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reading request

Post by lorraineb78 » Fri Apr 12, 2013 3:45 pm

im sorry but i posted my reading request in the wrong place and am now hoping ive done it right!! just recently ive been really interested in getting a reading and was hoping someone could give me any messages that can pick up for me xx

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It is easier to change our attitudes to competition, than it is for us to get rid of it

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:34 pm

Dear Lorraine,

Messages from departed spirits by way of a mediumship reading are not allowed on Mystic Board.

However if in the course of giving you this intuitive psychic reading a definite and distinct spirit personality comes through in an attempt to make contact with the living (which only rarely happens), you will be the second person to know about it after me.

Before I begin giving you this reading I wanted to make the point that while regular meditation does help many people to get more in contact with their own inner source, often they are too close to and consequently too emotionally involved with the outcome to be able to read things objectively.

This is precisely why many readers have so much difficulty giving themselves a balanced reading, and why we often consult other readers for their own more distant but at the same time more objective viewpoint about what are often highly sensitive and personal matters which our strong feelings can frequently get in the way of.

On asking my inner source what it is felt is most important and/or urgent for you to know at this particular stage in your spiritual development (we are looking for insights coming from within you, rather than seeking messages from someone else) I was prompted to draw a single Tarot card on your behalf to guide us as to why you appear to so often place such authority and such a high level of trust in the ideas and opinions of other people, in preference to your own.

The reading is NOT saying that you should not listen to the well intended advice given to you by other people who genuinely want to help you, then carefully balance what they have told you against what you feel is the right and proper thing to do for you in any given situation before making your mind up about it.

For in the end you are the best reader or judge of what you feel is in your own best interests as both a spiritual and human being. There is nobody alive on Earth or currently inhabiting the spirit realms who is better qualified to know and understand who you really are deep inside where it counts, and how much you are able to achieve in spite of the obstacles and challenges which your life has placed in your path with the healing intention to make you stronger spiritually, when compared to YOU.

It is perfectly OK and makes good sense to ask for and carefully weigh up the advice and opinions of other people who may have more life experience in this area than we do and therefore may be able to help us avoid some of the common traps for the inexperienced, but they cannot do for us what we must ultimately learn to do for ourselves.

This world and our upbringing not only condition us not to trust our own instincts or gut feelings about what is right and best for us, but they also make us frightened about what we may find if we begin digging deeper within our soul. We worry that if we find something that is unfamiliar or unusual to others close to us that they will not like us any more, so we choose not to be true to who we are because we believe that this would make us unpopular and unlovable.

The Five of Wands which was and still is your focus or theme card for this reading talks to me of our fear of competing with other people when they are just as well qualified and experienced as we are to do the same job. This idea of a level playing field or all of us being equal in every respect is a dangerous illusion. Competition is not something to be avoided or frightened of, but rather it is something which often brings out our greatest strengths and makes us want to do better in the future.

Everyone is NOT equal in his or her specific strengths and weaknesses, and we were never designed to be equal. Each of us have been given certain gifts or qualities which best prepare us for the path we are on, but when we combine these with the strengths and weaknesses of other people who we are in close contact and competition with, miracles can happen. We each have our own almost unique role to play, both as an individual and as a member of the group in achieving personal, social and working goals which would have seemed impossible if we had not enlisted their help.

Instead of seeing other people who are competing with you as a threat which you need to always defend yourself against, it is always easier said than done but make a real effort to be calmer and to become aware that while each of us is well adapted to dealing with his or her own challenges, together in co-operation and with a feeling of everyone supporting everyone else, one person's efforts and knowledge and work skills perfectly complement those of all the other members.

Competition rather than being avoided or scared of must instead be embraced and harnessed for the common good of everyone who is involved or affected by the shared decisions which are being made. Whether you are applying for a new job or are playing in a sports team or are part of a work group stop trying to compete with all the others as equals, and start viewing them instead as being there to help you and each other, using your unique positive qualities in cooperation with theirs.

If you do this then the world and competition is not going to magically change and get less or easier. But a more optimistic change in your mental approach to what you interpret as being a valid reason for you to feel intimidated or attacked by the competition, or to always believe that others know better than you do what is in your best interests spiritually or otherwise COULD POTENTIALLY CHANGE THINGS MUCH MORE FOR THE BETTER, AND MAKE YOUR PATH THROUGH THIS PERMANENTLY COMPETITIVE LIFE A MUCH SMOOTHER ONE, THAN IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN IF YOU HAD NOT CORRECTED YOUR ATTITUDE TOWARDS COMPETITION EARLY ENOUGH FOR IT NOT TO SET LIKE CONCRETE, AND DRAG US DOWN INTO DEPRESSION.

So ends the lesson of your reading, with a definite impression that it will be your most important and energy consuming challenge for the next six months, which are thought to be covered by it.

Blessings in abundance,

eye_of_tiger :)

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eye of tiger

Post by lorraineb78 » Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:30 am

thankyou for the reply,i have enquired about meditation and am looking forward to learning some more about it xx

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:12 pm


You are welcome for the reading.

Please read my response to your question about you wanting to learn to meditate, in the main Psychic forum. ... 283#323283

EoT  :smt031

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