May I please have a General Reading?

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May I please have a General Reading?

Post by Sommerstars8o8 » Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:19 pm

May I have a General Reading  !!
Right now  my life is  okay  just need a few  advices if i should  go back  to school this year ?



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Post by pirbid » Fri Jan 25, 2008 12:33 pm

:) Hello, Sommer!

I had seen your request a few days ago and was waiting to have a clear two hours in order to do your reading.

I have used the mini RW deck (in the hope that I will be able to scan the spread and post it, since I do not have a camera) and the Celtic Cross spread, which is my favorite for general readings.

I got a very curious reading, with all Minor Arcana on the cross and all Majors on the staff (through no intention of mine, mind you). The suits are balanced and it looks to me as if you might be a bit stuck shifting options in your mind and more than a little afraid to start something new, even though you have all the necessary skills to attempt anything you want. Let's look at it more closely.

1) What this is about - 9 of Swords: You seem to be in an agony of indecision, dear. Does it really take away your sleep so much? Or is there something else that has you so worried?

2) Surrounding influences and obstacles - Knight of Cups: this is someone intelligent, full of ideas and opportunities, though needing constant stimulus in order not to get distracted, more dreamy than active. If it is pointing to another person (and the knight of Cups is quite often a lover or a new prospect), then it is a lover not bent on commitment, attractive but introspective and rather passive.

3) Unconscious or very influential past - 10 of Swords: this card usually points to excessive and victimist reactions when facing problems. Of course, it is probable that you yourself feel really bad about things, even if they are not usually as bad as they seem to you. Would you say you have tended to overreact in the past?

4) Recent past - 9 of Pentacles: you seem to have acquired discipline, knowledge and skills. You are conscious of what is important to you and you know you have done well up to now. You know how to make yourself a better person and work for it. The fact that this card is losing influence now could mean that you are going through a period in which you have lost a little of that inner drive and are feeling a bit less disciplined and centered. But I am sure it will come back when needed: you know how to do it.

5) What you think will happen - 3 of Wands reversed: you are afraid to feel let down or to let others down even if you have a good beginning. Maybe you expect to face bigger problems than you think you can cope with. And maybe you are also too proud to ask for help when needed.

If you look at the 3 vertical cards in the cross (meaning your present problem with it's conscious and unconscious aspects), we can see you are being quite negative lately, or at least have negative expectations for your immediate future. While the horizontal cards, with the recent past, present and near future influences, show that you have nothing to worry about whatsoever. So, what is making you be so down on yourself without a real motive? why have you lately lost trust in your own capacities?

6) Coming influences - 2 of Wands: you will soon achieve something to be proud of, but you will keep looking ahead to the next challenge and will not enjoy that which you already have. Have you ever thought of yourself as a little overachieving? Do you ask a lot of yourself?

7) Your attitude right now - Wheel of Fortune reversed: one of the meanings of this card is an interrupted course of studies, maybe to seek adventure or just for taking risks or being too uncaring. However, if that was the case, you are now taking responsability for your own life. Watch out for your tendency to resist change, even when it is for the best, and even when it has already happened. Try to be a little more adventurous and embrace it: it is usually for your own good.

8) Influence from your surroundings - Temperance reversed: people around you seem a bit agitated, impatient or inconstant about something. Your milieu does not allow for an introspective mood and maybe you are letting yourself be carried away by the general air of swinging moods and lack of concentration. The next card can help you overcome this.

9) Your expectations - The Hanged Man: You are ready to commit to your ideals and what you think is best for you and pursue it no matter what, even if it implies making certain sacrifices along the way. You want to be yourself, independent of the expectations from others. You want to go back to your disciplined, generous and giving self (as shown in the 9 of Pentacles).

10) Possible future result - The Fool: Yep! You will certainly take a plunge into the unknown, full of faith, optimism, trusting your own instinct, following a sudden inspiration. You will go through a wonderful phase of spontaneous creativity and will feel free, happy and dreamy, even if others think you are being impulsive, unconventional, ingenuous or rash.

So it seems you will finally shake free from your not-very-fact-based worries and go back to your usual self in pursuit of whatever your heart tells you is the best path for you. I hope everything comes out just as positive as the cards suggest.

By pirbid
Sorry about the pic, but I still have not mastered other ways to post pics in the board and, lacking a camera, everything must necessarily go through the scan. Will have to make up some spreads to fit the scan  :smt003

Hope you give me some feedback on the reading, since it gives me an upward lift and the desire to do some more. Nice reading for you. Hope it helps.  :)

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Post by Sommerstars8o8 » Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:29 am

Thank you Very much pirbid  

I really   appreciate  your  time for  giving me  this  reading  .

I have to say  the cards  in  positions  1 , 3 , 5 . 7 , 8   has  hit the mark that is what am experiences  these past  few  days  ,  but am welling to overcome it  with your great  adivce  ,  again thank you very much for your  reading  !!


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