Hi ... I need direction in my love life and career path

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Hi ... I need direction in my love life and career path

Post by poddie » Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:36 pm

Last edited by poddie on Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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I must turn down your request, on this occasion

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:23 am

Hello Adrienne,

While I would genuinely like to be able to help you answer these multiple questions through a reading, I must at the same time exercise my right or reader's prerogative not to take this request on, and to subsequently pass it on to any other reader who is drawn to giving it.

My reasons for doing this are many, but they include:

1. We are not allowed to predict the future of anything or anyone through our readings. This includes future love relationships.

2. I am not a medium. Mediumship readings concerning communication with the spirit world are not allowed on Mystic Boards. I cannot as a result confirm or other wise what they said or did not say, or why you believe that spirits actually have this power over you to determine your destiny, when you claim to be following Christian beliefs that this is not possible.

3. While I do believe in "God" I am not a "Christian according to the traditional Biblical meaning of these words, and do not therefore feel qualified to comment about or feel comfortable with visions of Jesus Christ, angels or the concept that the spirits are teasing or harassing you by on one hand by telling you that you are his twin flame but at the same time are stopping you from being together because presumably they get some sort of perverse pleasure from doing so.

I also am not conversant or comfortable with the use of Christian symbolism in your visions or dreams, because we do not share the same belief system on which they are based. We would be speaking two different languages?

This forum is not for dream interpretation.

The following one is!


4.  I do not believe in the concept of what a twin flame is, in exactly the same way as you clearly do. Being another person's twin flame does not guarantee that you will be compatible with each other, stay together for the rest of your lives, or that there is nobody else who could love you more than him.

5. Only one question per reading is allowed. Choose the question which is most important or urgent to you at that moment in time, and take responsibility for it. First check with the forum rules that your question is allowed, before submitting it.

6. If you choose to post your full name on these forums, then you are accepting the risks involved in doing so to your privacy and security. However to publish your ex's proper name without his written permission does potentially leave you open to legal prosecution for defamation of his character, and in turn I would be responsible if he read my postings and felt that I was interfering where I had no right to. I have had threats of violence and being taken to court to myself and to my family in the past when I did give such a reading on another website, and the man used his girlfriend's account to allow him to do this. Never again!

7. While I feel  a great sense of empathy for you as a single Mum etc, I do feel that you are not taking responsibility for your own actions, and are blaming everyone else including the spirits for a situation which you unintentionally helped to create yourself. This is not about blaming you or me wanting to make you feel even more guilty or embarrassed, but each of us must accept our fair share of the total responsibility, without putting all the blame or excuse onto spirits, angels, or the other person. It takes at least two people to have and to destroy a relationship. As he no longer wants any relationship with you, there is nothing that I or the spirits or Jesus can do to convince him otherwise, whether or not he is your twin flame (which has not been established).

The only question that I do feel in any way drawn to giving you a reading about is the one concerning you looking for a job where you could also "find a fulfilling career serving the Lord", and even with that one I have a problem.  I seriously doubt that the numerology career path reading I would be giving you in order to offer you employment guidance would be consistent with or support the criterion or condition that the career coming out of it as best for you must necessarily involve Christian service as you understand this to be.

Hoping that you will understand my reasons for wanting to be completely honest with you about how I feel, and not choosing to go ahead with this request. Perhaps in the future a general reading would be the way to go, where it is left entirely up to my inner guidance to decide what it is felt is most important or urgent for you to know. Not one question from you will be necessary, if you do agree to this.

Respectfully yours,

eye_of_tiger  :smt024

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Post by poddie » Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:52 am

okay, i guess ill go with a general reading

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Page of Swords

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:08 am

poddie wrote:okay, i guess ill go with a general reading
It would be my pleasure.  :)

Pages in the Tarot are regarded as being symbolic messengers or couriers, bringing us insights of greatest importance and/or urgency to us, at that particular stage in our lives.

They also carry with them a feeling of youthful over-enthusiasm and inexperience, and the person represented being a student or apprentice in learning to live a more effective and thoughtful life in the school of hard knocks through trial and error (mostly error). For we often learn far more of lasting value to us from our numerous mistakes, when compared to what we ever learn of any significance to our spiritual development through our life's little victories.

People who never give themselves the permission to take risks and make and learn from their mistakes will never achieve anything which is important to them. Pages can refer to a child or a teenager, but in most readings they refer to a an adult who is still in many ways a child at heart not in any reduced intelligence, but in their relative innocence and open minds to new and fresh ideas. "Child" only in the most positive aspects of what this means about that person's qualities of character and inner strength?

Your featured card for this general reading was and still is the Page of Swords (POS).

Now since all members of the Swords suit are commonly associated with us cutting through all the bovine droppings in our ways in order for us to be able to get all the way through to the core of the truth about a particular situation or another person which is often buried deeply under piles of the bad smelling stuff, the POS specifically adds the element of you always needing to look below the surface and not to automatically accept outward appearances as the whole truth. Not to always completely judge a situation or person only by their book cover, or by the mask through which they present themselves to the outside world and to you?

I cannot be sure whether this is referring to you having a close love relationship, or whether instead it is talking about a work or job situation (assuming of course that you are not romantically involved with a current work colleague), but if I were a betting man (which I am absolutely not) my money would be on the close relationship. It is also not clear from your reading whether this is talking about an existing relationship, or one that you might have during the period of the next six months.

It is not so much that this man is consciously lying to you or he is attempting to do anything which he can to get into your pants (thank God we are all adults here), but at the same time he is not telling you the whole truth about himself, for one or more of many possible reasons. When we are dating someone who we have feelings for we often try  our best to put our best foot forward or do what we can to impress and make them love us even more than they already do.

It is not wrong to want to emphasize or underline our best qualities, and to minimise or hide the more negative truths about ourselves which we would rather that people close to us may never know about. But to do this too much is not a good foundation on which we can later build a solid and lasting partnership, and eventually in one way or the other our failures and weaknesses of personality will eventually get through our smokescreen or come back to bite us on the bottom.

The reading is simply saying be sensibly careful if you encounter such a person, without at the same time becoming paranoiac and constantly suspicious, and possibly misinterpreting his every innocent word or action as a sign that he does not really love you after all. As I suggested before some of this concealment of the whole truth about his intentions towards you may be unconscious. We are only held responsible for what we consciously do, and what we do unconsciously is therefore largely beyond our control, and is mainly a product of our upbringing. The problem is always us trying to separate what is their unconscious and beyond their control behaviour from what is both conscious and deliberate.

While reading what is going through this man's mind when he does not tell you the whole truth about himself would necessarily involve a third party reading to be given which we are not allowed to do, the POS is telling me that most of his hiding of the entire truth comes from negative emotional baggage he has bought into your relationship from both his upbringing as well as from any past failed relationships which he might have had. For some reason he feels that he needs to continue to do this, even though you are highly unlikely to think any less of him as a result of finding these things out about him. He has learned the hard way that this is what he needs to do to continue to be loved by any woman whom he has a relationship, either now or in the future.

You are being advised to treat him with sensitivity to his fragile male ego. Someone in his past has taught him to act this way, long before you came into his life. How you reverse the damage which has been done to him and how you get him to let down his defences and allow you to finally love him warts and all will largely determine whether or not your relationship with him will survive the first six months. On some days it will be like you having to tread and walk on egg shells with him, so that he does not further withdraw into himself, while on others he will come across as confident and self assured and completely honest with you and with himself.

The challenge to you will continue to be during those first few months and probably well beyond that, know which type of day it is with him.  Is today one of his brittle more self concealing days, or is today alternately the beginning of the end for his need to feel that he has to be perfect to have you as his life partner? All the very best of luck and love with him and your relationship.

Love, Light and Healing,

EoT  :smt008

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Post by poddie » Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:55 am

I appreciate the reading, EoT. All of this describes my ex to a T. I am so thankful to finally be over that situation, and this reading confirms that I made the right decision in closing out that chapter in my life.



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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:38 pm


You are more than welcome.

I am exceptionally pleased to hear that your reading only confirms that you made the right decision for you at the time, and that you therefore have no need to feel any regrets for the actions which you took with the healing intention to rid yourself forever of someone whom you never felt that you could trust again to always do the right thing by you.

Sometimes we all need an outsider's different perspective or second opinion to help us to gain closure on what could have been a very dark period for us, which now needs to be put firmly behind us so that we can move forwards once again with a clear heart and renewed sense of faith and purpose.

Love and Light,

EoT  :smt038

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