love reading

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love reading

Post by geminiboro » Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:09 am

Hi i qould love a relationship reading there's a guy i really like and jist woundered if any one can give me a. reading to see if its worth persuing or not its a complicated friendship betwwen us or if there is someone else out there

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We do not and cannot predict your future love life

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:37 am

We do not and cannot predict your future love life.

This principle applies equally to any existing relationship, as well as to any future relationships which you might have with somebody else.

Readings are only thought to cover the period of the next six months. ... hp?t=78934

Please always check the forum rules first, in order to ensure that any questions which you ask us are allowed. ... hp?t=73424

Your duplicate posting has been removed.

EoT :smt009

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Post by geminiboro » Sun Apr 14, 2013 1:44 pm

Thank you i have read the rules understand now,i find it had to put the question in the right context :-)

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Whenever you are not sure about your question, always ask for a general reading

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:04 pm

Whenever you find it hard to think of the exact question which you would most like answered (putting your question into the right context), always ask for a general reading in its place.

When I give a general reading I ask my inner guidance what it is felt is most important and/or urgent for you to know at the time of your request.

While I cannot guarantee that the reading will be about your decision as to whether or not it is worth going ahead with this relationship, in my experience there is a very good chance that it will.

Your general reading follows--------------------------------------->

The Ace of Cups which was your featured card being a member of that suit is associated with the nature and depth of your closest relationships with others, romantic or otherwise. It includes both love relationships as well as special friendships.

Aces teach us that there is often a great potential within any given situation for it to develop in the direction which we want it or would like it to, but that mainly it is up to each of us to find a way to get the maximum benefit of any opportunities which are on offer to us at the time. Of course in order to make the most of any opportunities you must first recognise that such opportunities exist in the first place. Many a potential loving and lasting relationship has failed before it has even started NOT because the opportunities were NOT there, but rather because the people concerned were not aware of these opportunities before it was too late.

I do not know whether you have had negative experiences and failed relationships with other men in the past, or what specific meaning you have given to your relationship disasters. A close relationship involves at least two people, so each of the partners must accept their fair share (not blame) of the responsibility for whatever happens within it, But your reading is effectively telling me that you have a personality tendency to take the complete responsibility for the relationship having failed which then subconsciously conditions you to expect this to inevitably happen in the future.

Basically you are quite unintentionally hypnotising yourself into believing that you are completely at fault when things do not work out as well as you hoped that they might in your relationships, presumably because of the unspoken belief that since you think it is all your fault (the blame game) that you and he did not hit it off, you do not deserve anything better. You have appointed yourself as your own judge, jury and executioner.

Even the most violent and hardened criminals have a right to a fair trial and are innocent until proven guilty, so what terrible crimes have you committed in comparison, which would deny you of the same right to state your case as they have? Are you declaring yourself as being guilty as charged, when your only "crime" is that like all of us you have made mistakes?

This particular card is emphasising that until you make your peace with yourself and believe enough that you do deserve much better treatment than you may have received in the past from men, that this is in danger of becoming a a highly repetitive thought pattern or self defeating way of negative thinking about yourself, in all future relationships which you may have.

Your negative expectations concerning the likely failure of your relationship could easily and rapidly create a negative self fulfilling prophecy.

Or in other words life and specifically love often serves up to us what we most strongly and regularly expect that it will. No matter what you do or how hard you try to make any relationship work, there are always factors both known and unknown which will forever be beyond your power to completely control (or to control at all). You are only responsible for the factors which you can control.

Some relationships will not work out no matter how much effort you put into them, but enough will to make them worth working upon. Doing anything important to you in this life involves you taking certain risks, and you have always been someone who wears her heart upon her sleeve, making you that much more sensitive and vulnerable to partners who take unfair advantage of you because of their own weaknesses and insecurities. It is always easier to control someone who does not believe that she deserves to be loved just as much as any woman with a loving heart does.

While this reading cannot predict exactly what will or will not happen in this relationship over the next six months, and it definitely cannot guarantee that you will still be together in a year from now, there is a feeling that if you do not at least try and see what happens between now and then, you are going to regret not having had the courage to find out if things might have worked.

Your past is a nice place to visit now and then, but you cannot and must not think about staying there permanently.

By all means learn from your honest mistakes and take what positive lessons you are able to from past relationships which have for whatever reason failed, but at the same time please do not take from them the negative lesson or unconscious thought pattern that you have made your bed and are now being forced to lie in it, or that you must punish yourself endlessly for being fallibly human, and for having a sensitive and kind heart.

Close human relationships are difficult enough to have to deal with even at the best of times, so why make things seem more impossible or hopeless for yourself by constantly dragging your negative emotional baggage behind you from your past into your future love life?

I do not see you ever being satisfied to remain good friends only.

---------->Here ends the lesson(s) of and from within this general love reading.

Love, Light and Healing,

EoT   :smt007

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Post by geminiboro » Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:47 pm

Thank you,i do constently have a guard up and need to let go off the past i am learning its just hard to see the sun with yourshades on,do you think meditating would help iv been trying to learn to do it jist find it hard to switch off can i find any tips on this site. thanks for your suppprt

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Post by geminiboro » Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:47 pm

Thank you,i do constently have a guard up and need to let go off the past i am learning its just hard to see the sun with yourshades on,do you think meditating would help iv been trying to learn to do it jist find it hard to switch off can i find any tips on this site. thanks for your suppprt

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Combine meditation with DECORDING, for your maximum benefit and safety

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:16 am

It was  truly my pleasure!

Some types of meditation could help you to eventually at your own comfortable pace break free from the bonds of your past, but the wrong types of meditation for you as a unique individual could potentially make things much more difficult for you in this area, than they already are.

The fact is that you cannot temporarily switch off your mind or empty it completely as some teachers of meditation tell us is possible or desirable.

Any such method which uses prolonged or unusual concentration or force in order to achieve these goals, is doomed to fail. It is not a matter of if it will fail, but when.

Trying too hard will only compound your existing problems in allowing your thoughts to passively drift by you, without becoming instantly attached to any of them.

Trying too hard to meditate is worse than not meditating at all, if meditation is right for you. Some people can do this without having to formally meditate. Light relaxation may be all that is necessary.

Combine your meditation sessions with the Reiki derived visualisation technique called DECORDING, to be able to gain the maximum benefit and safety from both methods, in ultimately breaking your restrictive ties with your emotional and energetic past. ... hp?t=81104

When using the decording script provided on that webpage, always choose the heart chakra first over all of the other six main psychic energy centres. You may or may not have to move on to some of the others later. Most people don't need to, but there are always exceptions to any general rule.

Visualise a point of intense but simultaneously peaceful and easy to look at green light, where your physical heart is. Green is the colour of both balance between the spiritual and physical aspects of our selves, as well as of healing.

Letting your emotional guard down is meant to be a gradual, progressive process. It is not a competition to see how fast you can do it. You cannot survive psychologically without also having some degree of emotional defence to protect you, in this school of hard knocks.


EoT  :smt048

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Post by stephybabes92 » Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:50 pm

Okay hun I decided to get out my romance angel card pack just to give you a wee extra after EoT's reading! :-)
Disclaimer: I'm not a psychic or a tarot card reader or anything like that just doing it for a bit of fun!

So after focusing on your situation I got the following card:

Your self-respect makes you more romantically attractive.

Well there you go, that backs up what EoT was saying about giving yourself a break and not blaming yourself about the past. Spend some time getting to know yourself hun cos only by doing that will you realise how special you are inside and what you have to offer. Then once you know what sort of thing you can give in the relationship you will be more attuned to your potential matches cos I think in this situation you might be devaluing yourself and you could be possibly settling. I know you don't see that now but that's why you may need this special time by yourself.

I also felt drawn to two other cards, which are:

Your love life benefits as you forgive your parents.

There's not enough attraction or chemistry to keep this relationship going.

The feeling that I get from these cards is that in the past you have been hurt due to people not feeling as strongly for you as you do for them, or indeed people letting you down (may not be romantically could be friends or family) and that you need time to heal as you have taken it personally and let it damage your self-esteem - which is totally understandable as you have tended to blame yourself and overlook your own value.

You can't rely on others to give you what you need - self acceptance and love. You need to give it to yourself first and you've probably heard that a million times but it really is true especially, I feel, in your case.

Stephanie xx  :smt003

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You do not have to be a gifted psychic or a professional tarot reader

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:40 am


You do not have to be a gifted psychic or a professional tarot reader or not have some fun at times doing readings, in order to be able to help people in this special manner.

But the member is not eligible to receive another reading on this board until at least May 9th, because of the minimum one month between consecutive requests rule. ... hp?t=73424

Also the guidelines for readers working in this forum clearly states.......
5) Please look to see if a reading has already been given, and then please do not give another which may be confusing to the member or make the original reader feel unwanted and that their reading is ignored, or usurped; instead fill another request rather than doubling up. ... hp?t=73938

Because your reading does not in any way confuse the issue or go against anything which came through mine (rather it extends upon what I have written), I will leave this here as a one off favour to you.

Could you please however in the future only take requests which have not already been responded to by another reader?

Thanks so much, and all the very best with your readings,

EoT  :)

PS:I have sent a PM to geminiboro to ask her look at your reading, as she is probably no longer monitoring this thread.

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Post by stephybabes92 » Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:53 am

Oh apologies!
The reason I did it here is because I don't consider my own "readings" to be anywhere near as valuable as ones from readers such as yourself. If someone posted for a reading and only I responded maybe they would feel a bit cheated because they would have to wait another month for a real reading from an experienced "pro" hehe.
But understood! Won't do it again

Steph xx

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You will always have my full support

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:54 pm


I feel that you are selling yourself far too short and are seriously underestimating the strength and healing value of your intuitive gifts if you believe for one moment that people would feel disappointed or cheated if you were the only reader to take their request.

As long as you continue to really want to help that person and give what messages and insights come through you on their behalf as accurately and honestly and completely as you are humanly capable of doing, all readings are of equal value and importance.

If the person in question cannot recognise your genuine and sincere efforts to help and heal them and show their appreciation for what help you have offered them in the accepted manner, then that is their problem and responsibility and not yours.

Please feel free to take any requests which you feel attracted to giving, which are not specifically mine. You will always have my full support and experience behind you.

And if there is anything which you feel that I could do to help you develop your precious reading gift, then I am usually only a private message and some sleep time away from answering any questions which you might have.

Strength in numbers?



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Post by geminiboro » Fri May 03, 2013 4:56 pm

thanks steph xx i enjoy tarot readings even if it is just a bit of fun i think hearing things which could make a differnece too you helps a lot expecially in times of trouble cheers xxx

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