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General reading Please

Post by Athlon » Mon Apr 21, 2008 3:17 pm

I would like a reading on my current life. There are a lot of things happening in my present from my past and would like to see what the outcome would be.

Aquarius Feb, 7 1978

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Post by cedars » Wed Apr 23, 2008 7:03 am

Hello Athlon

I started this reading for you last night on-line and after getting half way in the reading, I pressed something or something happened to the Mystic Board website and I lost it all. I am having a second go at it but this time I am working off line. Wish us luck  :smt002

I have kept the same cards as last night and there is a twist there too. I was going to give you a three-card reading with no chronological order and, while I was shuffling the cards, four cards came off the deck and I just caught them in my hand.  I paused there and felt I should not continue with the shuffling and pick those four cards.

And so here they are:

Strength: a major Arcana card endowing you with an inner strength, unlike the Chariot’s which is more physical, to apply in your current affairs. We see here a blonde lady with the sign of infinity on her head, taming the lion which in itself is a symbol of strength. She is not scared to tame the beast because she has that inner conviction of her mind and her abilities to win over evil by applying fortitude that comes from within. It is this kind of strength that you need in your current situation and if you ask I trust you will be given to pave the way in your current journey. This kind of strength is displayed naturally in the way you talk to people, the way you handle your affairs with faith, relying not on the material world but rather in yourself. This power is within you Athlon; all you have to do is realise of its presence and use it.

Ace of Wands: Element of Fire signifying passion, new energies, creativity, , new ventures, new partnerships whether at work or in personal life. Once again the Divine is blessing you with the seeds of these qualities and they are all there for you to nurture and start developing them. It is almost endless possibilities being given to you like this hand from within the clouds holding a wand which is sprouting under a clear sky and lush fields. This is a gift Athlon, whilst you may not presently see it, but give it time and you will.

Justice: another major Arcana card signifying what it says – justice. Whatever you have been through or going through at present, justice will be served. Sometimes we do good things (and also the wrong things) and we will be recognised for the good that we have done and the wrong will be rectified, as it is in Cause and Effect. This can also signify legal matters around you which will be resolved justly. When I look at this card, I sense a positive sense of justice coming your way. We all know though whether we have made errors in the past or done good deeds, justice has a way of serving itself.

Eight of Cups: We see a man here turning his back to the past and moving ahead towards new horizons. There may be doubts in his mind as we see the moon mixed with the face of the sun above him. Ahead there are some high mountains, new ambitions and possibly difficulties to be encountered. But, the feeling is “enough is enough” and out with the stagnation and ahead for the future.

I can see the pattern here: Strength is on your side to embrace the new energies coming your way in the form of the Ace of Wands and encountering matters of Justice around you. And, after that leaving all troubles behind, there is a new type of a journey or a destiny to follow.

Whatever your current journey is I wish you all the best Athlon.

Second time lucky for this reading and I hope it has made sense to you.

Blessings to you.

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Post by Athlon » Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:57 pm

Thank you Cedars for taking the time to do the Reading. It does make sense to me since I'm in a situation that requires patience. I've always beleived that good things come to those whop wait. Thank you Cedars you have really cleared a lot of things for me.

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Post by cedars » Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:29 pm

I know what you mean Athlon.
Patience is something which I am not gifted with but, surprisingly, I seem to be able to achieve it against all odds.
All the best to you and blessings.

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