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Post by dreamer43 » Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:01 pm

will someone do a reading for me?

Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:35 pm
Location: Long Beach, CA

Post by twinkerthescout » Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:25 am

Is there anything in particular or some aspect of your life that you are curious about? =)
I would be happy to try a reading on you...


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Post by Grayson » Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:28 pm


In the absence of a direct question from you I drew a 10 card comprehensive spread hoping to find some patterns and clues. Let me share my interpretation with you now. Hopefully there will be something here that will clarify an issue that seems to be pressing on your heart.

At the root of your request for a reading there seems to be a sense of being stuck in or immobilized by a decision. This doesn't appear to be as simple a decision as deciding on what to have for dinner. Quite the contrary, this decision is one that is filled with both history and emotion. It has some history to it in the sense that your heart may be leading you in a way that is counter to the counsel of the "parents inside your head". And it seems to be rife with emotion because, as difficult a decision as this may be for you, this may be the opportunity you've waited for. This may be one of those rare opportunities for a "second chance".

I regret to tell you that the cards offer no indication as to how this inner conflict will turn out. If anything what they are telling me is that the outcome is entirely in your hands. Talk about pressure! Dreamer43, the Two of Swords has a prominent place in your reading. Since you requested a Tarot reading you no doubt have seen the image of that card many times in your head.

A woman stands blindfolded and perfectly still with a sharp sword in each hand crossed across her chest. You know where this is going don't you? In order to see clearly you are going to have to drop one of those swords to take off your blindfold. Because if you insist on hanging on to both of them while doing that then the odds are very good that you'll get cut!

You can't stand there forever. The night moon is in the sky. Your arms are getting tired and you are weary of the cold. Could a decision really be any worse than standing there forever blindfolded and holding two swords in the dark?

Dreamer43, I know that is a great deal to say in response to a non-existent question. However, you asked for a reading and to the best of my ability I've told you precisely what your cards said.

Good luck to you on your journey. I sense that your risk will be your reward.

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