reading on work for 2009 if possible

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reading on work for 2009 if possible

Post by ec » Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:19 pm

Hello there... I know that I have had wonderful readings from you before but I would really like some clarity about my work situation... I am quite new at my job and it's far from easy...should I ask to move schools next year?
Will it get easier... and the head mmmmmm?? It all a little hazy.

So if anyone would be kind enough I would love a general reading on work for 2009.

many many thanks in advance xxxx
Ec xxxx born in Italy the 10th of Aug 1975 Living in europe.

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Post by cedars » Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:17 pm

Hello ec

I read your request and I must admit I found your ‘question’ slightly ambiguous that it confused me while I was trying to link in with you.

I saw you sitting at a desk and playing with domino chips. You were forming or trying to form a straight line and, as we all know, domino chips have to be put next to one another, carefully and gradually until the desired line or shape is formed. Now, if this was in reference to your current job, I am getting the message that step-by-step things will come into form and shape. Do you get the picture with your current job situation? I also saw you sitting at a desk on your own. Aren’t you getting any help and support at this job? Aren’t there colleagues to guide you and show you the way? If that is the case, what if the same situation happened with another or the next job? Ask for help, please.

You said should: I ask to move schools next year? I did not know what to make of this question. I thought you were referring to further education perhaps and I did not see any of that around you at the moment, i.e. further education. But, then again, I did not know you were a teacher until I checked your profile.

It helps to help us have some of the basic ingredients of a situation :smt002

Now, let us see what the cards have got to say. I am using the Rider Waite deck and a spread that handles job or any current life situation.

What is going on in your job/life now?
The World.
It looks like you’ve gone full circle and attained (education? training?) and come to the end of a cycle and ready to start a new one. On the surface all look fine and ideal; you have acquired your teaching qualification and ended that cycle and starting a new one. There is nothing untoward about the World card. You have acquired various kinds of strength and wisdom which are depicted by the three animal heads and a woman’s head who represents your inner/spiritual self.

What you need to focus on?
The High Priestess.
Abundance of knowledge, but you have to go and get it yourself by being in touch with your spiritual side, i.e. knowledge will not come to you. Any unknown factors around you will only be revealed in good time and not when you want it. This is an inactive priestess and will not give you any answers unless you work at it yourself. She has all the answers, but she is asking you to go within and touch your issues inwardly and find out if they are substantiated or simply a temporary phase you are going through which will not resolve by itself, I might add. You can be as inactive as the Priestess and not much will come your way by way of knowledge and personal/spiritual self discovery.

Hidden Factors.
Six of Cups.
Are you perhaps comparing your current situation with something of the distant past that you had where things were a lot more friendly, easy and warm? Could you be missing perhaps another job or the period of education when things were not as stressful as working? There is an element of nostalgia here which you may not be aware of and that may be halting your progress in this job and making it seem difficult for you. Please do some soul searching and see what that hidden factor could be which may be stopping you moving ahead?

Ten of Wands.
Here is a man who is overstretching himself and carrying a burden all on his own. The load of the ten wands is heavy and he can’t even see where he is heading, as his vision is obscured by the ten wands and he can hardly see his way ahead. He needs help and so do you. In order to get to his destination he should reconsider his position that he cannot do it all by himself.

Near future (if things stay as they are).
Queen of Wands. (fire sign)
This is a person in your life or coming into your life. It could also mean that you should acquire their qualities where it is needed in your life.
Is this you or your headmistress or do you need to acquire some of the Queen’s qualities for the way forward?
She is a strong woman; she is a career woman and she is capable of competing with men in the business world. She is charismatic and a bright personality which is also reflected in the clothes she wears. She has passion and she has creativity. She is a queen and commands the respect of her subjects. Just because she has a powerful personality, does not mean she is a bad person.
Do you see a dialogue with her or do you have similar qualities but for some reason are not putting them to use?

I hope this meant something for you ec and I’d be happy to hear from you.
Best wishes.


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Post by ec » Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:21 pm

Oh dear Cedars... I'm so sorry to have made you do so much leg work... Thankyou so much for your reading.... alot  of it rings very true... for example I do indeed need to get some help and support...or at least it would be nice but circumstances and my headmaster mean that I am indeed alone at my desk.... the dominos?? I will have faith that it will come together with time... at least I hope in time I will beable to forge some connections and friendships.

The cards were, as ever, an insight...I will get out there and ask for help and guidance and support.. (i'm a little backward in asking for help...leo ...bit proud!) I will push my self towards spiritual knowledge it is true that I do have a tendance to separate work and my spiritual life...which I realise I shouldn't!

I am indeed missing a school I was working at last year because I made friends there and felt valued as a teacher whereas this year I feel very alone and not at all valued...if anything the opposite!!! I suppose i will just have to let that feeling go and move on... Knowing that I am doing my best!!

The ten of wands could apply to me or my headmaster...probably morso the head... but he isn't showing any signs of change!! He certainly can't see the wood for the trees!!!! It is helpful to me to think of him in those terms...thanks

The queen could certainly lend me some of her power over her subjects!!!
I will bear all of this in mind and try to look for help where I can and source the power I have inside...

Thankyou for taking the time to read for me...
Ec xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Post by cedars » Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:35 pm

Thank you very much for your swift reply ec.
In time, I believe you too will see the wood from the tree.

Best wishes to you my dear.


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