Need help-Difficulty Finding A Job

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Need help-Difficulty Finding A Job

Post by FrankU1982 » Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:47 pm

I have been looking for a new job for the past week or so. And, I was wondering if someone could give me a tarot reading on what sort of job fields I should be looking for. What suits me? Have I been looking in the wrongs areas?

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Post by cedars » Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:06 am

Hello FrankU

As I was reading your posting on your job situation, I started seeing you and thought of hands/fingers/keyboard. I saw you on the road, but not necessarily going up and down the country. I got the words Electronics/Engineering, Air Conditioning, Field Service Engineer. These were some of the words that came to me as I was trying to link in with you. Of course, no one can tell you without knowing your qualifications and experience, as to what kind of a job would be suitable for you. This belongs to you exclusively. So, you could perhaps ignore what I sensed or saw you in my vision of you. If any of the words I mentioned don’t make sense, don’t worry too much about them.

I picked five cards for you from the Rider Waite deck and let us see what your current state in work/life is at the moment:

1-What is going on in your job/life right now?
The Hermit.
A Major Arcana card which, as it suggests, is a state of self-discovery, gathering wisdom and knowledge in order t see what lies ahead. I sense confusion and uncertainty too with this card as you seek not only knowledge, but also that light within to show you the way. The Hermit is a wise man and he does not make hasty movements. I am drawn to the way he is holding the lantern and his gaze which is downwards rather than straight into the lantern. Imagine you were looking ahead, straight through the lantern and you will not see a thing except brightness, possibilities and yet no clear picture. By looking at your footsteps, right below the lantern, you will thus begin to see the road and be guided by the lantern to your next step(s). If this is not a time for soul-searching, it is perhaps a time for you to consider what your higher self is guiding you to do.

2-What you need to focus on?
Six of Swords.
A man on a boat with what looks like his wife and child, have turned their backs to the past and gently rowing ahead to calmer shores. This is telling me to leave behind the troubles of the past, its pains and tribulations, and look ahead. This process is not usually a pain-free one, because I sense as you leave the past behind, you carry a certain element of pain and fear with you. But the important thing to focus on is the LET GO aspect of the past and its experiences.

3- Hidden Factors. (What you don’t know):
Two of Pentacles.
This is a man juggling and coping with all his options until such time that he acquires what he’s looking for. This is not a bad state to be in; it may have its ups and downs, but it can also be a period of respite without losing out on resources and possibly a form of income. Is there a situation that you do not know of which may give you some time – even a temporary job, let’s say – until you find your ideal job – the one that is your true vocation? I feel you have possibilities here of not losing out completely or even trying your hands at something you did not think you could do or you had in you, until you find out that, “Oh, yeah, I can develop this…… “

4 - Advice.
Four of Swords.
Almost a state of dormancy; being on your own with your thoughts and taking a break from the outside world, trying to find the answers in your own time and in your own company. Unlike the Hermit, where we see him gathering knowledge for the way ahead, the Four of Swords is telling me not to be hasty but go within and wait…… I believe following from the Two of Pentacles, perhaps the advice is don’t be hasty if you think this is not your job or what you’re looking for, but rather take time and go with the flow or ‘sleep over it.’ I use this phrase by way of not to be hasty in any decisions you make but assess the situation because there is always a light that will dawn upon your thoughts to tell you what it is that you’re looking for. The Four of Swords is a man, lying still whilst all is grey around him except for the stained glasses of the church in the corner which is all so colourful and emanates hope and light.

5-Near Future.
Nine of Cups.
This is the Wish card and, indeed, fruition or attainment of your wishes, as this innkeeper who sits happily, his arms comfortably folded on his chest with Nine cups standing upright behind him. However, please go back and read the situations before you get to this Wish: there is some journey ahead of you; some will not to your liking; there will be a period of further learning (Hermit) and perhaps taking into account all your options (Two of Pentacles) and a period of dormancy where you might feel things are not going according to your wishes. But the Major advice being given to you by the Hermit is to gather further knowledge in your current state.

I hope this sheds some light on your situation FrankU and I look forward to receiving your feedback.


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Post by FrankU1982 » Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:46 am

cedars wrote:Hello FrankU

As I was reading your posting on your job situation, I started seeing you and thought of hands/fingers/keyboard. I saw you on the road, but not necessarily going up and down the country. I got the words Electronics/Engineering, Air Conditioning, Field Service Engineer. These were some of the words that came to me as I was trying to link in with you. Of course, no one can tell you without knowing your qualifications and experience, as to what kind of a job would be suitable for you. This belongs to you exclusively. So, you could perhaps ignore what I sensed or saw you in my vision of you. If any of the words I mentioned don’t make sense, don’t worry too much about them.
Hello Cedars. Thank you for your in depth reading. Sorry it took me so long to reply. I dont have any college training in any of those fields but if I do decide that I need to go back to school, those would be the fields I'd be most interested in.
I picked five cards for you from the Rider Waite deck and let us see what your current state in work/life is at the moment:

1-What is going on in your job/life right now?
The Hermit.
A Major Arcana card which, as it suggests, is a state of self-discovery, gathering wisdom and knowledge in order to see what lies ahead. I sense confusion and uncertainty too with this card as you seek not only knowledge, but also that light within to show you the way. The Hermit is a wise man and he does not make hasty movements. I am drawn to the way he is holding the lantern and his gaze which is downwards rather than straight into the lantern. Imagine you were looking ahead, straight through the lantern and you will not see a thing except brightness, possibilities and yet no clear picture. By looking at your footsteps, right below the lantern, you will thus begin to see the road and be guided by the lantern to your next step(s). If this is not a time for soul-searching, it is perhaps a time for you to consider what your higher self is guiding you to do.
Thats the story of my life right there. Ever since childhood, I have never had a clear picture of what I want to do for a career later in life. And now, with the economy being so bad. Theres no job security anymore. You say to yourself "I want to go out and learn a new trade, and make a good living doing it". But what if when you finish school that trade is no longer in demand? And suddenly you find yourself doing something completely unrelated to what you went to school for. I dont know, things are just so uncertain nowadays.
2-What you need to focus on?
Six of Swords.
A man on a boat with what looks like his wife and child, have turned their backs to the past and gently rowing ahead to calmer shores. This is telling me to leave behind the troubles of the past, its pains and tribulations, and look ahead. This process is not usually a pain-free one, because I sense as you leave the past behind, you carry a certain element of pain and fear with you. But the important thing to focus on is the LET GO aspect of the past and its experiences.
I tend to view my past as a much happier time then what I am experiencing now. Back then, I used to wake up happy and ready to go. Not so much anymore. Now its more like, is this the worst it could get? Or is this just the beginning? You know.

3- Hidden Factors. (What you don’t know):
Two of Pentacles.
This is a man juggling and coping with all his options until such time that he acquires what he’s looking for. This is not a bad state to be in; it may have its ups and downs, but it can also be a period of respite without losing out on resources and possibly a form of income. Is there a situation that you do not know of which may give you some time – even a temporary job, let’s say – until you find your ideal job – the one that is your true vocation? I feel you have possibilities here of not losing out completely or even trying your hands at something you did not think you could do or you had in you, until you find out that, “Oh, yeah, I can develop this…… “
I am currently starting a temporary job. Its not something one could live on but its something. I'm gonna be unloading trucks at a "big box" retailer. Its gonna be an overnight job so I guess that might give me some time to find something else to do. Hopefully.
4 - Advice.
Four of Swords.
Almost a state of dormancy; being on your own with your thoughts and taking a break from the outside world, trying to find the answers in your own time and in your own company. Unlike the Hermit, where we see him gathering knowledge for the way ahead, the Four of Swords is telling me not to be hasty but go within and wait…… I believe following from the Two of Pentacles, perhaps the advice is don’t be hasty if you think this is not your job or what you’re looking for, but rather take time and go with the flow or ‘sleep over it.’ I use this phrase by way of not to be hasty in any decisions you make but assess the situation because there is always a light that will dawn upon your thoughts to tell you what it is that you’re looking for. The Four of Swords is a man, lying still whilst all is grey around him except for the stained glasses of the church in the corner which is all so colourful and emanates hope and light.
I will take your advice here and go with the flow and see what happens. Hopefully, something good will come out of this situation.
5-Near Future.
Nine of Cups.
This is the Wish card and, indeed, fruition or attainment of your wishes, as this innkeeper who sits happily, his arms comfortably folded on his chest with Nine cups standing upright behind him. However, please go back and read the situations before you get to this Wish: there is some journey ahead of you; some will not to your liking; there will be a period of further learning (Hermit) and perhaps taking into account all your options (Two of Pentacles) and a period of dormancy where you might feel things are not going according to your wishes. But the Major advice being given to you by the Hermit is to gather further knowledge in your current state.
Its always been my wish to live a life of happiness and to be free of monetary constraints. Actually, I think this is everyone's wish lol. But lately, my family has been divided due to monetary troubles and I wish I could be the one who could change this and bring things back to the way they used to be. I know that there are people who in worst conditions than I am. But that dosent mean I dont deserve it too. But, I'm gonna take what you said into account and try to gain further knowledge in my current situation.

I hope this sheds some light on your situation FrankU and I look forward to receiving your feedback.

Thank you Cedars for your great reading. I appreciate it.

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Post by cedars » Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:30 am

Dear Frank,

Thank you for your feedback.  I am with you wthere the current economic climate is concerned and, as for being unable to decide what to study or do as a career, it is not unusual that we dont end up 'doing' what we studied as a career. I would not worry about that too much, just follow your dream subject and go for it at college.

The opposite side of your case, I myself wanted to become something completely different than what I ended up doing eventually. I gave up those dreams and went into practicalities to make a living for myself and my family. It did me and family good through some really difficult times and I am grateful for having had those opportunities, albeit at the expense of not following my dream... But then again, Spirit has brought different arenas where probably I should develop now.

So, I would say, my dear friend, if you have the opportunity to study your dream subject and  you can afford to do it, go for it.

Let the current job that you are doing not deter you or bring your spirits down - never!

Blessings to you and all the best.


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