Requesting objective look at a reading I did for myself PLEASE :)

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Requesting objective look at a reading I did for myself PLEASE :)

Post by trish76 » Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:58 am

*Please note I used a spread called "The Mind Reader". This is not my own spread I found it on another forum. I realize some feel it may be prying to use such spreads. The spread asks what *I* need to know re: the other person's feelings. Just putting it out there in case anyone is put off. I did include the full spread, position descriptions, and my own interps, so it may be rather lengthy. I am mostly concerned with the last 4 cards. ANY help would be appreciated as I have a tough time being objective reading for myself. I used the Gilded Tarot with no reversals. THANKS in adavnce.


1. What do I need to know regarding x's last subconscious thought about me?
2. What do I need to know regarding x's last conscious thought about me?
3. What was X's last considered action towards me because of these thoughts?

4. What do I need to know regarding x's last subconscious feelings towards me?
5. What I need to know regarding x's last conscious feelings towards me?
6. What was X's last considered action towards me because of these feelings?

7. What is currently influencing x's relationship with me?
8. What direction is my relationship with x currently heading?
9. What should I do? (Advice)

*edited: I suppose if I was going to use a spread of this nature, I could at least be considerate enough NOT to post it on the web for the world to see. Make sense no? THANKS cedars ;)
Last edited by trish76 on Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by cedars » Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:00 pm

Hi Trish

Rather intrusive spread and a reading. But I would be the first to admit that in a relationship situation, we all like to know what the other person is thinking consciously and sub-concsiously. So, not criticism intended for the spread or the reading.

Since you know - and rightly so - all the details of your in's and out's with this guy, who best to interpret the underlying meanings of these cards but you, yourself? There is so much details in the background of your reading that only a super psychic might know or come near to knowing, and based on that knowledge on which you have based your reading, I would say your reading is on the right track.

I use the Rider Waite deck and am sort of visualsing each card of that deck.

All the best to you and happiness in this relationship.


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Post by Astynome » Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:48 pm

Hi Trish76

I agree with cedars although I would like to give the reading a go.  I think it is an intrusive spread but perhaps an alternative way of looking at it would be that with insight may come a greater understanding and possibly acceptance of the other person's condition - after all we all have objectives - take your choice of spread for one, haha.

I am definitely not a super psychic and I don't call myself a psychic - I do however enjoy symbology and I love a challenge.  So I would have to reinforce that this is my interpretation and therefore may not be the black and white of the situation and I certainly wouldn't rely on it as gospel.  As cedar says it probably needs a good psychic to do it justice.

So...this is my interp:

1.  four pentacles - the person has a few kind of mental summaries/pigeonholes on people that they keep fairly close to their conscious thinking - and you are one of these

2.  seven wands - they think you probably have a few people interested in you so they endeavour to keep you interested

3.  three wands -  they have acquired something that required some kind of outlay, or 'cost' not necessarily money, and the item is like a card or a bookmark or maybe a plastic coated inscription perhaps that encompasses what they would like to convey to you, what they think you are like, and what they think you might like

4.  queen wands - subconsciously they are a bit scared that you might 'take them over' because you have elements that indicate that you might be physically/sexually capable of consuming someone - however, they may have this concern with partners in general.

5.  page pentacles - consciously they feel a little nervous - they feel they are making silly mistakes, or letting their emotions betray them.

6.  three swords - they may have recently 'said'/communicated something that came across as abrupt/rough, and this is to throw you off a bit - perhaps you hit a nerve that has prompted this defensive response so that it might make you think that they are not deep feelers and they don't care too much about getting bogged down in your prying(?).

7.  devil - the relationship is currently influenced by what seems to be perhaps internet dating sites, internet sites in general and there is an element of addiction - this may be on both parts.  I think also there is an element of desperation, a have at all costs, perhaps on your part (soz, no offence)

8.  two swords - at the moment, the relationship is on a plateau, and probably a decision of some kind will need to be made for things to move forward.  Often this indicates that one is waiting for the other to state their stance before they know how they will proceed, or what they are willing to do or put up with... that kind of thing

9.  nine cups - advice:  draw a line and see if they will meet it/match it.  The mark/line doesn't have to be an ultimatum - it would be more along the lines of a 'what you would like' idea, or perhaps 'this is what I am up for'.

good luck with it all.

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Post by trish76 » Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:05 am

I hadn't even looked at this thread since I felt bad about posting it and deleted my cards and interps.

Astynome, I must say that you have pulled several of the cards that I pulled in regards to this spread, 3 of wands, Queen of wands, and 2 of swords...although in different positions (but of course you did it at a different time lol)

Your interps are also in line with the dynamics of the situation as it is very complicated. I think I'm just going to try really hard to just take this all one step at a time...nothing more, nothing less. Thank you for looking and doing a spread on this. Awesome work  :smt006

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Post by Astynome » Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:06 am

Hi trish

Thought you might be interested in these further interps.  I often break down readings into key words and read the entire keyword story as one.  Then I read it five different ways at least, just by changing my emphasis/definition of each part.  I think all are valid and this is probably why different readers will interpret the same spread differently.  If you look at it objectively you will notice that all interps will have similar underlying themes and elements.

1.  keep onto the other for a show of interest, the problem on both sides is uncertainty as to whether each feels the other is attracted to them or not.

2.  cultural/geographic ancestry origins/heritage is some how familiar, both think that the other could be one of their own relatives, in fact one of you wonders if blood ties may even be possible due to something to do with a grandfather(9cups).

3.  metaphysical version:  a building/monastry outcrop high on a mountainous area; 3 slips of paper - red one with blessings, white one with some kind of shock, yellow one with hopes of forgiveness; a debt owed/obligation; small child/arranged marriage; loss of face initially, sudden surge of aggression from male relatives; then all strong feelings dissipated, a new marriage arranged - more fortunate; no ill feeling now - the male took lifelong vows to religious service rather than the marriage arranged from childhood;  this male lived out his vows but always wondered what might have been and felt like he had evaded involvement due to lack of guts/maturity/giving(very self-centred, self-aggrandized) however also very spiritually inclined, his reflections on her were mixed with embarassment.

4.  romantic version/saying - a bucket with a hole in it will not hold your reflection ie. when someone's romantic/love is also being channelled into other people they will never attain the potential of the reflection of love back to them.

5.  both are standing on ceremony or pompous regard with each other; it would only take one(the male I think) to say something unpretentiously funny and both would be falling down laughing in relaxed delight;  there is a true affinity between you.

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Post by trish76 » Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:43 pm

Astynome wrote:Hi trish

Thought you might be interested in these further interps.  I often break down readings into key words and read the entire keyword story as one.  Then I read it five different ways at least, just by changing my emphasis/definition of each part.  I think all are valid and this is probably why different readers will interpret the same spread differently.  If you look at it objectively you will notice that all interps will have similar underlying themes and elements.

1.  keep onto the other for a show of interest, the problem on both sides is uncertainty as to whether each feels the other is attracted to them or not.

2.  cultural/geographic ancestry origins/heritage is some how familiar, both think that the other could be one of their own relatives, in fact one of you wonders if blood ties may even be possible due to something to do with a grandfather(9cups).

3.  metaphysical version:  a building/monastry outcrop high on a mountainous area; 3 slips of paper - red one with blessings, white one with some kind of shock, yellow one with hopes of forgiveness; a debt owed/obligation; small child/arranged marriage; loss of face initially, sudden surge of aggression from male relatives; then all strong feelings dissipated, a new marriage arranged - more fortunate; no ill feeling now - the male took lifelong vows to religious service rather than the marriage arranged from childhood;  this male lived out his vows but always wondered what might have been and felt like he had evaded involvement due to lack of guts/maturity/giving(very self-centred, self-aggrandized) however also very spiritually inclined, his reflections on her were mixed with embarassment.

4.  romantic version/saying - a bucket with a hole in it will not hold your reflection ie. when someone's romantic/love is also being channelled into other people they will never attain the potential of the reflection of love back to them.

5.  both are standing on ceremony or pompous regard with each other; it would only take one(the male I think) to say something unpretentiously funny and both would be falling down laughing in relaxed delight;  there is a true affinity between you.

Well I definitely have to agree wholeheartedly with number one. Good catch lol!!  :smt004

As for number 2....I have been told that he is my soulmate so perhaps thats the familiarity. It's quite possible we were related in a former life...we are from different ethnic backgrounds this time around.

Number 3 seems about right, as far as some of the emotions into play and part of what actually happened. I had a past life reading done and the male relative situation played a huge part. I bolded what I think is going on at present. Oh and between readings I have done for myself and readings I have had done , the number 3 and water/cups are common themes with he and I. Of course I'd prefer more fire/wands/action ;)

Number 4 is also accurate. Sometimes I get so caught up in the outpouring of my affections, I am oblivious to what is coming my way in regards to love/caring feelings. That is me as a whole...not just in this situation. I have a bad habit of finding out AFTER the fact that feelings were reciprocated when I thought it was all one-sided. Too busy pining I guess. As a matter of fact, that happens with negative feelings too. I have had situiations where I couldn't understand my aversion to certain people and I would try to hold it in and ignore it etc etc....many times it turned out that the person/s actually did mean me harm/ill will and then BAM all that negative energy I'd been repressing starts to consume ME. Hence my resolve to try reallllllly hard to just stop....and breathe..... :smt003

Number 5 is definitely true and I could picture it too...and would be the male saying/doing something hilarious. True affinity indeed.  :smt005

I kind of do that sometimes with my readings. I try to look at it from different angles so that I don't get caught up in what I want to see. Although obviously with personal readings, it's quite the daunting task! Thanks again for the second look. Awesome...AGAIN... :smt004

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