Reading for PetraVanilla

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Post by PetraVanilla » Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:35 pm

Hey Eye-Of-Tiger!

It's been a long time (a couple of years!) and lots of things have changed... I think I am in need of a reading and some guidance! Gonna make you shoot from the hip here, but I appreciate any help! Let me know if you need anything from me! Thank you!


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:57 pm

Welcome back Petra,  Image

It has indeed been a long time since we have had the pleasure of your company on Mystic Board.

Following the link in your forum profile to the Empower Network website gave me all the information that I require about what you have been doing since I last read for you.

You are right about the big changes which have been happening in your life during the intervening couple of years, most of which appear to have been through your own efforts to apply your spiritual beliefs to network marketing.

It is quite a formidable challenge that you have taken on with this project, but one which is worthy of a person of your intelligence and perseverance (some of your more severe critics might see you as being as stubborn as a mule).

And at least from outward appearances it seems that you are well on your way  to achieving your desired goal to have the Law of Attraction regarded as a business strategy, and not merely as some obscure and abstract spiritual teaching which has no practical relevance to a highly competitive (some might say cut throat) marketing environment.

With all of this empowering and inspiring you have been giving your clients (prospective or established) you would expect that you would be feeling empowered and inspired yourself, but as another LightWorker I know from personal experience how self doubt and a lack of self confidence can all too quickly get a hold on us, and drag us down into depression and self pity.

Now this hardly seems right or fair. Isn't there another law (the Law of Return) which states that whatever energies we put out into our surroundings and especially towards other people will eventually be returned to us many times over? So if we freely and continually put out empowering and inspiring thoughts and positive energies into our environment, why is that we ourselves can so often feel anything but being empowered or inspired to keep going, in spite of the many obstacles which the world and life in general have placed in our paths?

Something is definitely not right, as how can we continue to give other people something which we do not always have ourselves, to pass it onto them? Why is it that our own feelings of self empowerment and self inspiration are often so highly intermittent? One day we are feeling pleased and satisfied with ourselves and largely in control of our own destinies, while the next day we may be feeling the complete opposite of all of these positives, or even worse.

Some people give, give, give. Others take, take, take. But we are each meant to give at times, and take or receive at others.  If we continue to give out energy but do not at the same time allow other people to give us energy in exchange, we are disturbing the natural energy balance and exchange network on which every living creature depends. We are by not co-operating with this law not playing our small but critically important role in the web of life.

People who work in this spiritual area frequently do plenty of giving, giving, giving, and are continually ensuring that other people will get their needs met or satisfied. This is a good and noble thing to do, but only up to a certain point. If the LightWorker is not also getting some of his or her equally important needs met whether they are physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, whose responsibility is this? If they feel powerless, dispirited and exhausted, what good are they going to be to anyone, least of all to themselves and their family and close friends.

I would interpret this reading in the context of it being yours and nobody else's to mean that with all this empowering and inspiring others and helping them to get their many changing needs met, you are in serious danger of learning to resent the very people whom you are most trying to help.

Getting angry and resentful at them because you almost always sacrifice your own needs for theirs is destructive to any working or helping relationship which you might have otherwise enjoyed with them. And it is anything but logical as an alternative to turn the anger and resentment inwards upon yourself (which often gives more and deeper depression). So if you cannot turn them outwards or inwards, where can you release these emotions in a way which will not only make matters worse than they already are?

The message seems to be that emotions in themselves are neutral. They are neither positive nor negative. It is what we consciously choose to do with them that determines whether they are healthy for everyone affected by them. Firstly you need to accept the anger and resentment as your own feelings.

Secondly you need to see them as a sign that you are not being responsible enough to get at least some of your own needs met enough times to give you the power and inspiration and energy to keep going and helping them. Instead of rejecting these feelings or projecting them onto other people, embrace their incredible positive potential to make you more whole (to heal you), and make you more human (and therefore by definition no more superior or perfect than they are).

Love, Light and Peace,

EoT  :smt006

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Post by PetraVanilla » Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:37 am

Eye of Tiger.... a great big thank you for the quick response! I am impressed as always... just one thing I want to say about not having my needs met and resentment... I only started the network marketing recently... the resentment stems from the fact that for the last 2 years before I changed professions, I have worked as a massage therapist.

At first I was very happy and loved it.... however it became more and more exhausting, and clients and people I had to interact with as part of what I did, did take take take with a few exceptions -- it ended up hurting my fiances and my my health (physically and mental distress, as well)... I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia on Monday, and when I put out my reading request, I was wondering if you could pick up my suspicion that people have been just sucking up my energy and that Ive been taking in a lot of pain and disease. While regular sickness I can repel or diminish by my ability as an empath, my decreasing shielding over the last month in my massage profession (until August 1) has left me very vulnerable to pain and nerve conditions, apparently.

I decided to take care of my issues by ending the massage business rather unexpectedly for others. I decided to end the thing that hurt my body, get away from people that hurt my spirit and end the thing that seemed to drain money out of my pocket, when it was supposed to bring in money. I also decided to do more to love myself on a daily basis. I do my best to do so... I even have an accountability sheet to ensure I do that and focus on personal development.

The Network Marketing - I am approaching it as a tool to help me and others. Writing has always been in my heart, as well as helping others, researching and sharing knowledge, working towards spiritual enlightenment and connecting with people who have already achieved so much more than I at this point...
It is something I can pursue despite the pain and lack of energy... and it makes me happy. Like any other business it takes a while to really get going, but first success is showing (and my mentor just made over 44K in a week and that certainly inspires me to keep going!!) :)

I feel more support coming from new friendships, people I just met, than friends who have been close in the past, who seem to have taken a few steps back...
My kids also are supportive as they are growing older, although u know how it is with pre-teens and young teens lol

I guess my questions is, where do I go from here? Should I keep on this path? Any suggestions for adjustments other than what was mentioned?

Love and Light,

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:20 am


You are always welcome.

It was both my pleasure and my privilege to be given this opportunity to read for you again.

The resentment and hurt for you and your fiance could continue on from the negative experiences of your last two years as a massage therapist, if this tendency to too often sacrifice your own needs was allowed to continue.

Fibromyalgia (which you have) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (which I have) are often found in the same patient, or in people who share many of the same characteristics which we both do (self sacrifice to the extreme, perfectionist, workaholic etc).

People have been sucking up your energy (there is no doubt about this), but our everyone else's needs are more important than ours attitude sets us up to have them keep acting as energy vampires, sucking our life force out of us.

In a manner nature has stepped in with Fibromyalgia to make you give yourself permission to start satisfying more of your own needs for a change, without ignoring the needs of your clients. It did it with me 32 years ago but in my case it mainly expressed itself as CFS, with only a relatively small dose of Fibromyalgia of the neck and jaw muscles thrown into the increasingly complex mixture.
It is something I can pursue despite the pain and lack of energy... and it makes me happy.
My spiritual work on the web does exactly the same things for me. I particularly like being able to work on my computer at any time of the day or night. That suits my chronic insomnia and periods of enforced sleep just fine.
Where do I go from here? Should I keep on this path?
Forwards! Using this reading as a guide among other information from other sources to what you need to watch out for in yourself to stop thye energy vampires from winning. This is your path. Keep going and take good care of yourself, and take extra care of the man who is lucky enough to be loved by you.
Any suggestions for adjustments other than what was mentioned?
These are all the insights which came through me on your behalf during this particular reading, which is now complete and cannot be reopened for new questions or further details.

Sorry about that. :smt009  :smt002  :smt002

EoT  Image

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Post by PetraVanilla » Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:26 am

Thank you.... LOL I decided over a year ago to not give in to dating or relationships for a while, but thank you for the well-wishes on that, as well :)
I will open up to that again when I am more balanced again ;)

Bunches of blessings to you!! I am very grateful!


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