Desperate Help

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Desperate Help

Post by drprpapi23 » Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:36 pm

Hey i need your help. I've been going through his paranoia superstition like ocd for years now and i'm tired of it. It's something in the likes of me dying, death or things i do not want to think about. Since i've put my focus on this negative thing for so long like 2 years, i feel like it became a parasite trying to feed of my fear and anxiety. This all started when i read about the law of attraction, consprisacy stuff, and things such as memory erasal we tend to go through our eternal journey. It also probably doesn't help that i probably was prepositioned for ocd or something. This thing is always intrusive aswell. For example i'll try to focus on what i want which is things like discovering my inner self then all of a sudden i would have an intrusive thought on me dying or being in a casket or me doing other dark things and no matter what it would continue. This would be my entire thought process daily which has been going on for a while. I know you cant give something of this magnitude focus since you attract what you focus according to loa but i did for too long  & that's why i fear that i gave it power to manifest. Like the saying goes focus on what you want but this things still persist. I've been having this problem ever since i became depressed on the truth of this world. This probably lowered my frequency and now i feel like i'm being attacked by this intrusive thought , entity, etc. Now i'm paranoid of death and other attacks from this negative energy. I'm not schizophrenic or something but i feel like i somewhat caused this to continue happening by focuseing on this for so long. I also had a crow fly by my house not knowng how much times it clawed. As an omen i heard it foretold death, bad news or ill omen. This pass couple of weeks i also seen and heard crows around my house but tired of the negative focus. I honestly don't care for nothing but for being a vessell for the higher energy to raise people's consciousness and being a lightworker. I'm to a point where i only care for the truth. This obstacle hasnt been overcome and feel like i made this thing to big. I fear death because i do want to lose my memories and be recycled to learn these "lessons" over & over again with no progress. I want to spiritualy advance, rediscover my abilities,memories, and who am i. I turn 23 very soon and don't know where to go or what to do.

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To accept responsibility for something does not make it your fault

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:47 pm

drprpapi23 wrote:Hey i need your help. I've been going through his paranoia superstition like ocd for years now and i'm tired of it. It's something in the likes of me dying, death or things i do not want to think about. Since i've put my focus on this negative thing for so long like 2 years, i feel like it became a parasite trying to feed of my fear and anxiety. This all started when i read about the law of attraction, consprisacy stuff, and things such as memory erasal we tend to go through our eternal journey. It also probably doesn't help that i probably was prepositioned for ocd or something. This thing is always intrusive aswell. For example i'll try to focus on what i want which is things like discovering my inner self then all of a sudden i would have an intrusive thought on me dying or being in a casket or me doing other dark things and no matter what it would continue. This would be my entire thought process daily which has been going on for a while. I know you cant give something of this magnitude focus since you attract what you focus according to loa but i did for too long  & that's why i fear that i gave it power to manifest. Like the saying goes focus on what you want but this things still persist. I've been having this problem ever since i became depressed on the truth of this world. This probably lowered my frequency and now i feel like i'm being attacked by this intrusive thought , entity, etc. Now i'm paranoid of death and other attacks from this negative energy. I'm not schizophrenic or something but i feel like i somewhat caused this to continue happening by focuseing on this for so long. I also had a crow fly by my house not knowng how much times it clawed. As an omen i heard it foretold death, bad news or ill omen. This pass couple of weeks i also seen and heard crows around my house but tired of the negative focus. I honestly don't care for nothing but for being a vessell for the higher energy to raise people's consciousness and being a lightworker. I'm to a point where i only care for the truth. This obstacle hasnt been overcome and feel like i made this thing to big. I fear death because i do want to lose my memories and be recycled to learn these "lessons" over & over again with no progress. I want to spiritualy advance, rediscover my abilities,memories, and who am i. I turn 23 very soon and don't know where to go or what to do.
I am neither a doctor nor an authority about the subject of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) or for that matter schizophrenia, but I understand that you are using these terms simply to communicate to me that that you believe that these negative thoughts have taken on a life of their own, and that you feel that you are largely responsible for them increasingly controlling everything you do.

In order to be responsible for something you must first be consciously aware of it, and secondly you must consciously decide to do it. But these negative thought forms which are presently causing you such distress are entirely unconscious, and are therefore by this definition outside of or beyond your conscious awareness or conscious control. The good news is that you are not responsible for creating them. The not so good news is that you are to a degree responsible for deciding what you are going to do about them, now that they exist.

The reading has an issue with your faulty belief that because your personality's memories are effectively erased between incarnations that any progress made during your most recent Earthly sojourn will also be lost as a direct consequence.

You must understand the very big difference between someone's personal memories and their soul's memories. The personal memories of your total life experiences and who you were during a previous incarnation are erased it is taught in order to ensure that they do not prevent or interfere with you living your next life time without having them constantly getting in your way.

In contrast to this your soul's memories (the accumulated memories of all life times) remain completely untouched and similarly any progress which was made during that life time is also preserved and not wasted.

The very fact that you are now consciously aware of the presence of these thought forms and have consciously decided that you want to take greater responsibility for getting rid of them from your mind and life are signs of major progress and developing spiritual maturity.

These immediately become part of your soul's memories, and can never be lost or wasted or erased. In computer terms our soul's memories are write protected between incarnations, and are only written or added to during them.

If this was not so and your belief was true, there could never be any soul progress or evolution, as at the beginning of each life time the soul would be starting with a completely blank slate or empty memory and experience bank from which there is nothing to draw to help him or her learn this lifetime's lessons. Like a school student who forgets everything that he or she has been ever taught, up until that grade?

Thoughts have energy, and a thought form requires plenty of energy to keep it alive and active and independent of its creator. The reading agrees with your concept of this thought form acting as though it is a parasite living off your energies. You are not feeling spiritually depleted and drained of your life force, without good reason.

By regularly focusing upon your now discredited fear that death means total loss of any progress which has been made during previous incarnations, you are not somehow capable of changing these rules and single handedly destroying your soul's destiny. That fear is feeding the negative thought form. Remove that fear and the thought form is starved of its vital energy, and will eventually disintegrate on its own.

The reading is saying that you are learning or experiencing the consequences of not balancing intuition with logic and reasoning. This has absolutely nothing at all to do with your intelligence or maturity. It is a lesson which ALL souls must eventually learn one way or the other. This is one of your soul's best opportunities to learn this lesson.

This is how progress is made towards your stated spiritual goals of........
being a vessell for the higher energy to raise people's consciousness and being a lightworker.
If the reading told you exactly how you can get the right balance between logic and intuition and remove all of this superstition about death and black crows, the value of the lesson would be lost. This might sound cold and insensitive to your suffering, but this is the way that souls grow and mature.

If there were an easier or faster way, I would tell you so.There are no magic shortcuts to soul growth and spiritual development. But I know that within you exists all the resources which you will ever need to ultimately triumph over this fear, and blow this thought form to kingdom come. Now if only you could convince yourself of this enough, your war against fear and superstition will be WON.

Take good care of yourself,

EoT Image

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