality). It is only through facing these challenges with both courage and faith as our constant and loyal travelling companions and slowly but surely dealing with and overcoming them, do we ever discover our greatest inner strengths.

Not that this spiritual truth comes as any great comfort to you when you are feeling especially down and out, and full of self pity. It is usually only in hindsight that we come to recognise that challenges are not sent to us by coincidence or purposely sent to torture us, but are instead a vitally important part of the design of the Universe, carefully customised to help us to become stronger and consequently that much more worthy of our shared, royal spiritual heritage.

God bless us all,

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Post by geminiboro » Sat Jan 26, 2013 11:08 pm

Thank you for the reading it was very true of what im feeling at the moment also do you see me moving property in the next few months

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jan 27, 2013 4:05 am

Since that question was not included as part of your original request then it is hardly surprising that the reading did not provide any solid clues as to whether you will be moving during the next six months thought to covered.

However facing your greatest challenges can sometimes require you to move house to where the jobs are, or to where you can begin again in completely new surroundings to rebuild your life in a manner which may not have been possible if you had remained where you were any longer.

New brooms sweep clean? And some spiritual housecleaning will probably be needed. :smt002  :smt002

So in summary while it is not felt impossible that you will move property within the next half year, it is thought to be more than less likely that at least up until the latter part of July (~ 6 months from now) that any such moves will be put temporarily on hold, while you tie up loose ends with your finances which will then give you a distinct advantage over any other people who are applying to buy the same property as you are.

When everything else is equal it is the buyer who already has the required deposit in his or her hand and not their competitor whose funding depends entirely upon being granted a loan or having first sold their current home, who is most likely to succeed in getting a good bargain.

If you have not already moved by late July, please ask me the same question then and we will then look at what progress you have made in that direction in the meantime, through another reading.

Sorry that I cannot give you a more definite answer at this stage, but once a reading is complete, it cannot then be re-opened. Any questions other than those which have already been asked will have to wait until the indicated period has expired.

Stay safe, as extra stress and a lapse in your concentration leading up to the move can often make accidents that much more likely.

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