Can I Plz Get A Tarot Reading??

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Can I Plz Get A Tarot Reading??

Post by dolphin_1972 » Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:37 am

Hi Everyone

Could somebody plz do a reading for me. I'm @ a bit of a cross road in my life. I'd like to know what lies in store for me regarding work & finances. Also my love life, what is in store for me regarding love? Will i ever get married?? Will i end up alone??
Thanks in advance


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Post by dolphin_1972 » Tue Aug 19, 2008 12:20 pm

Anyone @ all????

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Post by cedars » Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:36 pm


I see you with both hands full of options, choices and I might even call some ‘issues’ from the past – trying to balance things out: which one to keep, which one to get rid of.
You’ve been lacking the clarity, the much needed light at the end of the tunnel.
There is light out there for you though. It is all there for you, but I feel there is this situation where you should decide how light of heavy you wish to walk to the light. In other words, what you need to discard and what you need to keep as a valuable part of yourself.  In other words, the wretched thing that we find ourselves in in this life sometimes: choices to make. I feel you are alone on this path and it feels difficult for you to make that decision on your own.
I see you eventually unloading yourself of these burdens and making that move ahead towards freedom.

Now, let us go to the cards.
I am using the Rider Waite deck.

The Moon. Five of Swords.
Uncertainties, illusions, fears and an element of negativity. You know there is the sun shining out there, but you get into moments of despair and cannot tell the difference between the night and day. This is a temporary frame of mind, Dolphin, because the sun is not completely hidden away from you. It is out there, beckoning and reassuring that once you get that clear vision, you will be guided in your path – by the lights being emitted both by the Sun and the Moon.
I also sense you being despondent in your dealings with people, not knowing who to trust and who not to. To me the Five of Swords feels like people come and go into your life, and none give you the fulfilment that you need and seek.

Matters of work and finance:
Queen of Pentacles. Two of Pentacles.
There are two things happening here and I feel with the Queen a woman coming into your life (or is currently in your life) who has attained some wealth and is rather humble about it. If this is a mother figure or a person who may be a benefactor to you, she is a good person, giving and not too attached to her money. Looking at the queen of pentacles, I can only feel good things coming your way form such a person.
With the Two of Pentacles, a state of juggling your assets and finances, being content for a little while longer with what you have and, mind you, it is not such a bad state, as this is also a state where you can be light hearted and use your current finances wisely until your investments, or the projects which may be lying dormant, come into fruition.

Matters of love and romance:
Six of Cups. Page of Wands.
I feel here a sense of yearning for that soul mate, perhaps even a past sweetheart you have had, or return to a state where you had a soul mate. I feel here someone from the past, or someone from within your current circle may make an romantic gesture to you, either offering you a bunch of flowers or you offering the same to them.  There is a sense of nostalgia here, a sense of missing what you had. When the offer is made to you, or when you make that gesture of offering to someone else that cup full of flowers, I believe it will lighten your soul.
The Page of Wands, on the other hand, is telling me of a message of fun and excitement, news of creative energy coming your way, news of some work prospect that may bring about a friend into your personal life too.

The Sun.
What a wonderful card to get as a final summation in the form of advice.
It is that bright light we talked about above, showing its full face to you, not hiding one bit of its powerful and warm rays, giving you almost a feeling of rebirth and the ability to ride ahead like a newborn child who can only look ahead to grow into this life.

I do hope this made some sense to you Dolphin.

Please do come back with your feedback.


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Post by dolphin_1972 » Sat Aug 23, 2008 11:20 pm

Dear Cedars

Thank you so much for replying to me and doing a reading for me. My head's been very confused lately especially concerning my love life & work. My partner & i have had problems, actually it's only 1 problem, that always causes us to argue as there is never any compromise. I want him in my life for the rest of my life but i don't know how to fix this. I just wish i knew it woz going to be ok for us & that we will get through this difficult & trying time. All i want is to be happy in love. You're reading has helped me alot & given me hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel even in the dark hours.
You r right about there being issues from the past that effect me still. I recognise them but i dont know how 2 let them go which is whats hurting me and i dont know who to trust.
As for work, im currently not working, i lost my job 4 weeks ago and have had alot of trouble finding another 1. Im just scared that im going to lose everything b4 i can get another job but your reading has given me that hope that something will come soon.
Everything u say is very positive & gives me something to hold onto while i go through these dark times (which there have been many over the last decade) to help me get to the happy times. Thank you so much for your time & for my reading
Have a gr8 day  :smt006
Take care
Tan  :smt002

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Post by cedars » Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:35 am

Hello Tan,
Thank you for your feedback and I am glad you found my reading helpful.
If, as you say, you are being given love and undertanding from your partner, I believe that should help you move forward from the issues of the past, whatever they may be.
I sense the job front will be sorted too..... Just have that patience (oh, I hate that word) and things will work out fine.

All the very best to you.

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Post by dolphin_1972 » Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:49 am

Dear Cedars

Ha ha i too hate that word! (Patience) which is y i had to laugh becoz i'm always being told to be patient. Funny tho coz i thought i woz being patient Ha ha
I hope u r right about everything. Time will tell (it's that patience thing again!)
Thanx again
Take care
Have a gr8 day   :smt006
Tan  :smt005

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