General relationship reading

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General relationship reading

Post by Caryna » Sun Mar 31, 2013 3:25 am

Dear Eye of Tiger (or any psychic who is available),

Firstly, I hope you're all having a relaxing and joyous Easter holiday with loved ones.   I wish you and your family the best, EoT - especially your wife's health.

My life is going very well at the moment, career-wise and *gasp* relationship-wise.  I have met someone who makes me feel (for the first time in my life) desirable and special as a female.  

I do not wish for you to do a third person reading as you've had to make clear too many times that you don't do such readings. :smt005

It was difficult for me to ask for a relationship reading before because I had no one special in mind.  

I know that much of what happens between me and him is up to ourselves and am not expecting (nor do I want) a "Will it work out?" or "Is he serious about me?" reading. far as relationship readings from you go, please tell me what you can or feel is appropriate.

Thanks in advance!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Mar 31, 2013 11:50 pm

Dear Caryna,

Now that you are already in a relationship, a relationship reading immediately becomes possible. With regards to Easter my wife and myself have had a quite time by most other people's standards, but today (Easter Monday) our son (26) and daughter (30) will be coming over here to share an Easter meal with us, and to spend some brother and sister time together going ten pin bowling.

Health wise so far, we could all be much worse.

What wonderful news it was to hear that you have met someone who "makes you feel (for the first time in your life) desirable and special as a female".

But at the same time I feel sad that like most women and many men that you still seem to need to have somebody in your life all or most of the time, in order to be able to convince or remind you that you are desirable with or without a man.

You have wisely and I appreciate this immensely covered all the types of readings which I either cannot give you, or alternately are allowed to give you under the forum rules such as third party or predicting the future of your relationship, or having to tell you that to a large extent your relationship is up to the two of you to create and nurture. This makes my task much easier than it would otherwise be.

What the reading feels is appropriate is not to constantly on an almost daily or hourly basis expect him to have to tell you that he loves you more than he has any other woman with his words, behavior and flowers and chocolates. It is not saying that you should not want or be pleased to receive these reminders of his love, commitment and devotion to you on special occasions, but even a good and positive thing can be taken to extremes and if you are expecting to be put on a pedestal and never to have him forget to remind you, then you could potentially but unknowingly be setting yourself up for disappointment as none of us is perfect.

Continuously ringing him up at work when he is in a meeting or with a client as some women do who need this constant reminder of their own desirability to their partner is almost guaranteed to destroy any genuine feelings of passion he feels for you, and although I cannot read him directly through a third party reading, I feel that you are about as safe from having another woman come between the two of you as with most close human relationships.

In other words there is no man or woman alive who is 100% faithful to his or her other half, in every single thought or action. He can look at other women all he likes, as long as he does not touch? In some women who need this ongoing assurance that to their soul mate they are the only woman who exists in this world, even a short glimpse at another woman by their man is interpreted as meaning that he is about to park his shoes under her bed.

These women are so jealous and insecure that any innocent look is seen as instant grounds for divorce or permanent separation. Be careful not to unintentionally communicate to him that you cannot trust him with another woman in any social situation to remain faithful to you. Mutual trust is the foundation on which a good and lasting relationship can be built, as a lack of trust in him enough to let him out of your sight can quickly bring it unstuck or crashing down around your ears.

Before you get offended by believing that I think that you would be like this, readings and dreams have much in common, including that they often exaggerate or overemphasize their messages with the purpose to make us sit up and notice when other less dramatic methods might easily fail to make an impression on us .

In other words, this is to be seen as a friendly wake up call to the admittedly remote possibility that you might try this in the future rather than being a slap on the wrist for actually behaving in that nagging and suffocating manner. Understood? Prevention is always better than having to find a cure for your problems, after the stable door has been left open and the horse has already escaped. Preventing you from being tempted to act like that could well keep your relationship's stable door tightly shut and save your man from sowing his wild oats in someone else's paddock.

But seriously now there are certain patterns of behavior which men and women can use to either strengthen or weaken their relationship. Many of them we do without thinking or being aware that we are doing them. We are told that that the royal road to spiritual development is to live our lives more in the present moment and become more aware of negative habits which are getting in our way.

The same principle applies to our close relationships being carried out more in the present moment where we become more aware of our negative habits, so we can do something practical to get them back more under our control again, before they do irreparable damage. Not to use this greater self understanding to beat ourselves over the head for not feeling desirable simply because we are not perfect.

Blessings to you both,

EoT :smt006  :smt006

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Post by Caryna » Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:08 am

Quiet time is always special between loved ones. :) Be that as it may, I hope you and your wife have a brilliant time with your kids today!

As always, thanks for sharing your words of wisdom.  I'm not one who demands constant attention and confirmation of feelings and I am very aware of how many relationships turn out and the fickleness of human nature.  Don't worry, I will be able to handle my side of the relationship properly and have realistic and safe expectations for what may happen.

I guess I was hesitant to ask in my original post...and it may contradict some of the things I said but I wanted to ask how you feel about the relationship in general?  Again, I know you don't do third party readings.  A simple intuitive one about this would be nice.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:42 am


Our Easter Monday family get together with our two adult children exceeded even our most optimistic expectations, and it was joyfully noisy.

It went brilliantly! We were both thrilled with how well it went.

I wonder why you would want or need my confirmation through a reading that he is the right or best man for you, when it is so obvious that there is a reasonably good chance that he is.

He is already special to you?

No reading is ever going to give you a guarantee that things will work out OK for you as a couple, over the short or longer term.

The third party restriction prevents me from going any further into attempting to read his thoughts and intentions towards you by remote control.

Relationship lessons are best learned when you are already in one?

Whatever happens, you will both make mistakes. Learn from them but do not try to avoid them by not starting the relationship in the first place.

You will once again become eligible to post your next reading request on this forum, either on or any time after the last day of this current month of April.

Kindest regards,

EoT  :smt020

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