Healing message from my angels/guide

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Healing message from my angels/guide

Post by akido » Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:51 pm


If you have spare time to help me out working out the root of my issues. Can someone has insights why I am experiencing hard time at this moment and how can I work that out to positive outcome?
I hope my guide can connect with you too and help them deliver the message to me if they couldn't find their connections to me.

Thank you very much.

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Dying is easy, but the living is hard

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:53 pm

It has been said in several different ways that dying is easy, but the living is hard. This gem of wisdom contains what is an obvious but uncomfortable truth. Life is a complex mixture of joys and sorrows, and unfortunately you cannot have one without the other.

Indeed we can often only learn to fully appreciate the joys of life in all their depth and richness by experiencing first hand what it is like to struggle and constantly stub your toe on obstacles which have been placed in your path, not with the intention to make you fail or feel bitter about your life in general, but rather to offer you a golden opportunity to discover your latent inner strengths which if you had not been challenged very likely would have laid dormant until it may be too late to become aware of and develop them to be able to meet the challenges that life is continually putting in our way.

To someone like yourself who is presently doing it hard, the above words might sound more than a little insensitive and patronizing of the difficulties which you face. This is largely because most of us are looking for some recognition or validation from outside of ourselves that we are suffering, and that our suffering has a higher purpose or meaning to the Universe. In other words we are looking for empathy or for someone to at least temporarily "stand in our shoes" or see what it is like to be us for a while.

There is also the illusion of universal fairness to have to wrestle with. Is it fair that you should encounter obstacles and challenges along the way when your neighbour (any other person than yourself) appears to have it all and apparently sails through his life with little opposition to his expectations of what his life can offer him? Fair to whom? Notice the two words "appears" and "apparently" for no one truly knows what is really going on behind closed doors and in somebody else's life unless they are that person.

Some of the lessons which we come into this life we have in common with most other human beings, but others are effectively unique to our soul path. We may face challenges and hardships in completely different areas even from other members of our own family. Which in turn are often designed to make us aware of and develop very different inner strengths when compared to them.

So for example (and this is only an example) you may be experiencing major challenges in the area of your finances, while your brother has more than enough money but lacks the good health to be able to take full advantage of his healthy financial circumstances.

Now you come across to me through this reading as someone of great intelligence and an unwillingness never to give up  (some of your critics might  instead say a stubbornness) whenever life begins to get you down. You are NOT one of those people who are constantly whining and complaining about the cards which life has dealt you, but it would be nice now and then to hear some words of praise and encouragement from at least one other living person to help you to get through the rougher patches which we all have to endure at some stage, as life is a package deal and none of us gets out of it alive.

So here you are waiting for some praise, encouragement and above all empathy from somebody else, but you are not hearing any. Is it because there is nobody who is willing to offer you all these wonderful things, or is it instead that you are unable and/or unwilling to accept the praise, encouragement and empathy with your situation which is being given to you on an almost daily basis?  

Often when we are feeling overpowered by misfortunes slings and arrows, and especially if we are not a constant complainer and have been taught that it is wrong to recognise one's own achievements or burden someone else with our problems, it is like someone has not only turned off our hearing to this positive feedback which we so badly and urgently need to help us go the distance, but that we have also built a solid and impenetrable wall around our heart with the intention to protect us from feeling any further pain, which at the same time blocks or prevents this positive feedback from reaching its destination.

In summary the reading is telling me that you already have all the intelligence and inner and outer resources which you will ever need to be able to eventually, successfully overcome your current difficulties, but that up to this point you have either remained unaware of the inner strengths you possess, or more likely have little if any idea exactly how to use them specifically for this problem which is presently occupying so much of your time and energies in wasted worry. There is a big difference between becoming more independent of the help of others, and becoming so painfully independent that nobody is allowed to help you.

So far you have battled on with only half of the weapons in your armory out of your pride in being able to handle it all entirely by yourself, while carrying the total load of everyone else's problems on your shoulders. It seems OK for you to help them carry their problems (you are such a giving person), but when they offer to help you to carry yours, the walls go back up immediately.

It is a good thing that you have increasingly learned to use your own inner resources to gain a foothold while climbing up the mountain (and the reading is handing you a bouquet for doing so or recognizing how far you have progressed in this area of using your inner resources much more efficiently than before within a relatively short period of time), but being willing to accept and work with your outer resources (especially the people close to you who should have a greater understanding and appreciation of your problems and human weaknesses, who may not necessarily be members of your family) needs some more working on if you are ever going to achieve a major breakthrough.

Use both your inner/internal and your outer/external resources (including people with specialized knowledge in your major area of concern) in combination with each other in order to give yourself a full armory, as well as the maximum possible chance of a victory over fear, and against unintentionally becoming trapped or imprisoned by your own heart's protective walls. Instead of wanting to have your future predicted for you, help to create that future which calls you forward, through a more efficient use and application of your combined inner and outer strengths and resources.

Salutations to the dawn of your self recognition,

EoT  :smt020

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