Clarification from EOT Please

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Clarification from EOT Please

Post by smcsw2000 » Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:21 am

My name is Andy, born 29 Nov 1956. I am trying to sort thru the information I have been getting. So it was suggested by this source that I ask EOT.

Specifically I would like to know if the source of the information I have been recieving is beneficial or malevolent. And if I am the person with the task they are indicating.

This may be a bit much to ask or too little for you to go on. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:55 pm

Hi Andy,

I feel deeply humbled that this source has referred you to me and will definitely do whatever I am able, in order to help you to sort through the information which you are receiving.

I was only recently talking on the main psychic forum about the importance of this sorting out process, which is called DISCERNMENT.

The very fact that your source chose to do this is very encouraging and comforting to me, as a malevolent source would  most likely to want to totally isolate you from your family and friends, for its own selfish purposes.

I am reading between the lines of what you have written that you appear to have been given a particular task by a higher power and told that you have been specially selected to do this (it is an important part of your reason for being), which naturally makes you wonder if this is true, or whether instead you are being deceived by a spirit entity which is using flattery to charm you into believing whatever it wants you to believe.

I feel that the best course of action for us to take to work together on this is for you to send me a private message which explains what you have been told in more detail, and equally importantly if you were sleeping or wide awake at the time which you received it and what feelings were associated with it.

In other words did the information feel right to you, or did you feel strangely uncomfortable and as if the speaker was being dishonest and only telling you enough to get your interest, before his or her true purpose for contacting you would be revealed with it being too late for you to easily escape from its grasp?

My initial impression is that the information is genuine and your source is true and of the Light, but let us not jump to any premature conclusions before we look more closely together at the finer details of what has been communicated to you.

It sounds right, but you can never be too careful.

I will wait for your PM in response to this offer, before advising you any further under this thread.


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The end of the world is near? No, not just yet

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:11 am


I wanted to talk to you today about psychic visions which we have shared (although years apart) of upcoming cataclysms and disasters on a planetary scale, apparently involving the deaths of hundreds or thousands of people with both of us seeming to have been sent by a Higher Power to save them and the world itself, almost single handedly and effectively overnight.

The first thing to recognise is that you are NOT having delusions of grandeur. Nor are you in any danger of developing a messiah, savior or Christ complex, which is a state of mind in which an individual holds a belief that they are, or are destined to become a savior.

The second thing to recognise is that people like the two of us have been receiving these type of end of the world scenario waking visions and dreams since time began. Now while it is clear that one day this planet and all life on it will be extinguished and incinerated as the Sun swells up to become a red giant star in its own death throes, this event will be in approximately 5 billion years from now so I doubt whether this is what your visions were referring to if you are there as the same person you are now. In the Bible it clearly says that if anyone claims to predict when the end of the world will be, then you will know it will not be then. ... peak.mhtml

So instead of a mass planetary destruction event we are more likely talking about something more localised to a particular geographic area or perhaps only to a single species (namely ours). Something like the Asian tsunami of December 26th, 2004 which followed immediately after the Indian Ocean earthquake. Equally horrible and full of death and dying, but not the entire planet or all living things on its surface and in the depth of the oceans at the same time.

And Earth is at present going through a definite increase in the rate of climatic changes and frequency of natural disasters of all types since the latter half of the 20th century, so all the doom and gloom prophets (doomsday preppers) may eventually be right about what they are seeing as our unavoidable or too late to save ourselves destiny.  

Statistics will confirm that the number of such negative predictions increases greatly, the closer we come to the actual event, but we have to be extremely careful not to turn this into a negative self fulfilling prophecy. In other words if enough people think that the world is coming to an end and as a consequence give up and do nothing to change things for the better, the probability of it happening sooner rather than later increases in parallel with us losing any sense of faith or hope as a species.

And if we believe that we as one person amongst seven billion plus we can do nothing by ourselves to contribute to the survival and development of our species, this feeling of powerlessness and thought of having been abandoned by our Creator will spread like a mental infection to all human beings on a pandemic scale.

I have no doubt that there will be no shortage natural and man made disasters and accidents over the coming years and centuries, but there are many practical things which we can do to help minimize their likely impact upon humans. If you accept that there are things which we can do to change the future, then that future is not set in stone (fatalism). So psychic prophets will also undoubtedly keep getting visions and dreams apparently predicting such occurrences. When or where and exactly to whom they will happen, is generally not so clear.

We may not be able to stop the flood, fire, earthquake, hurricane, tornado, volcanic eruption, mudslide or tsunami, but we can stop people dying from them. Not all of them, but enough to make us feel more in control over the number who die or are left without a family or home, or are permanently disabled by the tragedy.

You are asking for logical proof or convincing evidence which the most cynical and closed minded person would be satisfied with, which supports the following theories..

1. That there is a fast approaching cataclysmic event which you are seeing beforehand in your waking visions.

2. That you as a person are going to play a pivotal role in helping to save many people, with this being a big part of your purpose and reason for still being here.

The only evidence that you are predicting an actual future event is when that future becomes the present moment, and the predicted cataclysm happens very much like you foresaw it would in your visions or were told was going to happen by an inner voice or loud thought. Until this occurs near to where you are living at the time (since you are there), there is no proof or evidence to give you.

With reference to you playing a major role or carrying out a life mission to help many people leading up to, during or after it is all over, that depends on what skills you posses and how well you can lead these people out of trouble. Once again the evidence that you have this important role to play is in the way in which you conduct yourself before, during and after it happens, IF IT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ARE YOURSELF CAPABLE OF HELPING OTHERS.

But this assumes that there is one event like this in which you could help or save people. You have to get over the idea that this one cataclysm was always from the moment of your birth predestined to happen, and that there will only be one event or time like this when you are going to be able to help your neighbors. Now let us say that the event lasts for up to half an hour out of 80 or more years of your life time.

Do you really believe that your main purpose for being here any more is to be found in a period of less than 30 minutes in length? So what is your purpose for the remaining several million minutes which are left?

1 year =  525600 minutes

80 years = 42048000 minutes

30 /42048000 X 100/1 = 0.0000713 %

So in 80 years of living your main purpose is to be found in 0.0000713 % of that total time!

That seems incredibly wasteful of the Universe to create you only to carry out this one single purpose in one great cataclysmic event which takes up only 0.0000173 % of the total time which you are here on Earth (if you died on your 80th birthday).

They do say that necessity is the mother of invention, and similarly our purpose for being here is often if or as needed. Our purpose is defined by the opportunities which we are given throughout our lives to help and save both ourselves, and other people.

Often it is a case of us being just in the right place at the right time with the right skills to be able to be of some assistance to them. Are we in the right place and time to help them purely by coincidence? Maybe there are certain times when this is true. Accidents do happen. But most times this reading is saying that because you are there it becomes part of your mission or life purpose because in this situation your help and skills are badly needed.

Instead of the mission coming first and the event second, they happen simultaneously. The event becomes part of your life mission to help people wherever and whenever you find them, cataclysm or no cataclysm.

To parents the death of their child IS A CATACLYSMIC EVENT.

To many people losing their job feels very much like a personal disaster or cataclysm.

Some cataclysms are symbolic or abstract, while others are literal and physical.

Does this help you to put things into their proper perspective? Your mission to help people in trouble is an ongoing one which could be used if you happen to be present during a cataclysmic event, but also could potentially be used at any other times as well.


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We have a problem

Post by smcsw2000 » Thu Jul 04, 2013 6:52 pm


We have a problem caused by me inadvertently editing and deleting your original posting in place of my response.

Although I have quoted some of it in my closing comments, I am unfortunately unable to reconstruct it in full.

Therefore unless I do find some way to recover your full posting which is looking increasingly unlikely, please accept my sincere apologies for making this terrible mistake.

At the very least it demonstrates that readers are fallible and highly imperfect human beings just like everyone else. It tends to remove many people's illusion that we are any different on that score from the rest of the human race.


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Closing comments

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:21 am


You are not being difficult or over analytical in wanting to go deeper than what information has already been offered you. If you do not completely understand something which my inner guidance is telling you then it is my responsibility to correct this,  and not your responsibility to apologize.

Also it is a case of people who live in glass houses should not be the first one to cast stones at other people, as if you think that you are being especially difficult and are living too much in your head, when compared to yours truly you are a rank amateur.

Of course I have had a few more years than you have at being both of these (difficult and over analytical), and of thinking myself out of taking the risks which I need to take in order to be able to fully realize my own purpose for being alive. See what I mean. Now I am psychoanalyzing myself!
I understand and believe the information you have given. That is what I would say to someone when I counsel them and help them back on the path of a fulfilling life.
You were very perceptive with this statement as that is exactly what was happening - you were being given spiritual counseling, not by me but instead by my Higher Self (HS), whose words you hear in all of my readings. I was channeling information on your behalf not from a spirit guide, but rather from that part of me nearer to God which is to be found in everyone if we all only look hard enough.
Maybe I overthink things.
I have already said that we both do that a lot of the time, so you do not have to rub it in, as I am painfully aware that I am like this.
Because in every major event throughout history where someone was needed to change the course of events, they were there. Now is that the right time, right place. Or is that what they were put on this earth to accomplish and everything else up to that point was experience and training for them for that moment??
What your reading was saying is that when a major change of course of events is needed, there are always people at that place and time who have the potential to accomplish great things, because they have had experience and training either earlier in this current lifetime or in past Earthly incarnations to prepare them for this mission. But it is always many who are called to carry out this mission, but few who are willing and/or able to accept it, as well as the unavoidable risks involved.

During times of crisis, we often see this in human behaviour. The people whom most of us would have expected to be the most calm and helpful frequently disappoint us, while other people who we would have expected to panic and fall completely to pieces suddenly display immense courage and come to our rescue in our time of greatest need. The courage and inner strength which these unlikely heroes often demonstrate in times of great adversity sometimes surprises them more than we are surprised that they are capable of doing such great deeds of charity and compassion. Truly while fire is the test of gold, adversity is the test of men and women.

They were put here on Earth to be given opportunities to discover and express their own courage and inner strength, and it is not a coincidence or random event that some of these individuals are alive and present during these major events in their soul's as well as in this planet's history. For isn't coincidence God acting anonymously?

But being in that place at that time is not enough. Many of these heroes will not be discovered during a particular crisis situation, partly because they are unaware of the potential which exists within them to be heroes to many, and partly due to a complete lack of self confidence or belief in themselves and in their abilities.

Is it merely coincidence that they just happen to be in that specific location at the most opportune time? If you call destiny's plan for their lives to have the potential of greatness coincidence, then the answer must be YES.

Were they were put on this earth only to become a hero in this particular crisis and everything else up to that point was experience and training for them for that moment? No, they were put here to discover through adversity that they have these gifts and abilities, but whether they become aware of and use them to help other people during one crisis or another is determined by a large number of different, complex factors, many of them still unknown.

Often if the do not shine during one crisis, they will during a later one. Their lives are designed to prepare them to discover their true potential, whether it is during a current crisis, or whether it is instead during a future catastrophe. Our Creator or the Universe does not manufacture souls only to be heroes in one place and time, with any other time or place in their life being wasted. The reading already told you this! Nature never wastes anything or anyone.
Does destiny/fate have a certain purpose and it will push you back on the right path so you will be in the right place at the right time?
You are definitely over analyzing here. Destiny or fate does not have a purpose. It is both at the same time the purpose itself, as well as the mechanism by which that purpose is expressed. Fate or destiny does not push anyone into anything, but it leads us in the direction which offers us the greatest opportunity to discover whom we truly are at the soul level.

Other than it being destiny that brought you into this world and your physical body's fate to die, much of what happens in between is open to modification in the time, place, or exactly how it happens. This can be seen when terminally ill patients often survive against all the predictions of their doctors to see their first grandchild born, or to attend their daughter's wedding. Fate says that their body is about to die, but something else much stronger than fate or destiny says when the body can die; destiny or not.
I believe that for most people they have choices and learn and grow from these choices until they have completed this plane of existence and can move on.
So do I. I cannot in all honesty disagree with anything which you have said in this sentence.
But for a very few they still have the choice to do the task, but will be pushed to be ready and in the right place at the right time.
Now that is where our beliefs differ. At each time and place of crisis there are many people who have the potential to choose to do this task and to carry it out well, but without a conscious awareness that they posses these strengths of character and without having enough self confidence and belief in themselves and in their abilities, they cannot take full advantage of the choice or opportunity which they have been offered to discover their own greatness or hero-ship. Gently prodded and encouraged in the best direction for them to grow and develop, but NOT pushed?
Due to this information, my belief system has been shattered. If the information is correct I need to re-evaluate things to continue on.
Belief systems which are not regularly shaken up without necessarily having to shatter them completely into millions of little pieces, will eventually given enough time become rigid and restrictive. They need regular breaths of fresh air or rays of light to stop them being too stale or dark. You do not have to completely reconstruct your belief system from the ground up or accept anything which I or the reading tells you without first testing its truth and relevance in the laboratory of your daily life and the outer world.

Everybody's belief system at some time needs modification, renovation and improvements be made to it, but you do not have to totally demolish it to do this. My suggestion is to make one change at a time, then test it out in the real world to see if it is n improvement on what went before it. If you make too many changes to your belief system at once and you make progress, how will you know which of the many changes you made was the one which eventually got you across the finishing line?

You must decide for yourself using your intelligence and gift of free will what of these modified or improved beliefs  is right or correct for YOU, by constantly testing them against your outer reality. Beliefs which are right or correct for one person, may not necessarily be right or correct for everyone. Right and correct are highly subjective labels. There is no absolute right or correct choice or belief.
If it is not correct, I still need to re-evaluate and try to figure out how it got there and keep it from happening again.
There is really no way I know of to completely avoid having to continually re-examine and shake up our personal belief systems every now and then, if we are going to accomplish anything which is important to us in this life. You are looking for absolute certainty and security in a world and life where neither of these can exist.
Thank you again, sorry to be difficult.
Once more you are welcome, and we will be difficult together but not to each other.

Take good care of yourself,

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Post by smcsw2000 » Sat Jul 06, 2013 2:24 am


    As usual, you give answers that have wisdom and intelligence.

    I can see now that to be shaken in a belief system helps you to grow and learn through this existence and prepares you for the next. One must be taken out of their comfort zone to see things in a different perspective and hopefully learn somethng new.

    It was unsettling to have a belief of this earthly life and the concept of heaven and hell to be torn when I was ready for the next step in existence. When I found out that there are other planes that we must proceed thru on the way to the final destination, it pulled me out of the simplicity that I had everything wrapped up in. Now I KNOW that there is more to learn and add to the understanding of the reason for being.


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:58 pm


You are very welcome for the reading.

You now appear to have a much better understanding of what your reading is trying to communicate to you.

BTW thank you in return for not making any further mention of my embarrassing mistake.


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