Could somebody interpret these cards for me please? :0)

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Could somebody interpret these cards for me please? :0)

Post by Jenniferdew75 » Fri May 29, 2009 11:27 am

I'm still learning but tarot reading really amazes me. I hope to be able to read my own cards one day with lots of practice!
I did an online 5 card spread which and recieved these cards for myself. I was concentrating on my current situation with my ex boyfriend.

Present situation - King of pentacles
Present expectation - Six of cups
The unexpected - Nine of Pentacles
Immediate future - Six of swords
Long term future - The Empress

I also pulled some for my ex and got this

Present situation - Five of pentacles
Present expectation - Knight of cups
The unexpected - Four of pentacles
Immediate future - Judgement
Longterm future - Five of swords

I was just wondering if anyone could give me a hand interpreting as I'm meeting him tonight. I'm pretty nervous.

Thank you so much to anyone who can help xx

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Post by Payewacker » Fri May 29, 2009 5:26 pm

I can truly not give you any strict "resolution" about the cards. what i'll do, is to give you the interpritations and then you derive at your own conclusion?

Blessed be

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Post by Payewacker » Fri May 29, 2009 5:51 pm

Hi Girl,
The interpritations are for upright and reversed cards.

Present situation - King of pentacles

A wealthy, powerful, and cultured man, who can provide wise counsel, help and inspiration. A man of refinement, knowledgeable about money and finance, and a true patron of the arts and sciences. He may be either well disposed toward you, or indifferent; but he is in either case highly unlikely to be antagonistic. The other cards in the reading will reveal his current attitude, and may also reveal what you must do to acquire this mans patronage if you need it. If this is not an actual person, this card is a symbol of enterprise and worldly glory, representing intelligence and business acumen. It may also represent personal gifts and talents, especially mathematical, and success in the areas of finance or social status, one interpretation also adds success through gambling, or through inheritance

A dangerous man and one you will do well to avoid. In business, he can be an absolute ruthless competitor. If not a person, the card signifies doubt, weakness, fear, despair. Danger to you. Vice and perversity; corruption and evil intentions; conceit

Present expectation - Six of cups

This is a time of letting go, forgetting the past and moving on to something more special. The ability to build a better future based on what you did in the past. You need to realize, that building on that happy foundation, will ensure happiness and contentment in your future. To realize your dream, it’s necessary to remember, build a better future and live the transformation as your new reality.

You have been stagnating in memories of the past, the move, to that which is better, is imminent and will improve your relationship. Now is the time to accept that things change, your environment, your relationship and your happiness. Accept a brighter future and live a fuller life.

The unexpected - Nine of Pentacles
You have the wisdom and experience you need to properly manage your affairs and to handle any problems that may come up in the future. Your goals are well and truly accomplished, or soon will be. Your prudent management, planning and actions have been your strong point.
Reversed                                                                                                                                                                            You need to take heed in situations which may seem to be dangerous. Don’t expose yourself to unnecessary risk at this time. Consider going to the doctor about nagging aches and pains or just feeling “not healthy”. Financially, one could say, not the best of times. You didn’t manage to purposefully protect your investments and income and don’t be surprised if you end up with more problems. Start investing, even a little, of your finances in something substantial with a very low risk factor.

Immediate future - Six of swords
This card predicts or describes you, moving from a bad, to a better situation. It allegorizes the end of that rocky road, troubles are not all over but the sailing is smoother from now on. Here we can also say that you have a few options in opportunities presented to you. At this point you have not decided which way to go, either way you should consider the best option, even if it means moving away. You might be hesitant, for you are not sure where this will land you, remember a change is as good as a holiday. At least your troubles are over and the going won’t be so tough after all.  

When relating this situation to the Chariot, we see the tendency of stagnation, no movement, no real improvement in your environment. You may even see this as a point where you are hesitant to move ahead because you haven’t though of a solution or plan of action yet. Clearly defining your future and goals will give you insight regarding a possible way out. This card may also signify that it is impossible for you to move on, simply because there are too many obstacles holding you back. Although your thoughts are more negative at this stage, you need to act wisely in your decisions and consider waiting some time to achieve your goals. Looking at your situation you may expect some good thing to happen. A proposal or declaration of love might be a possible change for the better.

Long term future - The Empress
Fruitfulness of action, beauty, personal development and progress. Domestic harmony. Marriage and maternity. Long life. Understanding derived from personal experiences. Both emotional and physical comforts; she provides not only the necessities of life, but also luxuries.

The unknown. Doubts and difficulties. Indecision. Selfishness. Loss of power, inability to solve problems or make useful plans. Vacillation, ignorance.
The Empress is the one who knows how to make this world run smoothly, if you are willing to listen (to her) and co-operate (with others). If this card represents you, then you are capable of getting things organised and working together in harmony, this include those around you, if only you can get them to listen to you.

I also pulled some for my ex and got this

Present situation - Five of pentacles
The meaning of this card has far-reaching consequences. You are or will soon be in a position where you have been ripped to pieces by those wanting their money. You’ve been left with nothing. The unfortunate part is that you may have been the cause of all this turmoil and destruction. You based everything on one single project to ensure financial stability. With all the eggs in one basket, you risked all and lost the battle. You dropped the basket or the handle merely broke. Not only is it your financial stability, but also your spiritual and mental position that is suffering. Nobody could foresee this happening, although you saw it coming you didn’t act fast enough to ensure your well-being. This is an all time low for you and will not disappear overnight. The only thing for you to do is to weather the storm, get it over and done with. Then start building again, for anything will be better than what you have now. Remember to, then, keep this cycle in mind and take precautionary measures.

Whether this card is positive or negative it still predicts some headwind and misfortunes. Although you are or will experience financial hardship, it’s more a time where money is tight. Where it was possible for you to have some royalties, you’ll need to trim them away. You can expect this to slowly come to an end whereby you will achieve success. Although you’ve been or may experience discord in your relationships, once the urgency of the matter is understood, you can expect support and assistance from family and friends. These bonds will improve and strengthen, ensuring that you maintain a good morale. The financial improvements can not be seen as significant or  stable sources of long term income, but will assist in your ultimate success; these small bursts of progress will ensure you, reaching a point at which you have resourcefully protected your investments.

Present expectation - Knight of cups
Honest and intelligent young man who is friendly towards you. A brother, friend or lover. Good advice, a message, a visit, or an invitation. True love

A treacherous, deceitful young man. Trickery, swindling, fraud, lies. Trust betrayed. Heartbreak; emotional harm to you.

The unexpected - Four of pentacles
If this describes the way you want to life, it might be better for you not to have all the riches you have. The people around you are suffering because of your point of view. At certain times this may well be a necessary way of life, but not all the time! Money can make or break you, if you are insecure regarding your investments, it would be a good thing to investigate them and ascertain your security or status. Maybe it’s possible to have that fulfilling relationship you desperately need. You are creating so much unhappiness for yourself and those you love, that you may lose the most important thing in your life, personal satisfaction and the feeling of really belonging. This card may also describe a situation where you are about to lose all you have accumulated, now would then be the time to act in the way a miser would, protect that which you have, fight a good battle but cover every avenue as far as possible. Don’t give way to desperation, maintain your calm.

Let this be a warning to you, your investments are far from sound, in fact you stand a chance of losing a great deal of it. If you haven’t got substantial security you may be in a position where your fortunes are turned against you. You need to take heed and act with careful consideration of your family members, your income is at risk and that would lead to damage in your personal relationship. Expect trouble, misfortune and obstacles.

Immediate future – Judgement
Determination, decision, result, outcome. An introduction; a fresh start, a new beginning. Expect news, an important announcement, which will positively affect your progress. Problems resolved; questions answered. Change rebirth, renewal: a radical but positive change in your life or circumstances.

Delay, deliberation, results postponed, weakness, cowardice. Also possibly punishment for any of these traits.
You’ve been stumbling blindly toward your goals; now is the time when your success and understanding is assured. Don’t be afraid. Grasp this opportunity with both hands. If you delay, if you hesitate, the greatest opportunity of your life might slip away.
If this card represents you, be assured that you’ve been on the right track all along. No matter what doubts you may have had-or may still have-and no matter what negative feedback you may have received along the way, you did in fact make exactly the right choices for your own life and the lives of any others who were affected by those choices. Expect positive results very soon. Important questions will be answered, assurances received, doubts resolved. You will be rewarded for your efforts.

Longterm future - Five of swords
You are entering some very troubled waters; in fact your destruction may very well be in store for you. This card may even indicate health problems. You need to make the best of a very bad situation, take it as it comes. If you are in the fortunate position to have loyal friends, now would be the time to lean on them for assistance and support. However, don’t lose faith; the possibility will arise where you would be able to improve your position again.

Although you are entering troubled waters, there are still opportunities to ward of destruction, you have resolved your problems for a while, but they aren’t over yet. The possibility of your total destruction will loom over you for some time longer. Take care of your health as you would need to keep your wits together. Be careful of dangerous situations, avoid them as far as possible, you stand a chance for injury or accident.

Blessed be

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Post by Jenniferdew75 » Sat May 30, 2009 10:03 am

Thank you so much :) xx

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