Reading request for eye of tiger

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Reading request for eye of tiger

Post by peace6696 » Tue Jan 06, 2015 8:38 pm


Hope this email finds you well ? :0)

Wondering if you would be so kind as lend me your ear, and provide me with some of the great and very grounded readings/insight/advice you have kindly given others here.

I have a life that is great and that I am thankful for. Lovely friends, lots to do, happy in my job, beautiful home. I am so thankful to be blessed.
One area in my life seems to always be a stumbling block. I have personally decided in my head, let it be as it is. Look at what you DO have vs what you perceive yourself at being at a loss of.

I am 32. Female. All my life I have experienced the same. Men I really like expressing a (fleeting) interest. Or they express an interest, and then always end up insulting me  -i.e doing total 180s and telling me that I am not worth their time/not good enough for them (when they were the ones that initiated contact in the first place ?!).

The remainder interest of interest from intelligent men that I find myself attracted to, is either just for sex (which I no longer oblige to ... so they then disappear into thin air upon finding that out), or just disappear full stop, or are mentally unstable, OR/AND I attract men that have questionable moral values and are unattractive (in every sense of the word), married with children (therefore their attempts to entice me are morally unacceptable). Yet these men seem obsessed with me, however many times I make it crystal clear that I am NOT in anyway interested. It is not my intention to sound egotistical or obnoxious by making mention of any of the above, I am just stating the facts of my experience to date.

All I want is my life to be happy in all areas. Can you shed any light as to my experiences and how I can perhaps change /stop the above happening?

No problem at ALL, if what I am asking is too much or will take up too much time



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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jan 07, 2015 12:25 am

Welcome 2U Peace, :smt006
All I want is my life to be happy in all areas.
I am sorry if I sound pessimistic and insensitive, but a life which is happy in all areas (even most of the time) is an impossible dream or fantasy which can never be fully satisfied on this planet, and while you are inhabiting a human body.

If you had instead said that you wanted to feel happier in your life in one particular area (love life), then we would have a valid question on which to base your reading.

Because Thursdays are my weekly day off from giving readings, I will not get around to giving you this until at least Friday morning (South Australian time - GMT + 10.5 hours).

Your new question (if you agree between now and then) will be....

What can I do during the next six months thought to be covered by this reading, to help myself to feel happier about my love life?

If you have not responded by then in this thread, I will not go ahead with the reading until you do.


EoT   :smt031

PS: Please leave your original posting exactly as it is now. Give me your answer as a reply. Thank you.

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Post by peace6696 » Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:16 am

Dear Eye of Tiger

What can I do during the next six months thought to be covered by this reading, to help myself to feel happier about my love life?

Thanks in advanee for your advice


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jan 08, 2015 11:16 pm

What can I do during the next six months thought to be covered by this reading, to help myself to feel happier about my love life?

Thank you for being so understanding and confirming the need for you to change your question to something which is realistic and attainable, although always easier said than done.

By doing this you have already removed one of the most common barriers to you enjoying a close but imperfect human relationship. Indeed it is each partner's imperfections which make them who they are, and the lack of any acceptance that real world partnerships often inevitably involve some degree of conflict and compromise by both individuals if they are to have any reasonable chance of lasting the distance is a first major impediment to you becoming happier, that you could well do without.

In order for you to feel happier about any area of your life including this one, you secondly need to feel happier about and more comfortable with yourself. You are the only person whom you have to live for your whole life, so if you do not value and respect your own individuality and your right to exist in spite of your weaknesses and mistakes, can you really expect someone else to disagree with your poor self assessment, and give you something which you are not willing to give yourself?

So your question really comes down to you finding practical things which make you feel better and happier about yourself, and preferably things which will last more than a few minutes, hours or days in a row.

One of the most transient methods which you can use for this purpose is to max out your plastic cards as part of a frantic shopping spree (retail therapy). By all means if you can afford it and the item adds to your good feelings about yourself, then go for it with this reading's blessing, but by itself it is not going to have any lasting healing effects upon your self confidence and self respect. But when combined with various other "good feelings" measures, it could well turn out to be a major turning point in you better preparing to attract a very different and much more agreeable type of man to you than has happened in the past.

For that is the most important message which I want you to get from this reading. Even if you do not understand or are not able or willing to work with anything else contained within this reading, what you must learn is that the type of person who you tend to most attract as your prospective love partner often improves once you start to say to yourself that you are a good person and consequently have the right to be treated properly with respect and dignity by any man who is fortunate enough to be loved by you.

If you communicate this belief in and respect for yourself to all the men who come into your life both through your words and behavior (words alone will not be enough), men who might want to control and manipulate you by making you feel worse about yourself are no longer going to be attracted to you. There will always be another woman other than yourself with a low self concept for them to be able to conquer, for the purposes of massaging their often extremely fragile male egos. Simultaneously men who value and respect a woman who values and respects herself will be attracted like bees to nectar.

A man who wants an equal partner and does not need to always have to remind her every waking hour of every day that she is the only woman in the world for him, and feels no need to have to control her or make her submit to always satisfying his needs, without caring about her equally important needs on many different levels. A man who does not see the need to compromise now and then as a challenge to his manhood, and feels good about and comfortable about himself (including his weaknesses and mistakes).

Does this all sound rather familiar to to you?

It should sound very familiar.

People who feel good about and comfortable with their own imperfections more often than not tend to attract as their partners other people who feel and behave the same way. Other than accepting your imperfect world and that life is never perfect and that human beings are by definition far short of ever achieving anything resembling perfection, use the law of attraction of people who feel good about and comfortable with themselves to your advantage by first using practical and affordable methods to value and respect yourself (love yourself) more than you currently do.

The part of god which lives within me both recognizes and salutes the part of god which lives equally within you (namaste),

EoT   Image

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thank you

Post by peace6696 » Fri Jan 09, 2015 8:47 pm

Thank you so much. Certainly food for thought !

I was wondering, if not too much to ask,if yo could shed some light into the mindset and rationale behind why men contact me (ie assume as they are attracted to me), then go awol, or become rude overnight or disappear, and men that I have no interest in become obssesed with me and stalkers (this happens a lot). Can you shed some light into why this keeps happening?

Many thanks in advance and no problem if this is too much to ask.

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Post by peace6696 » Fri Jan 09, 2015 8:52 pm


Thank you again. Please ignore my last post. I read and re read your reponse, and it covers my query. I will now work on implementing your advice (which shouldn't be too much of a chore - ha ha).

Take care and thank you again :)


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jan 10, 2015 12:14 am


I can never consciously ignore any postings from anyone. It is part of my personality, but I know that it is also my problem.

You have done nothing wrong by asking further, deeper questions about what was already in your reading. I actively encourage people to think more deeply about their readings. Only new questions require an entirely new reading to be given.

As long as what I have already written above has covered your query to your satisfaction, I will regard your previous posting with its contained deeper question as having been responded to.

Only now is your reading is truly complete, in my opinion.


EoT  :smt059

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