Reading request from tarot student

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Reading request from tarot student

Post by Karenn » Wed May 06, 2009 8:11 pm


I have joined the forum to use the tarot resources to learn the tarot. Hopefully to do some practice readings too. But I would like an initial read - a general one please.

Karen - female :-) 14 Nov 1971.



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Post by Payewacker » Thu May 07, 2009 5:05 pm

Hi Karenn,

Welcome to the world of Tarot, not only is Tarot a good brain teaser, but also a source of wisdom.

In the coming years, as you progress, your life will change dramatically and hopefully for the better!!

I'll pack the cards for you and see what we get to??

Blessed be

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Post by Karenn » Thu May 07, 2009 9:58 pm

Thankyou Payewacker - I look forward to the reading. :)

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Post by cedars » Sat May 09, 2009 6:06 pm

Dear Karenn

Payewacker is a bit under the weather and he has asked me to do this reading for you. I hope you don’t mind.

Before I picked the cards, I tried to link in with you psychically and I saw you walking along a path or a road and as you come to a crossing point, you just look left and right and you stop; you do not move forward. I sense this hesitation that you do not want to go on. I don’t know in which aspect of your life you are faced with a decision-making issue, but I see as soon as you get to that point, you pause and think and consider. It is as if something is holding you back from the past, or the recent past - like a drag or a pulling effect… You know you have to make that jump forward. There is hesitation and I don’t feel this hesitation is going to last very long; whether this is a move forward or change of lifestyle, I feel you will make that move forward, that decision, and, once you do it, I sense you will feel a lot lighter and calmer within yourself.

Now let us see what the cards have got to say. I am using the Rider Waite deck.

You Now.
Four of Wands.
There is a mood of celebration with family and friends, as though something has finally come to fruition, possibly on the home front. It feels to me that after a period of hard work, you are coming home with positive results to share and enjoy the outcome with friends and loved ones. A sense of abundance and, more so, sharing the ‘harvest of the day’ with the people around you. Are we invited too?

Positive Influences.
Ace of Cups.
New beginnings in the area of tender emotions – possibly romance – spiritual development and all that relate to feelings and harmony within your interactions with people and matters of the heart. This may have already been evident to you or probably in its dormant state, soon to be revealed. It is a gift from heaven by way of a new beginning – you may be aware of it or not yet. I have to stress here that it is still up to us to accept these gifts and make the best of them. Aces represent the root force of their suit – in this case the water element, dealing with emotions, love and romance, and our interactions with others and within our own self.

Ten of Pentacles.
This is the ultimate card in financial and material attainment whereby we see a family in town on a shopping spree with their kids and dogs, with a grandfather figure in the background as if blessing the situation. I am afraid sometimes when attaining such affluence, it may work against us and probably drive us away from friends and family I’d say. Whilst this in itself is a very positive card, but in this section of the spread it heralds a warning, or is possibly indicating a blockage or some kind or an obstacle in your life. It is up to you to heed to the message given here and make the necessary changes.

Message from the Tarot (or Universe):
Nine of Pentacles.
Whilst still in the area of earthly and financial contentment, the message is like this lady who is taking time off in her garden, enjoying herself whilst knowing well that she has no financial worries around her. There is also an element of self-discipline with this lady which talks of her hard work and such leisurely times for one don’t come easy. It takes hard work to get to this stage and a conscious realisation that one deserves the break but one has to carry it with such wisdom and common sense not to fall into a possible situation as described above.

Outcome/ Summation:
King of Pentacles.
A Court card belonging to the Earth element, in the form of a man (possibly a father figure, bank manager or a boss) who is well-to-do financially and is willing to help when asked for help or give advice on financial matters. He is surrounded with his wealth and is quite level-headed about it. This means that a person with these attributes will either enter your life to ‘settle’ things for you on matters of finance and possibly give you advice on investment and how to look after the pennies. His advice will be sound and he may come across a bit emotionally detached; don’t worry too much about the latter part for I feel his inputs may prove beneficial for what you need to hear at present.

I do hope this general reading meant something for you Karenn and when you’ve got a few minutes I would appreciate your feedback.

Best wishes.


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Post by Karenn » Sat May 09, 2009 11:35 pm

Hi Cedars

Thankyou for being so kind to read for me.

Regarding the crossroads - at this moment in time I feel like I have reached a plateau. The last 2 years have been a rollercoaster - I lost my job and split up with my partner and both these things have left me in a completely different place to where I thought I would be. It is only recently that I have felt emotionally stable (mostly!). I dont know what decision I need to make - maybe it is just to move on. Maybe the hesitancy is about letting the past go.

So the first card is probably also about the fact that I do feel a bit more stable now - more in control. And possibly the ace of cups would be talking about my desire for a new relationship but I am not sure I am ready - maybe I was hurt too much before.

It is funny that the rest of the cards are around the material or financial area and initially I didnt connect to these because I am not a very material person. However I think this is about me wanting some stability again. Or maybe wanting someone to give me this stability. In my previous relationship I was the only earner and this was something I wasn't happy about. Only yoday i was thinking what it would be like if I was a traditional stay at home wife and whether I would like this - and I decided no - but I am not a career woman either.

Who would be this person giving me financial advice - I am not sure? I wasnt aware I needed any but maybe I do.

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Post by cedars » Sun May 10, 2009 7:12 am

Dear Karenn

Thank you for your feedback and I really appreciated it.

As to who would be that person...? Couldnt he be the financially-secure man that you might be visualising to enter your life, albeit you may not be ready for it yet? Through my psychic connection I sensed something painful in the past and you were hesitant to let go. Perhaps the King of Pentacles could be the new man in your life, when you are well and ready?


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Post by Karenn » Sun May 10, 2009 3:05 pm

yes it was and still is painful and I didnt want to let go becasue I wanted to fix it but it wasnt to be. I really should be over it by now but I still blame my ex-partner for the pain . I am hoping by studying the cards it will give me some focus and put everything into perspective.

I will let you know about the 'financially-secure man' - keeping my eyes and ears open :-)

Once again thankyou for the reading. (Payewacker - hope you feel better soon)

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Post by Payewacker » Sun May 10, 2009 7:39 pm

Hi Karenn,

I'm very fortunate in having a wonderfull friend in Cedars. It was just not good for me to do your reading as i'm not well, at this time.

Letting go of your past, is the first step in moving forward. Relinguishing the bonds you had to your previous partner, will not be easy and wont happen overnight, but it will, give it time.

Many people really misjudge a Scorpio person and don't realise that although your sign is fixed and associated with the dessert. Scorpios are true water signs, not fire signs. In essence, your being is to a large extend linked to your emotions. The poisonous jab you can give, can also poison your own mind, if kept to brood for too long.

Cedars gave you a whole lot of matters to consider, take heed my friend and we all wish you happiness, laughter and the love you deserve.

Blessed be.

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