Would love a Career reading please

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Would love a Career reading please

Post by nvncbl » Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:05 pm

Good morning good afternoon and good evening

I would love a reading for my plans for the next coming months on my career more as a guidance more then anything else

I am currently loving life and wish the same for others as I believe heaven is on earth and we choose the way it is not anyone else as we choose see beauty in everything we can find that and if we choose to see ugly we can find that too in anything the eyes see what you want to see

Thank you very much for this reading to come to me from you who ever it is

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More input is needed

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:11 am

Always pleased to help out another Aussie! :smt002

1. Are you currently unemployed, underemployed or still studying?

2. What type of work have you done in the past (voluntary or paid)?

3. What type of work, job are you interested in doing in the future, to make a career of it?

I will watch out for your response to the above three questions under this thread.

Cheers 2U,

EoT  :smt017

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Re: More input is needed

Post by nvncbl » Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:54 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:Always pleased to help out another Aussie! :smt002

1. Are you currently unemployed, underemployed or still studying?
I am a business owner
2. What type of work have you done in the past (voluntary or paid)?
Paid work
3. What type of work, job are you interested in doing in the future, to make a career of it?
Health industry
I will watch out for your response to the above three questions under this thread.

Cheers 2U,

EoT  :smt017

Thank you very much if you need anything else let me know

Kindest regards,

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:35 pm

No, that is all that I need to know in order to be able to proceed with your reading, during the next 24 - 48 hours (barring an emergency down this end).

Type to you again soon,

EoT  :smt003

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:16 am

Actually you misunderstood the intended meaning behind my second question, although it was completely my fault. What I was asking was whether you had had previous work experience, either as a paid worker or as a volunteer. I did not want you to leave out any relevant work experience simply because it was done on a completely voluntary basis. But your telling me that you are currently a business owner is such a contrast to you wanting to work in the health industry, that I no longer need to have question 2 answered.

Your life path number calculated using your DOB and basic numerology is FIVE.

What follows are some of the most common personality strengths and weaknesses of the average person who is walking the same number 5 life path as yourself.


Career keywords:  Versatile, Adventurous, Creative

Your versatility means you can adapt easily to a fast-changing work environment.

Number 5’s are usually drawn to careers overseas or careers which involve a lot of travel.

Other typical traits include fast-working, skilful, persuasive, good negotiator and excellent communicator.

All of this means that careers which offer fun, adventure or changing scenery are meant for you; communication (public relations, marketing, sales, media), journalism, mountaineer, adventure / travel photographer, communication, sales,  actor  or lawyer. Actually, you could do almost anything and you would do it all well.

The best way for a number 5 to learn is through experience. This poses a problem through as a number 5 gets bored quite quickly and typically scatters personal energy by wanting to try everything. All of this means that sometimes a number 5 promises more than they can deliver. However, because you are resourceful, communicate well and are socially oriented, you usually manage to get out of sticky situations.

You always have fresh ideas, are considered a true free spirit, can often be over-indulgent, love anything unusual and exotic, are not easily fooled, are not usually prejudiced and most times, want to save the world. Your desire for change and excitement sometimes exhausts colleagues and other staff, never mind your partner, family and friends.

A number 5 needs to learn to channel their nervous energy, dynamism and interest. A number 5 would benefit from learning to focus their energy, interests and unconventional-ism.

Credits: http://gaeas.co.uk/life-path-number-5-c ... eller.html

So now lets go back and look at this analysis of the typical number 5 personality, in the light of you being a business owner who wants to know if a career in the health industry (which is a very wide category indeed) would be suitable for you.

There would certainly be more variety in such a position than in a 9 to 5 business, particularly if being a health worker involved a lot of travel, and being outdoors. More potential for adventure. More change of scenery if you are constantly moving around instead of working in the same place day after day. I am not sure whether you meant that you wanted to become a health industry administrator, but I feel that your days behind a desk are numbered.

Selling includes being able to sell or present your case to the people whom you are trying to help, and you would need a strong belief in yourself and the health methods which you were promoting or using in order to be able to make the health industry a viable option for you. You will at the same time need to try to control your need to save the world, or you will soon suffer from premature burnout and and one or more of many possible stress related illnesses. Wanting to help and relieve the suffering of people is a good thing.

But doing it to the extent that it makes you sick, exhausted or dead is clearly NOT a good thing. You may need to have to accept that your contribution to the whole of humanity's health is not going to be large, but you can only do what is humanly possible in your little corner of the world.Remember that the patient is somebody's son, daughter, husband, wife, mother or father, sister or brother. When you help to heal that person, in a definite manner you are healing his or her entire family: simultaneously.

I think that there is more than enough evidence here that potentially you would do very well in the healthy industry, if you would only take on board what I have written above and apply it to your daily living and methods of earning your daily bread. You will need to keep some of the more negative and self destructive character tendencies of your life path, if you are to survive the extra stresses which would be associated with you entering this noble profession.

I therefore commend this reading to you to support your desire to change your career to that of a health industry worker, although there may be factors still not recognised which I am not picking up on through this reading which could influence your chances of success in the health industry, either positively or negatively. My feelings are that working in this industry as an office worker would be the death of you. You definitely need a change of scenery from seeing the same four walls every week day which you are on the job.

Take good care of yourself and treat any tendency in yourself towards perfectionism, like you would any other dangerous poison.

EoT  :smt038

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Post by nvncbl » Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:23 am

Hi EoT,

Thank you very much for an outstanding reading from you very grateful for the reading thank you once again

I am currently in vitamin business side of things

I am currently indoors a lot for my business and looking at studying psychology to help people mental illness and obesity

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Mar 01, 2013 12:59 am

Thank you very much for an outstanding reading from you very grateful for the reading thank you once again

It was my pleasure to be of some assistance.
I am currently in vitamin business side of things
Watch out as the Australian Medical Association appears to be doing whatever it is able to ruin your good reputation in the community, and have the distribution and manufacture of vitamins bought entirely under their control because they feel threatened by the industry's many successes in helping people who they have given up on.  
I am currently indoors a lot for my business and looking at studying psychology to help people mental illness and obesity
Studying the psychology of mental illness and obesity will continue to mainly happen indoors, but to be able to find out what it really means in the life of your individual clients/customers or patients, you will increasingly need to go out into your community, outside the office or factory or the educational institution where you are studying. Without going outside into the real world, the knowledge gained from the course is not likely to help you much if at all, in your chosen career.


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Post by nvncbl » Wed Oct 29, 2014 2:42 am

Hi EoT,

It`s been a while now and I have moved on from my business working indoors and have spent 6 months working on what is the next step and still not able to find the right path for me to go as I really want to move forward as I`m the type that gets bored if I`m not doing something that is moving me forward

Second I wanted to answer your question better you asked about past work

From the begin I have worked for my parents in business since a young age and from then worked in large franchise company worked my way up to youngest store manager and then moved on to become a area manager and then left as I felt it wasn't for me then left to study in business then moved on to become a business owner and now I am searching for meaning I want to make sure this is for me not for others wanted to do I want to do things on my terms not anyone else and I think thats why I am where I am and want to change it and move on to place where I know its what I want who cares about everyone else

The question I am wanting to ask is how do I find out what is the best career for me meaning how do I know what is my purpose as I really have being question this for a long time as I meet people they tell me they have found there true calling and it really makes them jump out of bed in the morning because they can't wait to work on it and I really want that I want to wake up in the morning and know this is my purpose and I am working on it today to get closer to it and I do have a burning desire for this I really want to find my true calling not have just a everyday job just doing for the bills and that is it full stop because I think thats boring and everyday I look everywhere to find a way to get there but I feel there is more to it

So can give me some light on this or guidance on this if you can't I am happy for you to tell me you can't as I can move on and keep searching for this path

Thank you for your guidance and help for whatever answer you give to me no matter the answer good or bad or even if you can't provide it


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:03 pm

Let us look back at the numerology Life Path reading which I gave you in February 2013 (it is in this thread), to remind ourselves of what it said about the typical number 5 personality.The most relevant part of that reading was as follows. The important sentences are highlighted in bold print.
The best way for a number 5 to learn is through experience. This poses a problem through as a number 5 gets bored quite quickly and typically scatters personal energy by wanting to try everything. All of this means that sometimes a number 5 promises more than they can deliver. However, because you are resourceful, communicate well and are socially oriented, you usually manage to get out of sticky situations.

You always have fresh ideas, are considered a true free spirit, can often be over-indulgent, love anything unusual and exotic, are not easily fooled, are not usually prejudiced and most times, want to save the world. Your desire for change and excitement sometimes exhausts colleagues and other staff, never mind your partner, family and friends.

A number 5 needs to learn to channel their nervous energy, dynamism and interest. A number 5 would benefit from learning to focus their energy, interests and unconventional-ism.
Clearly you are a person who learns best on the job through first hand practical experience and perseverance. You get bored quickly are are constantly testing your own boundaries and looking for exciting new challenges in your business.

But you are constantly plagued by excessive nervous energy, more than a hint of perfectionism and impatience to see quick and dramatic results from your efforts. You have unrealistic expectations about finding the ideal career for you, when the reading told you that basically any job which you put your mind and energies into will be successful if you can only get out of your own way long enough to recognize what you have achieved in spite of your noticeable lack of self confidence.

While it is important to you to make your own way and life and stand up for your own right to decide what type of job you want to do, you are not a person who can simply ignore or not care about what other people think about what you do. You need to find the right balance between trying new things because you want to be in control of your own destiny, but at the same time to reject other people's advice and cut yourself off from any emotional support network including your parents is not only unwise, but also bad business practice.

The reading agrees with you that you are unlikely to find your greatest interests and passions in life in your work. Your career and business satisfy certain needs, but it must happen in combination with other pursuits, hobbies and voluntary work, outside of your business hours.  I am sure that when you read this you are thinking how you can possibly find enough time to do anything which is not related to your means of earning an honest living, but the reading is saying that without you doing this on a fairly regular basis, your job alone is never going to be enough. Especially many but not all of your personal and spiritual needs will never be completely satisfied in a business environment. A successful business owner needs a more well balanced and well rounded personality that only this combination of paid work and other than your work activities can give you. All work and no play or rest is not only boring and exhausting for you, but it makes you boring to other people who you need in your life to give you the feeling of purpose and direction which you are seeking.
The question I am wanting to ask is how do I find out what is the best career for me meaning how do I know what is my purpose as I really have being question this for a long time as I meet people they tell me they have found there true calling and it really makes them jump out of bed in the morning because they can't wait to work on it and I really want that I want to wake up in the morning and know this is my purpose and I am working on it today to get closer to it and I do have a burning desire for this I really want to find my true calling not have just a everyday job just doing for the bills and that is it full stop because I think thats boring and everyday I look everywhere to find a way to get there but I feel there is more to it  
Your most effective way of learning is slowly but surely. You are never I feel going to be one of those people who wakes up every morning just raring to get on with your work, and know with absolute confidence that you have found your main passion and place in life. There will always be some element of doubt in your mind that you are on the best path for you, but do not automatically take every setback as a sign that you are going the wrong way. Since there will always be some setbacks, if you continue to do this then you will soon quickly talk yourself out of having a career.

Any career!

Do not put all of your emotional eggs in your job basket, as there is so much of who you are than simply a business owner or worker. Without these other outside of working hours activities and close human relationships it is hardly surprising that you are feeling like a lost soul. By ignoring those things or people in your life outside of your job which or who can feed your soul, your business engine will increasingly be running on empty. Avoid beating up on yourself for things which you cannot change, focus your energies instead on those things which you can change, mainly in the often counterproductive way in which you tend to respond to every setback or challenge in your business as a personal attack on your right to decide what is best for you.

Be assertive (stand up for the right to have control over your life), but at the same time not aggressive and difficult just to be difficult. Do not cut yourself off or isolate yourself from the very people who believe in you, more than you believe in yourself. Your parents are/were really not disappointed in you for leaving the family business, but you are are so unfairly disappointed in yourself that you are projecting these feelings of self disappointment onto others, as if that is the problem (when it is not). They are not your enemy, but your closest allies. While your relationship with them as a 28 year old adult can never be the same as it was as when you were a child living under their roof, no adult man or woman is completely independent.

The reading closes by stressing the importance of you resolving some of the outstanding issues which you have with your parents in this area, if you are to get more lasting satisfaction from your business. It is usually much easier to do this while they are both still alive. Until you get your personal relationships in order at the same time as running your business and doing some leisure activities, the reading predicts that you will be asking much the same questions and feeling much the same way as you do now, when the six months have expired. More balance and avoiding extremes in every area of your life, and more self love are required for you to make a major break through with regards to your current feelings of stagnation and depression, and lack of direction and lack of any sense of purpose.

Be kinder to yourself,

EoT  :smt064

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