Request for a FollowUp reading from EOT

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Request for a FollowUp reading from EOT

Post by bhogarmyguru » Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:18 am

   I had got a good reading from you this year beggining regarding my family. ... hp?t=81549

I would like to get the current state of the problem,because even after myself detaching, as per your reading the problem still persists. The problem is my brother in law, he simply hates me and he treats my sister very badly, he tries to dominate over her.She is very sad and may need to divorce even. Can you just look into this matter, to get some light on it?

Thanks in advance...[/url]

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Nov 23, 2013 12:00 am

To my brother in spirit,

This follow-up request is well outside of the minimum required number of months between consecutive requests about the same subject, but I am getting nothing further which I feel would be of any positive benefit to you in helping your sister stand up to her husband who is clearly abusing her.

Detaching ourselves from the situation does not mean that neither of us care any longer about your sister, or that we are giving up on helping her, but there is a definite limit to what we can realistically do through the internet when something so deeply personal is happening between a man and his wife.

Other than continuing to offer whatever support your sister will accept from you, what can you legally do to change your brother in law's behaviour?

It may be necessary for you to notify the relevant authorities about his chauvinistic behaviour, but you are walking on very shaky ground indeed by intervening in a domestic battle, even with the best of intentions.

I do not know your sister personally but she may well resent, interpret and reject your advice and help as you interfering in what is their private business.

And any advice to her to walk out on him could potentially leave her in a very dangerous situation, where she may have no money or place to live, or he may come after her for revenge, with or without weapons.

He is not trying to dominate her. He is already doing a very good job of keeping her permanently under his foot or complete control. He has obviously been doing this over an extended period of time, and he does not need any more practice attempts in my opinion.

But beyond being there for her when your sister needs you to offer her any form of support when she asks for it, basically our hands are tied behind our backs by the laws of your country as to what a private citizen can legally do when his sister is being abused and possibly physically and psychologically manipulated.

Both this reader and reading are extremely hesitant to offer advice which could potentially do more harm than good in this unfortunate set of circumstances, but I can only send my prayers and healing thoughts to her, as well as supporting her brother who is hurting badly from seeing his sister crushed under this man's iron will and fist.

Bring the authorities in if you feel that you have enough solid evidence about what has been happening, but tread carefully in any interactions you have with with either of them. If your brother in law sees that you are turning your sister against her husband, your sister may not be the only member of your family who is in danger.

Sorry brother, that I cannot do any more than this. :smt009

Love, Light and Healing,

EoT  :smt102

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Post by bhogarmyguru » Sat Nov 23, 2013 2:36 am

Thank you very much for the reading....I know how much you can i asked to throw some light..and this is enough to see everything  :)

I care for her a lot but carefully only do anything regarding her life.
I have a small doubts also. All this hatred and problems started after the birth of her daughter(our first reading time). I had a feeling/insights that the child soul had some impurities from the past life and i cleansed what i can. Later i had notion that brother in law's father would die..and he died suddenly though being somewhat healthy. Now i feel that brother in law is going to get back something from nature / god for his negativity in as some diseases...i feel some disease has already started in him... (this will also affect my sister)

Do you feel this when you think of him?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Nov 23, 2013 5:30 am

"Do you feel this when you think of him?"

No to be perfectly honest with you this did not come up in the reading, but this is hardly surprising as the idea of karma as simply a system of punishments and rewards for what a person has done or not done during a past life is not part of my system of beliefs as it is clearly part of yours, and therefore I would not expect it to appear in any of my readings.

One has to be careful not to bring themselves down to the low level of people such as your brother in law by trying to get revenge or wishing them harm for what they done to our loved one as regardless of how pure our intentions are, the Law of Return states that whatever we put out into our surroundings will be returned to us many times over.

Therefore focus your efforts on sending love and healing to your dear sister, and allow the Universe to deal with him according to God's laws and not your own unavoidably limited concepts of what is good or bad, or right or wrong.


EoT  :)

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Post by bhogarmyguru » Sat Nov 23, 2013 11:25 am

good this clears my mind...

Though i like to send love and light to all sometimes being human and when related to loved ones i may slightly turn negative...bringing myself down to that person doing the bad. Unconditionally i will clear my mind from all thoughts that is against nature, will focus on more light and love. Another fact i have seen in my life, whenever i am trying to focus on positive/light somekind of negative persons will start attacking directly/indirectly. Many cases i too vibrated in that level. Then only i understood that is the natural and we should stay positive on whatever cause.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:40 pm

This does not of course mean that you should stop caring (not much chance of that happening) and not do whatever you are able to help and support your sister.

But it does mean that you should try not to allow your natural concern for your sister's safety and happiness to take over the rest of your life in a way that the whole purpose of you being here gets put on hold, in your ongoing need for revenge instead of for justice.

I am painfully aware that as human beings we are emotional creatures first and logical and reasoning creatures a distant second, and as a result we often do things which are not in our own best interests in the heat of the moment.

So as a human being we are allowed now and then to let our feelings be heard and not bottle them up deep inside us until they explode in a storm of rage.

But what makes us truly human is the ability to keep our more primitive emotions in check over the longer term, without at the same time denying that we have these feelings which must not be indefinitely suppressed if we are to remain healthy and reasonably well balanced.

Nobody is perfect, least of all this reader.

Your kind heart and your immense inner strength and endurance serve as an inspiration to all of us. Giving up either on your sister or yourself is simply not an option which you would ever consider.


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Post by bhogarmyguru » Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:02 am

I feel all this is mother natures/God's work to really teach me/us from the inner and show that the external things/ideas/events you see is only a 'rendering' of the immense light inside. The external flow is so strong as society, culture and interests and most importantly emotions.

I never gave up on my sister or will do at any case. Since me and my sisters are from same womb, her feelings are a bit affecting me telepathically, when that occurs i usually heal it with love. Some time it may converted as primitive emotion towards the causative person. That i will clearoff anyway. But actually by doing all these my brother in law is attracting more and more negative only, as per natural cause. He is not seeing love in anything...Now i pray for him to find love rather than some stupid superiority.

With this reading, i was able to move more into my inner love light and spread that instead of my emotional bursts. Thank you EoT for your love, i know that is same source.....

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