Please can I have a reading (even a short one)

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Post by Paulette » Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:24 am


I just edited it a little more. IT's 8:20 here. Just in case you printed it out. I've made some important changes. I realized I was thinking faster than unfortunately I can type! ;~)

Oh yeah I know all about the lectures from hubby. Maybe this is what is making you feel ill? Sounds to me like if someone is harping on another it can very well affect their sense of self-worth which is very debilitating physically & mentally. IT's difficult to not take criticisms to heart especially when they are coming from someone we love.

Maybe that 2 of cups indicates a need for deeper & more honest communication between you & your husband? I'm so surprised that he's a Libra! We always here about the kind, uncritical, laid back, loving Libra. Not to have a bitch-fest or anything. ;~)

I had a husband once. talk about the antithesis of his astrological sign - a non-social Gemini. And a Gemini who got jealous of his wife when she was making more money than he was. I think Vedic makes more sense. IN Vedic my ex-husband is a Taurus. Something tells me that in your husband's case, according to Vedic astrology we have a Virgo pretending to be a Libra. ;~)



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Post by jaybee » Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:29 am

Hi again well it's 1.30pm Tuesday afternoon, here on a wet day, yep it's weird we just clash so much him and I , we have 3 sons, our oldest is like him, thinks like him I mean.  The middle one is the rebellious one and then the youngest (nearly 16) is more like me, he's a leo, middle one sagitarrius and oldest scorpio, a mixture there.  I will re read it haven't printed it out yet, it is so true though, and I know things will get better I am sure of it.  Jenny

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Post by jaybee » Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:38 pm

Hi Paulette, I would love it if you could stay in touch with me if possible.

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Post by Paulette » Wed Mar 29, 2006 4:04 am

Hi Jaybee,

Not a problem. I'm here I am doing a reading for Arth so I will be busy with that for awhile. But if you have any specific questions we can continue with your reading. Also, I meant to point out that the issue of appreciation & gratitude may be that you feel you are not being appreciated. I believe I did mentione this. Although I did focus on perhaps that you may be in need of expressing gratitude. I saw that you said that you keep a journal & that you are a very appreciative person. This is very good. Sometimes I have difficulty figuring out if the energy I am feeling is that of the Querent or something I are experiencing from others.

If you do have other specific questions we can do some more Q & A as I did in the first mini-reading for you. We can either ask questions specific to your main reading. Or you can ask a question which wasn't touched upon in the reading. I will need a few days though.



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Thanks so much I will be in touch

Post by jaybee » Wed Mar 29, 2006 4:07 am

Thanks for that, I have actually been applying for part time jobs outside the home, and haven't got one yet so I am getting a bit frustrated with that too. Oh well, I will keep on trying.....

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Post by Paulette » Wed Mar 29, 2006 4:40 am

Hi Jaybee,

I understand your frustration. Try to focus on the excitement of meeting new people when applying for a new position. Also it is very beneficial to SEE yourself visually already working in a position which makes you happy & brings your financial success. If you can meditate before going to sleep visualizing yourself already having secured employment it activates the subsconscious mind. Because you will be kind of *tricking* your unconscious mind.

So after meditating on the feeling of already being in a great job, secure financially, having fun working in your new enviroment, learning new things, letting your talents shine & sharing them with others...whatever you desire from your job - Rather than feeling that you are looking for work & are not working - you by tricking your mind will create an atmosphere of positive attraction.

BY feeling yourself NOW having whatever it is you desire (in this instance a fulfilling job which will offer you financial freedom, happiness etc...) you attract this element to you. Don't think "when" or "if". Imagine yourself already having that perfect lucrative job & I guarantee you will attract the right people, opportunities & doors will begin opening.

Your reading clearly showed with all those 2's that there is movement towards your dreams but it's a little slow in the beginning. The 2 of Coins along with the outcome card, Knight of Wands, shows that activity will be accelerated & success is assured.

Another suggestion: I feel that meditating on a Tarot card would be very beneficial for you. I believe in one of the posts I listed a few links which show the Rider-Waite deck in color. If you like, you can print out one of the cards which resonates with you. It doesn't have to be one from your reading. Just go by what image strikes a cord with you. I usually choose one of the first 22 cards (Major Arcana). But for instance, if you wanted to use one from your main reading, you may wish to consider the 2 of Cups. Or go with a card which is solely about money something like the Sun, Magician, Emperor, Ace-9-10 of Pentacles or Ace-2-3-9 of Cups.

Meditation is a very useful tool. Not only for our health & spirit. But meditating with visualization creates an atmosphere where we can manifest into our lives the goals & desires most dear to our hearts more efficiently. It's due to how the subconscious mind is activated & how meditating calms us. When we are relaxed life tends to flow effortlessly. When we are worried & anxious we tend to attract challenges & upsets.

Your reading is highly positive. have faith & confidence in yourself & in God/Spirit that everything is coming together for you & success is on the way. I know that something really beautiful is comingyour way.



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Post by jaybee » Wed Mar 29, 2006 6:13 am

I have  tarot cards here, I have angel ones, and the Ryder Waite ones too, so I can pull out one that appeals, 6 of cups often stands out for me or the 10 cups. Plus the Ace pentacles I love too

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Post by jaybee » Wed Mar 29, 2006 7:02 pm

I will try and see what happens, I am not good with the cards really, I can't seem to interpret them very well. But I will see what happens. Thanks so much Paulette.

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Can I have your help again

Post by jaybee » Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:48 pm

Hi Paulette,
Are you free to talk to me about something that I need advice on thanks?

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