If you have time could I please have a reading Cedars?

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If you have time could I please have a reading Cedars?

Post by Jenniferdew75 » Sat May 30, 2009 9:58 am

I drew my own cards but I realise the reader needs to draw them to be able to pick up the energy. I'd really appreciate it if you could give me a reading regarding my ex boyfriend and wether we'll be drawn back together or not. I've not made a request before but I've read your other reading and think your very good! xx

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Post by Jenniferdew75 » Sat May 30, 2009 10:00 am

Forgot you need my details

Jennifer Dewhirst

my ex -

Paul Cosway


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Post by cedars » Sat May 30, 2009 12:23 pm

First of all thank you for your kind words Jennifer. I am sorry to hear about your situation and, as tricky as such cases may be, i.e. a reading on the chances of a re-union, I will try and get back to you and having you as the main focus.

There was nothing wrong in drawing your own cards.

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Post by cedars » Sat May 30, 2009 12:25 pm


Haven't you just had a reading by Payewacker who covered all your cards in great detail?

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Post by Jenniferdew75 » Sat May 30, 2009 10:11 pm

Yeh I have!! but because I drew them myself they weren't able to give me their insight?
Im learning to piece them together myself but struggle sometimes. I'd really appreciate a reading with insight. :)

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Post by cedars » Sun May 31, 2009 9:12 pm

Hello Jennifer

To give a reading of the type that you ask – possible re-union with an ex or not – is so relative to both parties wishing that to happen at the same time and for the same reasons, and yet there is that temptation of one party to cling on to the past….. in case…… they got back together and halt all other possibilities for them.

I know it happens and I will be the first to admit it.

However, the first impression I get is that one of you is quite busy socially and is involved with friends and acquaintances. I am not saying one of you is having a recklessly good time, but a busy social life is helping alleviate this situation. There are fun times to be had and one of you is just doing that. Whether this is a temporary phase that either both or one of you is indulging in, is hard to tell.

I know I am sounding as if I am talking in riddles, but I leave it to you to decide who the person in question is described above.

My main concern is you, Jennifer, as you are the one who requested this reading and I will concentrate on you and what insights I get for you psychically and via the cards.

I picked three cards for you just to see where you are at present:

Four of Pentacles. The High Priestess. The Lovers.

I feel you are in a limbo and a waiting mode. Holding on to your resources and not sharing or giving any part of yourself to anyone else. A state of keeping yourself to yourself and looking at one direction whilst turning your back to all the fun and frolics that you could have or join in. As if this state was not enough, you are trying to find out about the unknown. The High Priestess is not so generous with the information that lies within her and she is asking you to get in touch with your inner self, your instincts, to find out the answers to those mysteries and unanswered questions. This is a choice you have to make on your own my dear Jennifer as the Lovers comes to deliver that message to you – choices to be made. I think once you ask yourself – your true inner self – then I believe you will find out the answer(s) as to the choices you need to make.

I picked three more cards for you to see where you go from here:

The Magician. Justice. Three of Swords.

There are possibilities out there for you as wide and as abundant as the heaven and earth. From those possibilities and resources available to you, you will still need to make your choices wisely and use them to your best advantage. This is like a divine gift offered to you by the all-achieving Magician who is telling you nothing is impossible, as long as you wish to make them happen and help and resources will be at your disposal. I just get the feeling that apart from your love life – or the absence of it – you need some healing and the Magician is there to offer you that as long as you are willing to receive it.
There is some justice to be served – legal, personal strife – or whatever it involves around you. Justice is cold and harsh; justice has not feelings but it serves when the time is right. Being all major arcana cards so far, I feel events and movements in your life will be moving fast or are imminent to happen.
When choices are made, invariably sometimes those choices cause pain and anguish. Some of those choices may lead to parting of ways and going to a different direction. The process, I have to admit, is not painless; there is pain involved. However, after the pain there comes the rain to clean and clear the surroundings for new growth to take place.

I feel, Jennifer, once you have made certain choices, there is happiness for you out there.
I wish you all the courage to be able to make those choices, whatever they are, and get to where you need to be and enjoy happiness which you so much deserve.

I cannot, my hand on my heart, tell you whether you will get back together or not. That is dependent on so many variables. And, unless you are willing to sit and wait, you may notice life may be passing you by. Have a read and see how the above messages and insights resonate with you.

With many blessings to you.

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Post by Jenniferdew75 » Sun May 31, 2009 10:02 pm

Can I just say that I'm so glad I asked you for a reading directly.

Everything you've said is correct. The socialite will be my ex as I have kind of withdrawn from the world lately due to being so down. I do believe it will be making things better for him as his dad passed last year and I believe he is partaking in all kinds of things to keep himself busy and kind of numb the pain.

I have been in limbo for the past 8 months. Although only very recently I do feel I have started to move forward and enjoy my life again. I have started dating somebody else and just generally feeling better about things... Maybe it's the weather. :)

Every reading I have pulled myself has had something in about choices that I will need to be making.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart cedars.

That was wonderful xx

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Post by cedars » Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:28 am

May you find happiness dear Jennifer and hope all goes well with your man:)

Thank you for your prompt and sweet feedback.

Bless you!

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