A birthday reading please?

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A birthday reading please?

Post by hopefulgirl86 » Thu Aug 30, 2007 6:31 pm

My birthday is next Wednesday so I was wondering if I could get a birthday reading out of it? Is there one that does the whole year, you know from September 2007 to September 2008. I'd like to know if it will be a better year this time, because September 2006 to September 2007 wasn't fun at all. And if there is romance in my 21st year at all.

Birthday details: September 5th 1986.

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Your Birthday Sunflower Spread

Post by twinkerthescout » Sat Sep 01, 2007 9:10 am

Yes, I completely missed it. Page 247 in my guide to the Mystic Faerie Tarot, it clearly states "In the Mystic Faerie Tarot, reversed cards are ones that the faeries want you to pay special attention to"
My most sincerest of apologies, Adriene (Twinker)

Card 13: What you need to know right now
9 of Cups

Your dearest wish is coming true. Help your wish along by figuring out what needs to happen to make it come true. Make your wish come true.

Card 1: Your self-image and personality
King of Pentacles (reversed)

You go to great lengths to provide the best for your guests. You make sure everyone is having a good time. You work hard to enjoy the pleasures of life, and perhaps nothing makes you happier than to share those pleasures with the ones you love. However, you may neglect your intellectual or emotional well-being

Card 2: Your value systems and material resources
Ace of Cups (reversed)

Don't let the fear of what might happen get in your way. Approach new relationships with the intention of making it the best it can be. If it's a good thing, do not neglect it, instead continue to nurture and strengthen it

Card 3: Your siblings and communication
Knave of Pentacles (reversed)

Finds joy in simple pleasures. Takes things as they are, rather than overcomplicating matters. Enjoys making things, and sharing the things that have been made. (For some reason blueberry muffins popped into my mind briefly)

Card 4: Your parents, your home and family

Time to accept the passing of something from your life. Be sure to find strength and hope from the knowledge that something else will arrive in your life to ease the pain and sadness and fill the empty space.
This card has also been known to mean transformation, making way for the new, unexpected change

Card 5: Creativity, affairs of the heart, fun, and children
The Chariot

I'm not sure how this card fits this particular question, but some of the key words are... perseverance, a journey, a rushed decision, adversity, turmoil, vengeance

Card 6: Work, responsibilities, and health
The Star

The message/description of this card mentions rest alot. Once you are renewed and feeling stronger, this card is mentioning something about guidance to help you find your way

Card 7: Partnerships (romantic and business)
Knight of Cups (reversed)

Dreamy, romantic. In love with the idea of being in love. Experiences emotions strongly and extremely. Interesting to be around, has a flair for the dramatic. Could be exhausting

Card 8: Sex, death, and other people's money
9 of Swords (reversed)

Fight for what you want, don't forget that your worst-case scenario may not be as dire as you think

Card 9: Travel, higher education, spiritual connections
Knave of Cups

Gentleness, sweetness, kindness, an interest in poetry or art, news

Card 10: Your public image, vocation, and ambition
Knight of Pentacles

Has a love and respect for things of beauty. Trusted to keep things (material goods, people, secrets) safe. Uninterested in going off and pursuing new activities. Your devotion knows no equal.

Card 11: Friends, hopes, goals, and wishes
The Sun

Expect a time of happiness, joyous optimism, and wondrous energy.
Satisfaction, accomplishment, success, love, joy, engagement  or a happy marriage.

Card 12: Your inner self, dreams, secrets, the past
Seven of Wands (reversed)

Make sure what you want is worth the cost. If it is, then stand up for yourself, no matter how difficult.

My first reading for you, inexperienced as I may be, I felt so bad about it once I hit Submit on the posting button =(
But the one I've just done, I feel good =)
It'd be neat to know if there were any accuracies or coincidences with this one...
Happiest of Birthdays!
birthdayspread 001.jpg
I thought the cards were pretty laid out together, so I took a pic =)
birthdayspread 001.jpg (1.39 MiB) Viewed 1826 times
Last edited by twinkerthescout on Sun Sep 02, 2007 11:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by hopefulgirl86 » Sat Sep 01, 2007 5:15 pm

Hmm, doesn't sound as if I am going to have a great year this year.... oh well. Thanks for the reading.

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Post by twinkerthescout » Sat Sep 01, 2007 7:10 pm

Forgive me, I'm still learning the ways of tarot and my deck.
I just learned today that in the Mystic Faerie Tarot deck, when a card is upside/reversed, it doesn't mean to give the reversed reading like some other decks do ... it means to pay Extra attention to the card that is upside down. So when I get home from work, I'm going to redo it!


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Post by hopefulgirl86 » Sun Sep 02, 2007 6:25 pm

I thought you did a good job. I'm glad you took the time and did it.

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Post by funkygirl » Fri Sep 07, 2007 1:37 am

A September birthday!  That makes you just barely a Virgo, I think?  Well, happy belated birthday.

Twinkerthescout, I saw the troubles you were having with your reading, and thought maybe I could help you out a bit in your interpretations.  Never used the faerie tarot before but agree about not interpreting reversed cards as reversed.  It always ends up giving the readings such a negative overtone doesn't it?

So you created a birthday reading for hopefulgirl, which means that the cards you drew will apply generally to the trends in each of the areas you placed them in your reading.  

Card I: King of Pentacles
This seem to me to be a representative card for hopefulgirl.  She's a Virgo which is an earth sign and all the court cards of Pentacles are usually associated with earth signs in the zodiac.  Although people tend to have their own opinions.  

Hopefulgirl did you feel like some of the qualities that twinker mentioned were an essential part of your own character?  Hardworking, enjoying lifes pleasures and even going a bit overboard to take care of your guests?

Card II: Ace of Cups

The Ace cards usually indicate new beginnings and their uh, signs, let's call 'em (can't remember the exact word at the moment) indicate what area they are in.  

So the Ace of Cups for Hopefulgirl's material resources and values could indicate that over this next year she'll be making strides into her creative side.  Hopeful girl will be spending a lot of time working on a new project or series of projects utilizing her creative strengths.

Card III:  Knave of Pentacles
In the area of her siblings and communication this card could literally be pointing to someone hopefulgirl knows or is related too.  Again, pentacles indicate earth signs.  

Hopefulgirl, do you know someone who is an earth sign, perhaps even a sibling?  This person is probably close to your own age or even younger than you.  It's possible that you'll have lots of communication with him or her over the next year or they'll figure importantly in the areas of siblings and communication for you over the next year.  

Otherwise like twinkerthescout said, this card is just letting you know that over the next year you should focus on the simple things like enjoying your family and the pleasure in being able to just call up a friend for a quick chat.  Twinker just thought about blueberry muffins because he or she was hungry!  Just kidding, : )

I'm starting to get a bit long winded here so I'll just point out some interesting parts of Twinker's reading that caught my eye.

Card VI: The Star  
All the major arcana cards are important indicators to pay attention to.  This year you'll be spending a lot of time working or working towards your goal.  The star can literally indicate that you are the shining star and really excelling in your place of work or schooling.  You could acheive a lot this year if you put your mind to it Hopefulgirl.

Card VII: Knight of Cups
I usually get this card a lot when I'm in a dreamy romantic mood.  It's a perfect symbol of that loving feeling and could also represent someone romantically important coming into your life this year.   You'll certainly be experiencing romantic feelings and maybe even a teensy bit of 'obsession' towards an object of affection this year.  Though be careful that you aren't just falling in love with the idea of love as Twinker noted.

Card 8: 9 of Swords
Though you have the Knight of Cups in relationships, you also have the 9 of swords in your sex, death and other's money area.  I like to refer to this area as the dark side of your love life.  

It's not a good indicator for your sex life or in the area of handling other people's money.  I suggest that you try to avoid jobs where you're handling someone else's cash this year.  As far as sex, you may be involved in a lot of fighting and arguing over someone or something so not much time left for that part of a relationship.

Card 10: Knight of Pentacles

This indicates a change occuring in your vocation or schooling over the next year.  Maybe you have a change of heart regarding what you want to do with your life or in your career?  Or it could be as simple as changing majors, if you are in college.

Card 11: The Sun

Another important major arcana card.  Let's us know that you should be enjoying this upcoming year with friends.  Plus you'll be feeling a lot of happiness and optimism as you work towards your goals.

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