Anyone is much inclined to give me a 'love reading'?

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Anyone is much inclined to give me a 'love reading'?

Post by Sugar2730 » Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:54 am

Hello all :)

It's been really rough for me these past years, lots of downs and too short of highs, I'm afraid. I met someone lately on the internet and I do feel so much connected to him it kinda intimidates me, somehow I feel so much drawn to this person, and I have a feeling we are soulmates.

Is anyone much inclined to give me a love reading? Am not asking anything too specific, just want to know how he will be, physically and will I get married? be happy in life?

My DOB is 24 July 1976 at 17.30 Mauritius

Many thanks in advance.

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Please Read Before Requesting a Reading

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Feb 16, 2013 12:29 am

Hi Sugar,

I would be pleased to give you a reading about your relationship, but as to predicting what your future either with him or with another man will be please read my forum sticky, the details about which follow this sentence.


Any relationship reading will necessarily be a general one, only for your interest and entertainment.

Especially if you have never met him face to face in person, it could potentially be dangerous for a reading to try to tell you without me meeting him first, if I feel that there is any valid basis for you enjoying a lasting, loving relationship with this person.

Attempting to directly read his thoughts and intentions towards you would require a third party reading to be given, which is not allowed according to our forum rules.

Whether or not he turns out to be one of your soul mates.

Readings are only thought to apply to the period of the next six months.

"Please Read Before Requesting a Reading" (forum rules) ... hp?t=73424

I will get around to giving you your relationship reading (barring an emergency) within the next 24 - 48 hours, allowing for any time zone differences between us.

Adelaide South Australia is currently GMT/UTC + 10.5 hours (daylight saving).

Kindest regards,

eye_of_tiger (male)  :smt006

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Post by Sugar2730 » Sat Feb 16, 2013 5:49 am

Hello Eye of the Tiger,

I perfectly understand :)

Thank you in advance.

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It is always better to be safe than sorry?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Feb 16, 2013 11:59 pm


Back again! Your relationship reading is as follows.  :smt002

Feeling especially drawn to this man on the internet does not automatically make him one of your many potential soul mates. And even if he did eventually turn out to be a soul mate of yours, it neither necessarily means that you are compatible with one another, or that you will live happily ever after. The first sign of any conflict or disagreement of opinion between you do not mean that you are finished s a couple.

Indeed soul mates often repeatedly reincarnate together precisely because they have serious ongoing issues with one another which badly and urgently need to be addressed in yet another Earthly experience for both of them, on top of all the others which you may have shared with each in the past. In other words soul mates often know better than most other people how to push all our most sensitive emotional buttons at the same time. :smt002  :smt002  :smt005

Because I cannot read his thought and intentions towards you directly through the third party method, I am forced to take a much more indirect and significantly less reliable direction, in my genuine efforts to advise you wisely and safely.

And not surprisingly it is felt that your main issue with men in general is a heavy dose of cynicism and learned lack of trust that they will do what they promise you they will do, and not do what they promised you that they would not do which is always to be faithful to you exclusively in both their minds and hearts.  

Your ability to determine if he is genuinely looking for either a long term loving relationship or alternately a one night stand (or another woman to become his mother substitute) is presently severely hampered by not having met him many times if any in the same place (offline).

Many wonderful partnerships and marriages have begun this way, but so have many deeply broken and wounded hearts and shattered dreams. If you have had your womanly feelings repeatedly hurt and your trust in men repeatedly betrayed, no wonder that you would want to be much more careful in the future about who you decide to give your heart and complete trust to.

Your readings advice is to tread cautiously with him especially for your first few meetings with him: person to person. But at the same time do not look for trouble where it may or may not exist. Find a workable balance for you between the two extreme opposites. Careful, but not at the same time overly obsessive or paranoiac.

Get out of your house to meet him on a fairly regular basis (depending upon the distance between your two houses) in a place where there are many other people around you who can act as witnesses, if he turns out to be untrustworthy and disrespectful or abusive. If it is your very first time  seeing him take a female friend with you for moral support and or reasons of your personal safety.

There is nothing indirectly coming through your reading which even mildly suggests that you have a valid reason to feel anxious about wearing your heart upon your sleeve with this man, but prevention is often better than the painful cure which might be made necessary if he does turn out to be a man who measures his masculinity by the number of women he has slept with, then has discarded without any conscience of the pain he is inflicting, to then move onto someone else who is equally willing or vulnerable to be used in order to feed his immature and self centred male ego.

If on the other hand he turns out to be the man of your dreams and everything which you could have hoped for in your future hubby (although none of us is ever perfect): CONGRATULATIONS!  

It is always better to be safe than sorry?

Love, Light and Healing,

eye_of_tiger   :smt003

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