Past Life Reading plz.

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Past Life Reading plz.

Post by daizyblackrose » Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:29 am


Feb 26, 1982, Pisces.

I was hoping to get a reading on any of my past lives.

I don't really know much about my past lives.
Just feelings of things.
So I thought I'd ask bout it.
If anything might be having an effect on current life.
But I just need to know what all's I've done before this life.
In hopes it will bring me peace and clear up some stuffs that I don't need anymore.
Tho I do have a hunch on one life, but I need more clarification on that.  
I am open minded bout stuff like this.

Love and Peace,
Devona :smt049

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We no longer have any past life readers on this forum

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:08 pm

Sorry Devona, but we do not currently have any past life readers on this forum.

However I believe that I can still help you to answer some of your important questions, through an intuitive reading.

Please let me know in your response to this message whether you would like me to do this in place of a past life reading.

Over to you now for your decision,

EoT :)

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Post by daizyblackrose » Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:14 am

Don't be sorry, it's ok. It's not a big area to read in at the moment for most. But you offered a different reading in return and I'll be ok with that in place of the other. Just let what is needed for this, cause I've not hear of this type of reading you mention.

Thanks for your reply.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:47 am ... hp?t=73891

Please look at my intro (link above), which explains why all my readings are intuitive ones.

There is also a much more detailed explanation on the following website. ... -are-they/

No further information is required from you for this reading to be given within the next 24 hours.


EoT (male)  :smt006

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Post by daizyblackrose » Mon Jan 13, 2014 6:17 am

Ok. Oh by way Devona is the I go by with family and friends. It's really just Devon. But yeah um I guess I am not focus on just one area of life, so I'll leave it to you to decide which way the reading goes.

Balls in your court now,
Devona ^u^

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The score is love all, but specifically love yourself

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:29 pm

While it is true that your past including your past life experiences does in some complex way affect the life which you are living now, this reading comes to remind you to focus more upon the present moment which is your only point of personal power to be able to help create a more positive, healthier, more successful and infinitely more satisfying future for yourself, as well as for your dependents.

Instead of attempting to discover exactly who you were in a past life, one of your biggest challenges in this one is to gain a greater understanding and appreciation of who you really are now deep down, and equally determine mainly through trial and error what potential exists behind the mask which you present to the world in the form of the individual identity known as Devon.

Your main lessons in this particular Earthly sojourn are in many ways a direct consequence of past lessons learned or not learned, but the important point which your reading wishes to make is that what happened or did not happen during your past lives is over, and that no matter what you can do it cannot be changed. In stark contrast to this your current lifetime is an ongoing work constantly in progress, and other than with certain aspects of your existence and within the restrictions placed upon you by your physical reality, potentially anything about yourself can be changed or improved.

Your date of birth and basic numerology reveal that you are walking the number 3 life path. A person's life path is regarded by numerologists as the most accurate and reliable indicator of what lessons you came into this world with at the moment of your birth, and how these original lessons and your personality strengths and weaknesses have been changed by everything and every person which or whom has happened to you since then (your environment).

People with a Life Path number 3 normally possess a very high level of creativity and self expression. This abundance of creative energy, and the ease with which they are able to communicate in all areas, both through the written word as well as verbally could lead them to become a poet, actor, writer, artist or musician. As a consequence of the typical number 3 personality profile many writers, radio broadcasters, actors, singers, performers, and counselors share this life path number.

Threes are in general or on average optimistic (although they have their bad days like every one else does some time in their lives), extremely generous and giving souls, and are usually able to eventually find something positive in everything and in every person around them. Other people are naturally attracted to them, not only because of these qualities and strengths of character, but also because Threes have a charismatic or magnetic personality. They can be excellent listeners and are often very conscious of and sensitive to other people's feelings and emotions.

Because they enjoy living life to the fullest, Threes tend to live life for today and not worry too much about tomorrow. They have a difficult time taking their responsibilities seriously, and probably aren't very good with managing money (either their own or someone else's), partly because they feel so positive about life that they figure that everything will work itself out OK in the end. This can sometimes lead those with a Life Path of 3 to live superficially (a shallow life), lacking in direction, and constantly putting off or delaying until a tomorrow which never arrives, what they should have been doing today. Procrastination can easily become a life long addiction.

When the average number 3 traveler is hurt emotionally, he or she tends to withdraw and become moody and self centered, and can sometimes make biting comments in an effort to lash out at people around them in misplaced revenge. They can effectively become manic depressive or bipolar if they do not find enough suitable (to them) and acceptable (to their friends and family) ways of expressing their abundant creative energies and they tend to exaggerate the truth. Life path number 3 is a strong vibration (one of the strongest), one of creative self expression, independence, playfulness, and communication.

What is written above is basically a snapshot taken at the instant when your mother gave birth to you, of who you are and who you were most expected to become. But life and this cosmic classroom has a way of changing us sometimes but not always for the better. Just as this lifetime is at least partly a product of what lives went before it, who you are now is a product of all your accumulated experiences throughout those nearly 32 years. We are forever changed by our experiences, for better or for worse. We cannot ever go back to who we once were, as though nothing had ever happened to us.

Your only available course of action is therefore to move forward along this path with faith and courage as your constant companions, as giving up is simply not an option to someone like you who has such high personal standards and self expectations. Realizing that although some of the major signposts or crossroads you will encounter are predetermined, that you still have considerable control over the journey and your destination.  

Understandably because you have had your feelings hurt more than once, you are not so keen or enthusiastic about this ever happening to you again, and as a result you unquestionably miss out on many valuable opportunities to more fully express the very aspects of your personality which should have become your greatest assets, turning them instead into liabilities.

Creativity on the huge scale which exists within your number 3 soul history must somehow, somewhere and in some place ultimately find a healthy outlet, or it will turn back upon you in the form of extreme pessimism, and an almost total lack of self love. Self love is defined as valuing and respecting who you are behind that mask, warts (mistakes and imperfections) and all. It has absolutely nothing at all to do with you being vain or filled with an exaggerated sense of your own importance.  

Practicing real self love does not make you narcissistic (spending hours each day hypnotized by your own image in a mirror) or egocentric (self centered). Self love is the polar opposite of both of these negative deficiencies of character. The lessons which you did not learn fully or at all in past lives about what self love is have now become your lessons again during this current incarnation. Depending upon how well or otherwise you learn this vital lesson during this lifetime will go a long way towards determining whether the same lessons will be necessary in future ones.

As you said yourself above, the balls are (mainly) in your court now. :smt002  :smt002

Love, Light and Healing,

EoT Image

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