need help

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Ultimate soul
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need help

Post by Ultimate soul » Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:57 am

Hi  everyone,
I am in an urgent need for a reading. .
Can anyone help me. .. With that...
I want to do an event will that be successful ...
When should I do it's my first event .. so really worried. .
Thank you all..

Ultimate soul.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:38 pm

Hi Ultimate,

The site policy about us not being allowed to use any type of reading to attempt to predict the future is still the same as it was in June of last year, when you requested a reading in the Tarot reading forum after registering to become a member. I understand that you are a Tarot reader yourself and you have had some success in the past in reading your own future from your cards, but we believe more in helping you to actively create a more positive, happier and successful future according to your understanding of what being successful actually means to you.

Predictions about the future assume that there is only one possible future to predict, that the future is set in stone and that nothing which you do or do not do to help yourself is ever going to change it. Whereas we see a large number of alternate future possibilities, one of which will eventually become your personal reality mainly through what conscious decisions you choose to make in the present moment, which is your only true point of personal power to influence that future.

So now we come to looking at your request which is with respect a fairly vague question about an event which you have never attempted before. Whether it is a sporting event or whether it has something to do with your business which you told us about in June 2013, of course you will be anxious  about it it chances of success. Who would not be anxious when you are taking these risks which are always associated with doing something which is important to you?

The biggest risk is that you will fail or fall short of your own expectations about how well it will go for you and how well you will do, and if those expectations are unrealistically high or you define success as getting this event perfect the first time that you try it then your stress levels are going to be very high which is likely to seriously reduce your chances that you will be at your best because you cannot relax enough to be able to think clearly and will probably make even more mistakes as a result.

Some level of stress in life is both unavoidable and healthy. Scientists call this euSTRESS. A certain level of anxiety and/or fear about the possible outcome of our attempts to master some new skill can motivate us or give us the extra energy which we need to perform at the highest level which we are capable of, which we never get to know if we never try.

Many people try to control this natural positive anxiety by wanting to be given absolute 100% guarantees that everything will work out perfectly first time, and decide that until those guarantees are given to them then they are not going to even begin trying. As you know there are no such guarantees in this physical universe, so if you are waiting for one before you begin to move then you could potentially be waiting for your entire lifetime with no joy.

In summary therefore I cannot and am not allowed to try to predict whether your first event will be successful, one because it assumes something which is a complete lie (that you have no control over how your future turns out), and two that I do not know what successful means to you with regards to this event. If this event requires new skills you may need to define success at first as meaning that you gave it your best shot, and even though the results were not perfect, it was an improvement on what you were capable of doing only a second before you attempted it for the first time.

When should I do it is an easier question to answer, although readings given on this forum are thought to only apply to the period of the next six months. The best time to try anything new is when you have done all the preparation/homework which you reasonably could have before the event, and have enough relevant information available to you in order to give yourself the maximum possible chance of succeeding (but never a 100% chance). This can also be greatly helped by you having a positive, confident, relaxed set of beliefs about your ability to do this event well. Getting in the right frame of mind before you begin, is an important part of the preparation process.

There is a big difference between natural anxiety (eustress) and worrying yourself sick about something (diSTRESS). EuSTRESS as I said above helps you to perform at your best, but diSTRESS turns your fear levels up so high that it could at best make your first attempt much more difficult than it should have been, and at worst completely paralyze you from beginning. Excessively high levels of stress will have negative effects on your body, mind and spirit. Your bloodstream will be flooded with chemical hormones which will give you the strength to either face your fears or run. The well known fight or flight response.

This natural response worked well for our cavemen ancestors when the main danger was that they were going to be eaten alive by a hungry predator. Usually unless they had enough weapons and had strength in numbers working together as a team, running for your life away from the danger was the best course of action for them to take.

But in the 21st century most of the dangers we face are much more abstract, like that our investments on the stock market might fail, or that we might not pass an examination. You cannot fight either the stock market or examination, and running way from them is worse than useless. But our bodies and minds continue to respond as though the stock market or examination were hungry predators. No wonder then that we are in the middle of a world wide epidemic of stress related illnesses, including cancer and and heart disease (among too many others to list here).

If you worry yourself into a long term stay in hospital or early grave, what is that going to do to your chances of this event being a success for you?
Can anyone help me
Yes I can help you through a reading to better help yourself, but I cannot do it for you.
I want to do an event will that be successful ...
Combined with a certain amount of luck, whether the event is successful will largely depend on what you do in the meantime of a positive and practical nature to make your chances of a successful event greater than they already are. Your mental attitude and level of confidence must both be strengthened.  You need to prepare yourself better at every level including having most of the relevant information before you start (you will never have ALL the information). Your feeling of success will be heavily affected by whether your expectations of success with this being your first event are positive but at the same time realistic.
When should I do it
Either within the next six months or when your preparation at all levels is completed. Whichever of the two of these times comes first is the optimum time to begin it. The longest journey begins with a single step.
it's my first event .. so really worried. .
Don't worry yourself sick about it or ask for any guarantees before you are willing to get started. Use your natural anxiety or eustress to help motivate or energize you, instead of allowing uncontrolled fear and distress to defeat you or make you ill, or if strong and long enough eventually kill you.
Thank you all..
You are more than welcome for any guidance or assistance rendered, reader to reader and friend to friend.

Blessings in abundance,

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