love life

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love life

Post by chrestos » Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:42 pm

can the tarot help me in the area of my love life?
If so can someone please do a reading for me? :)

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Post by twinkerthescout » Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:14 am

This is what I drew for you while doing a Rose Petals spread.
This spread is designed to help you draw love into your life.
In my deck, reversed cards are simply ones that the faeries want
you to pay special attention to =) -Twinker

Card 1: This is something nice you need to do for yourself
Three of Wands

Almost time to move forward. Consider your possibilities.
Do research, write all the options, think about what goal is
most appealing to you. Make a map of your journey, a list of
things you'll need.
Success brought by a good partnership

Card 2: This is something you need to learn
Ten of Cups

Peace, contentment, and happiness is usually the reward for years of hard work and careful attention to the
details of a relationship. It's a lot of work, but it's totally worth it.
A happy family life, true friendships, lasting happiness

Card 3: This is an issue you need to address
Three of Cups (reversed)

During the beginning of a romantic partnership, when everything feels magical and wonderful.
Enjoy that time to the utmost, store the memories of it. The happiness of this period gives you the strength through harder times. These memories help you keep promises and vows you made in the beginning, when later you are wondering why you ever made them.

Card 4: This is a step you can take to find love
Six of Pentacles

If you are in a position to help someone and choose to do so, remember that it is hard to accept help. Try to bestow your help in a way that allows the recipient to maintain his or her dignity

Card 5: This is a goal you need to work toward
Eight of Pentacles

Learn something new. Either brand-new or to challenge yourself by improving upon something you already do know.
Or teach someone else something new. Keep in mind, teachers can learn things, too.
Skill, handiwork, small money gain.

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