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Reading Request

Post by shivani85 » Sun Feb 22, 2015 7:52 am

I am very confused and very indecisive these days and also very sad these days.Can you make a reading for these.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Feb 23, 2015 12:50 am

If you are feeling very confused, indecisive and sad in most or all areas of your life then you must immediately consult a qualified doctor, in order to determine if you are suffering from depression and get the proper treatment for your illness which may or may not include medication. Getting the medical help which you need and deserve is particularly important and urgent if you are feeling that your life is no longer worth living or that it is too much of a burden for you to carry any further. Delaying going to the doctor when you are seriously considering ending your own life, whether or not it is simply a cry for help, may have fatal consequences.

Also..........  is a very good link for those who are in need of help, and who are feeling suicidal and require help now.

Now since you have not identified in your request a specific area of your life which is causing you the most confusion, indecision and sadness, I asked my inner guidance to identify the area of most concern on your behalf.

For the purposes of this reading I temporarily put aside my usual Rider Waite (RW) Tarot cards and went instead with the Mermaid And Dolphin Oracle deck (44 cards),  beautifully designed by Doreen Virtue. Regardless of whether we are a man or a woman, we each have a feminine side or certain aspects in our personalities which are traditionally associated with with being female, and I feel that this pack of cards helps to softens the interpretation given to a person in your situation, when compared to the the RW pack which is clearly more male oriented and consequently often harsher in its analysis.

My questions when shuffling the cards were "could you please tell me which area of Shivani's life is causing the most concern at the moment, and is contributing most to his or her symptoms? Also could you please suggest the best approach for me to take in helping this person to find greater inner calm, in spite of the many extra stresses being placed upon him or her, by life in general?"

Out of the 44 cards in this pack in response to these questions, I drew the following three in the order shown below. The order of the cards does not mean past, present and future. The reading is exclusively focused in the present moment. The order does not mean any particular order of importance is given to each of the three cards which have been drawn. All are of equal importance in helping us to see the bigger picture of why the storms of your life might currently be getting the better of you.
READY, SET,GO! "Now is the perfect moment to dive in and embrace your heart's desire."
It is felt that your hearts most urgent desire is to find a life partner who accepts you for who you are, rather than them wanting to change you into someone more acceptable to them, whom you are clearly not. There is also a strong feeling of spirituality represented in the first card dawn which suggests to me that you believe that without finding your soul mate you cannot hope to make any positive progress in your spiritual development as a whole. You are wrong if you do believe this, as your spiritual development began long before you were born into this Earthly body, and has been happening since as if to prepare you for what or should I say who is coming into your life when the Universe feels that the time is right for you to enter upon this next important series of lessons. The card cannot tell you exactly when this is most likely to happen to you, but it is definitely not within the next six months if this is any reliable guide to the timing involved. So the "now" written on the card will be mainly determined by the Universe or Cosmos, as well as how well or otherwise you can last the distance of the rest of this year.  
PROTECTION "You, your loved ones, and your possessions are safe and protected by Heaven!"
This card in combination with the final card of the three is attempting its best to comfort you with the knowledge that you are far from being alone with your darkness. Depression (if diagnosed) or a serious case of the blues (if depression is not diagnosed) can seem like a very lonely experience. It is easy for you to start believing that you are the only person in the entire world who feels this bad, and that if you revealed even a fraction of your personal pain to someone who genuinely cares about what is happening to you, that they would think that you are weak and pathetic. I know that none of this makes any logical sense, but having been depressed for most of my adult life I can say with absolute certainty that a depressed mind does not often either think or feel logically. When you are in a darker place, all of this seems to make perfect sense, and any suggestion by someone else to the contrary will be instantly rejected as complete nonsense. Somehow we need to penetrate or get through this barrier of you feeling that asking for help from another person is a sign of weakness or defeat, when in reality it is a sign of great inner strength and a victory over your fears. You have already made significant progress in this positive direction of reaching out for help when it is needed, by posting this reading request, so well done and keep up the good work.
YOU"RE BEING HELPED "Heaven is working behind the scenes to help you, even if you do not see the results yet."
The most important first but often overlooked step to getting heavenly assistance is to ask for it. How many times have we complained that heaven or God does not really seem to care enough or be interested enough in us to want to help us, when we never asked for that help in the first place? Prayer is not rocket science. In prayer we take or talk about our problems to a higher power, but the really important part is that we should not dictate to this higher power or authority exactly how we think or want our problems to be solved. We must not have rigid preconceived ideas as to how and when the solution must arrive, as by doing so we can often miss the answers to our prayers when they are sent, because they did not come in exactly the form or shape which we expected or wanted them too. So many of us are waiting for the voice of God to tell us what to do, or a choir of chubby little angels bringing us messages from on high, when usually the answers and help come to us through everyday, routine and relatively boring means. God for example can easily work with or help you through the healing hands of your doctor, or the simple words of a friend or family member.

So in summary, this reading is saying that it is finding your life partner as well as your perceived spiritual development which are of most importance to you at present. Of course getting useful employment and earning enough money to pay your expenses plus have enough left over each week to do what is most important to you are also uppermost in your mind (even if you already have a job which is not challenging or paying you enough), but largely they are a means to an end.

Making large amounts of money and accumulating material possessions well in excess of your needs is not a high priority with you. It is very low down on your list of what motivates you to keep going, in spite of the many obstacles (which are actually stepping stones in disguise) which your life has littered your path with.

What is the best approach to you ultimately finding and living with your soul mate as a married couple, if that is what you both want to happen? Your prospective partner must have an equal say in what type of relationship this will be, or he or she will resent you forcing them into an unwanted relationship for the rest of both of your lives (whether or not you remain together over the longer term. Resentment of this severity is a very bad foundation on which to build any friendship or relationship, but of course you already knew this and behaved accordingly by avoiding another person's resentment for you attempting to manipulate them only in your best interests, and not in theirs.

Look for help wherever and whenever it is available and affordable (professional and non professional). But do not expect that help to come without you first asking for it. Do not have rigid, preconceived ideas of either in what form that help will arrive, or how you can be helped with your problems. You need to find the best balance for you between always asking for help (even when you should be learning to do things to help yourself for a change), and never asking for another person's, the Universe's or God's help, until it is too late. Do not throw out the baby with the bathwater by immediately rejecting a suggestion made to you by a stranger with the very best of intentions to help you, merely because you neither agree with nor like every single part of it.

Sort through any suggestions given to you, to work out which is the most practical, affordable, viable and stress reducing, BEFORE DISCARDING ANY OF THEIR SUGGESTIONS. The sorting out process must only be done after all the other person's suggestions at the time have been fully listened to and really heard (there is frequently a very big difference between listening to and really hearing any message), and NEVER BEFORE THEN.


EoT  :smt038

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Reading request

Post by shivani85 » Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:41 am

Its true I am suffering from depression and I am on medication can you tell by psychic reading that when will my depression end and how far I will be relieved from confusions and what has gods plans for me.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Feb 23, 2015 10:51 pm

Could you please provide more feedback about your reading, other than confirming that you have been medically diagnosed with depression?

Your feedback helps me to improve both the accuracy and usefulness of my readings over time.
can you tell by psychic reading that when will my depression end and how far I will be relieved from confusions and what has gods plans for me.
The answer to all these three questions is unfortunately NO.

Deliberately attempting to predict the future (including the exact timing of a particular event such as the end of your depression) through a psychic reading is not allowed on Mystic Board.

Although if we are given uninvited or spontaneous glimpses during a reading of your most likely possible future if nothing changes in the meantime, then we are allowed to give you that information.

This particular reading did not include any such glimpses of your most likely future. The reading is complete, exactly as it was given to me by my inner guidance.

The following forum sticky explains the reasons for us having this rule, in far more detail than I am willing to repeat here.

"Why it is often difficult to predict your future" ... hp?t=83713

Please remember that once you have given me your request and the reading has been completed, it cannot then be reopened to any new questions.
5. When asking questions, please word your question carefully, think about the content and take responsibility for the question. Once a reading has been given it cannot then be reopened for answering new questions.
" Please Read BEFORE Requesting a Reading (updated April 30th, 2014)" ... hp?t=73424

CU next time,

EoT  :smt024

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general reading

Post by shivani85 » Sat May 09, 2015 7:41 am

my date of birth is 28 february 1985 my query is due to some incidents back few years i went into depression and those things still haunt my memories and keeps me sad si i am not able to move on forward could you please guide me
as i am not able to forget can you tell me do i need to worry .what is that god wants me to learn what i need to do to move ahead and progress.

What am I here for?
What are my spiritual gifts?
How well do I take care of myself?
What do I need to be careful of?
What does my body, mind and spirit need to feel best?
What are the things and people in my life causing me the most stress? What can I do to reduce the stress in my life?
I have learned alot of stress reduction techniques but I am not able to do them. Why. What can I do to improve the way I feel every day?

i really need psychic advice and want to know what god wants me to do?
Also you just connect to your spirits and tell what they have to tell me regarding my worries and life.any advice from them too my date of birth is 28feb 1985 please connect for me by my date of birth.

thanks and regards

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun May 10, 2015 1:07 am

Even a professional paid reader would not be able to answer all of those questions in a single reading. And this is definitely not a professional paid reading. Many of these questions (especially the one about you discovering your life purpose) can only be answered over one or several lifetimes. Learning one's purpose or main purposes for being here is a work constantly in progress.

As you have asked that I should connect for you by your date of birth, that is exactly what I intend to do. And because you have already been given practical stress reduction techniques to help you overcome your feelings of depression but for reasons only known to yourself are unable to use them on a regular basis, answering that particular question will be given greater importance when compared to all the others for the purposes of this free mini reading. A reading which is being given to you by a volunteer non professional reader, who simply enjoys helping people using his intuitive gifts.  

For at least the next six months thought to be covered by this reading, you are here to discover either why you are having difficulty in using the stress reduction techniques, or whether there might be better more suitable for you stress reduction techniques which you could use instead.

For if you can gain greater control over your periods of depression, some of your other purposes for being here are going to be much easier for you to reach (easier but never easy). Without you gaining more control over your depression, many of these larger purposes could always remain out of your reach. Understood?

DOB: February 28th, 1985

(2 + 8) + (2) + (1 + 9 + 8 + 5) = 10 + 2 + 23 = 35

3 + 5 = 8

Your Life Path Number which is thought by numerologists to tell us a lot about your personal strengths and weaknesses as well as your main life lessons/challenges, is therefore EIGHT (8).
What are the strengths and weaknesses of a person who is walking the number eight life path, which could make using stress reduction techniques more difficult than it would have been if they had instead been walking a different path?
Everyone has these personality strengths and weaknesses when they are born. Depending upon what happens to them after they are born, new strengths and weaknesses may develop or some of the older ones may completely disappear. That is why a reading given when you are 30 based upon your DOB may not be as accurate or reliable as we would both like it to be.

Therefore only use this reading for your advice and general guidance. If something in it does not or no longer applies to you as a 30 year old, forget and do not worry about it. The information coming out of this reading must not replace you continuing to use these techniques or to getting professional, medical help when needed. I am a psychic reader, and not a qualified doctor of the mind.

What follows are the most expected personality strengths and weaknesses of a number 8 life path individual which could possibly affect your ability to use stress reduction techniques. Any of them that probably would not affect your ability to use stress reduction techniques, have been left out of this reading.

It is often difficult for an LPN 8  person to take somebody else's advice, because they often feel that by doing this that the other person  is trying to control them or make them feel that they are not smart enough to work it out by them self. So on one hand they want people to help them, but on the other their minds try to stop them getting any help. This has nothing all to do with them not being smart or good enough to deserved to be helped be helped. It is an unconscious habit, and it is therefore not easily under your control to get rid of.

As a result of those incidents back a few years ago, your mind has decided that you are never going to allow yourself to be controlled by anyone else ever again. So when a person including a professional offers you help or advice your mind does everything it can to stop you using that advice which it sees as just another attempt by someone else to control you.

The different ways which it uses to stop you using the stress reduction techniques (and being controlled) are many and varied and often complicated, but they are all basically excuses or reasons for not using any stress reduction technique, or not sticking with them for more than one or two attempts. Your mind can make you give up on using them, long before they could possibly help your depression to start getting less than it is now.

One of the main life lessons which your God wants you to learn is that learning an unconscious habit is never your fault. You are the victim here, and not the criminal. The person or people who were really responsible for  these incidents are the criminals. They have committed a terrible crime against your rights as a human being. If you are not the criminal and are not responsible for how your mind has developed these negative unconscious habits, punishing yourself for all of it is almost guaranteed to make you worse, instead of better.

Learning to better value and respect who you are as a human being (including your weaknesses and mistakes) is called developing greater self love. This is what your God wants for you, above everything else. Learning greater self love and not continuing to punish of beat up on yourself for doing things of which you were never guilty of and had little or no control over to change at the time that they happened, are life lessons number one and two on your to learn list, in that order.

Now we come to lesson three. To worry yourself sick and to care about something or someone are NOT the same thing. Caring for and being concerned about something or someone is up to a certain point always a good quality for anyone to have (like anything good, it can be overdone), while worrying yourself into a hospital bed or early grave is ALWAYS A NEGATIVE QUALITY. Not only is chronic worrying likely to make you sick or in the extreme die before you should have, but what good are you to the other person whom you should be caring for or about from your bed or grave?

To stop worrying does not necessarily mean that you must forget or forgive. To stop worrying does not mean that you should not care about and plan for the future. To stop worrying definitely does not mean that you should not learn ways to make sure that people never do anything like that to you ever again, or that you should not feel angry about what terrible and inexcusable things which they did to you.

If you turn your anger about what they did to you back upon yourself this will greatly increase any feelings of depression which you already have, and turning your anger on other people close to you will make you lose them as your support network (emotional and possibly financial). Your anger will either destroy you or your relationship with the people closest to you, who want to help you the most (including professionals).

Lesson four then is to use your normal and quite understandable anger in a positive and more healthy way than you may have in the past. Use it to energize or encourage you to keep practicing those stress reduction techniques whenever your mind keeps coming up with its weak reasons why you should not or cannot do this.

If your negative inner voice keeps telling you that it will never work or you do not deserve to be happier than you already are, you will immediately know that you have got your mind worrying that you could discover that all this is complete nonsense. Your reading tells me that you have more than enough intelligence, inner strength and positive qualities about you to successfully overcome and score a major victory your mind's fears and efforts to convince you that you do not have what it takes to get through this.

Go back to whoever taught you these stress reduction techniques (if it was a person) and discuss with them how you could overcome these barriers of your own unconscious mind. Especially at the beginning you need to be with a regularly meeting group of other people who learning the same stress reduction techniques as yourself, as doing them alone at home with no guidance and support is only likely to make your mind's negative voices or criticisms of you stronger and louder.

Later on once your self confidence has increased, you can do both private and group sessions. A once a week group session, with private home sessions in between to keep you moving in a positive direction. Only if after 6 months of regular practice (private and group) with these techniques should your therapist or counselor try another technique with you, if the original ones are not helping your depression to lift. Do not change your stress control methods without your therapist or counselor knowing about it, or you could unintentionally undo all the good which you have already done up until then.

Any progress which you make will not be linear (always going upwards in a straight line). You will continue to have bad days between the better days. Practicing your stress reduction techniques will not protect you from having a bad day now and then. Your goal is to have less bad days as time moves forwards. Your goal is not to get rid of all the stress in your life (which is impossible), but to bring it down to more manageable levels where it no longer stops you achieving all your other life goals. You deserve nothing less than this.

Love, Light and Healing,

EoT    :smt049  :smt049

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